There is a saying in China that "food is the first necessity of the people", which shows how important food is. Everyone knows that eating is the most basic requirement for survival, but they are confused and don’t know much about how to eat. Eating is not only about survival, bu

2024/05/2119:38:33 regimen 1000

There is a saying in China that "food is the first necessity of the people", which shows how important food is. Everyone knows that eating is the most basic requirement for survival, but they are confused and don’t know much about how to eat.

Eating is not only related to survival, but also related to the health of the body. If you don’t eat well, you will really die.

"The Lancet" magazine once conducted a survey on this and found that in 195 countries and regions around the world, more than 22% of people died due to unhealthy eating, and more than 70% of people died due to unhealthy eating. due to bad eating habits.

China's mortality rate due to dietary problems is even higher than that of the United States, ranking first among the world's 20 most populous countries in terms of cancer and mortality rates caused by dietary structure.

There is a saying in China that

When people think of unhealthy eating, the first thing that comes to mind is eating too much sugar and oil. In fact, among the 15 dietary mortality factors, these two can only be ranked at the bottom. The top three are actually excessive salt intake, too refined diet, and too little fruit intake.

There is a saying in China that . The dangers of too much salt:

The Chinese Dietary Guidelines specify that the daily salt intake per person should not exceed about 6 grams, but the average salt intake per person in our country exceeds 10 grams.

Excessive intake of salt will cause the body to absorb too much sodium ions , which will affect the osmotic pressure balance of the blood, causing osmotic pressure disorder, leading to abnormal vasoconstriction and diastolic ability. Over time, it will cause Poor blood flow leads to high blood pressure , blood vessel blockage and other diseases.

There is a saying in China that

There is a saying in China that . The dangers of eating too refined a diet:

Since ancient times, China has said that one never tires of fine food and never tires of fine food. The better the economic conditions are, the more refined food is. Refined rice and noodles are regarded as the only staple food, and less coarse grains are eaten. , but it is not good for the body.

There is a saying in China that . The dangers of eating too little fruit:

Low fruit intake can cause nutritional deficiencies in the body, thus affecting health. Although there is no harm in eating less fruit in a short period of time, it will definitely harm your health as time goes by.

There is a saying in China that

Doctor: Three ways of eating should be changed early

There is a saying in China that . Skipping breakfast

Many people skip breakfast for various reasons. In fact, this approach is very wrong. Skipping breakfast will not only hurt your stomach, but also cause you to have low energy, unable to better cope with the intense work and study in the morning, and will also make you age faster.

There is a saying in China that

There is a saying in China that . Dinner is too good to eat

Because they are busy with work and study during the day, and only have the most time in the evening, many people put the most sumptuous meal in the evening.

However, the peak content of insulin in the blood is at night. Insulin can convert blood sugar into fat and then condense on the blood vessel wall and abdominal wall. Therefore, if you eat too much for dinner, it is easy for people to gain weight. Moreover, there is less activity at night, and eating is close to bedtime. If you eat too much, it will also affect your sleep.

There is a saying in China that

There is a saying in China that . Eating too fast

In life, many people in order to save time and compete with eating, always wolf down their meals and eat quickly, which will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and also cause vagus nerve to remain weak due to short chewing time. Excessive excitement will slowly lead to obesity.

There is a saying in China that

There is a saying from our ancestors that " diseases enter from the mouth". I really don't lie to me. If we want to be healthy and avoid chronic diseases, we should still stick to healthy eating habits for a long time and get rid of the three bad habits. How to eat.

In addition, pay attention to the balance between work and rest, exercise more, and maintain a good attitude, then health and longevity are not far away from you.

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