Farting is very common in daily life, but it can also be very embarrassing. For example: when chatting with friends or colleagues and being made to laugh, one of them can't hold it in and farts loudly, and the laughter breaks out suddenly. end;

Farting is very common in daily life, but at the same time it can also be very embarrassing. For example:

When chatting with friends or colleagues and being made to laugh, one of them can't hold it in and farts loudly, and the laughter It ended abruptly;

When she and her boyfriend were in love, when they were about to hug each other, they were too nervous and accidentally farted loudly, and the ambiguous atmosphere was gone...

Xiaojiu once received complaints from fans that her boyfriend was a " The private message of "Fart King":

"My boyfriend is in the management of the company. He is usually bright and bright, but secretly he farts at me every day! Not only does he fart a lot, but he also smells bad. Because of this incident, I once planned to follow him. He broke up, but was coaxed back.

He farts several times a day, but I rarely fart, only about 4-5 times a week. Is it unhealthy for him to have a lot of farts? "

Two people , one likes to fart a lot, and the other rarely farts , which one is normal? Today Xiaojiu will tell you some "big shit".

1. Who is healthier, those who like to fart or those who rarely fart?

The human large intestine may "reside" with up to 2 kilograms of microorganisms every day. These "residents" ferment about 40 grams of carbohydrates in our intestines, producing about 13 liters of gas.

With so much gas, how many farts can a person make in a day? According to an experiment conducted by the University of New South Wales in Australia, it was found that men fart on average 12.7 times a day (ranging from 2 to 53 times), while women fart 7.1 times (ranging from 1 to 32 times), and the number of farts is the same as that of others. Directly proportional to dietary fiber intake.

Which one is healthier, more farts or less farts? In fact, both aspects are not a good thing.

"Frequent farting" : Most of them are related to food. You may consume a large amount of starch, fiber, protein and gas-producing foods, such as garlic, onions, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc., or you may eat too fast and swallow a lot of air. . Another possibility is that suffers from stomach diseases, gallbladder, liver, pancreas and other digestive tract diseases, which can also cause constant farting.

"There is no fart to pass" : If adults do not fart for a long time, it will cause abdominal distension. Most of them are caused by intestinal peristalsis disorder or intestinal obstruction. Farts are blocked by the intestines, which can cause abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and even vomiting.

In fact, compared with having too many farts, having too few farts should cause more vigilance .

For patients undergoing abdominal surgery, farting means recovery of gastrointestinal function and successful surgery; for newborns, no farting may be due to abnormal development of the exhaust outlet; for adults, no farting may be caused by intestinal obstruction .

2. Frequent farting is not necessarily a good thing. If you find it unusual, pay more attention.

The number of farts is related to diseases. So what does smelly farts imply when you sometimes fart?

Most farts are produced by Escherichia coli and other intestinal bacteria. However, if the "fart" has an unusual smell, you should be alert to the possibility that it is a sign of disease -

. Fishy smell Farts

Smelly farts are most likely related to gastrointestinal bleeding. When blood is retained in the gastrointestinal tract, gastric acid and intestinal bacteria decompose the blood, and the discharged gas will have a fishy smell.

. Farts with fecal odor

Occasionally eat a large amount of leeks, onions, green onions, etc., and the intestines and stomach cannot digest them, and may fart with a strong smell. However, if these "smelly" foods are not eaten, the farts will have a strange odor. Extreme farts, be careful as it may be caused by enteritis, or intestinal dysfunction.

    . Rotten egg-smelling farts

    When you eat too greasy or eat too much meat, you are prone to rotten egg-smelling farts. This kind of fart contains indole and hydrogen sulfide. It not only smells bad, but also has "Poison" really means being "smoked to death" by farts.

    Therefore, whether it is a lot of farts, a small amount of farts, or smelly farts, don’t take it seriously. Pay attention to a balanced diet on weekdays, chew carefully and slowly, and exercise more to promote intestinal peristalsis, so that the body will have less "nonsense".

    3. Where did those "suppressed" farts go in the end?

    Sometimes on some occasions, I feel the urge to fart but cannot let it go, so I can only silently hold it back with all my strength. However, there is a saying that "if you don't let the fart go, it will damage your internal organs." Where do those farts that are held back go? What's up?

    There are two situations in which farts are "held back". One is that they are temporarily retained in the intestines and then come out for "breathing" when the environment permits; the other is that they are absorbed by the intestinal wall and enter the blood circulation and may After entering the organ metabolism, it may also enter the urinary system and be excreted, or it may enter the pulmonary circulation with the blood and be excreted by breathing.

    Therefore, holding in your farts occasionally will not damage your internal organs. However, if you often hold in your farts and have too much waste gas in your body, it may cause diseases such as enteritis, which is harmful to your health.

    So how do you fart in a way that is difficult to detect? Here are some suggestions, you can refer to:

    • Be less "gasy"

    Eat less foods that easily produce gas, such as beans, chestnuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc., as well as drink less carbonated drinks and chew less gum.

    • Be less "stinky"

    The odor of farts is mainly caused by excessive intake of meat or beans, which leads to the production of hydrogen sulfide and skatole. Therefore, if you want your farts to not stink, you must control the amount of these foods.

    If you can't control your mouth, you can try to slow down the speed when you fart, just like blowing up a balloon and slowly exhale the gas. You can also relax your hips and lift half of your butt off the stool to let the fart slip out quietly.

    If you don’t let go of your fart, it will easily damage your body. There is nothing to fart, and you have to be careful about whether there are any health problems. There are so many "fart things", which are closely related to our body. Did you fart today?



    [1] "How to quickly get rid of a fart?" Where did the fart you held back go? It turns out there really are “fart experts”! ". I am a scientist iScientist. 2022-03-01

    [2] "More farts and less farts, the body is calling the police! Don’t miss the big issues behind these “farts”. Tencent Medical Classics .2020-06-08

    [3] “Guess, where did the farts you tried to hold back go in the end? 》.Museum.2022-03-27

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