"Zhong Xue Gao does not melt when left at room temperature of 31 degrees Celsius for an hour" has recently become a hot search topic. This has made many consumers worry that the ice cream will not melt. Is it because of the addition of a large amount of preservatives and coagulan

2024/05/2106:25:32 regimen 1626

" Zhong Xue Gao html does not melt when left at room temperature of 231 degrees Celsius for 1 hour" has been a hot search topic recently, which has made many consumers worry: ice cream will not melt. Is it because of the addition of a large amount of preservatives and coagulant ? Can you eat ice cream that doesn't melt? The reporter learned from the market supervision department that food additives are safe as long as they are used in accordance with laws and regulations and will not pose a threat to consumers' health. It is recommended that when choosing food, you should not be confused by "unclear" additives, but should pay more attention to the nutrients contained in the food.

In response to netizens’ questions, Zhong Xuegao issued a statement saying, “There is no ice cream that does not melt.” The main ingredient in the relevant product formula is milk, with a solid content of about 40% and little water. It will not melt after it is completely melted. It completely spreads out and becomes a puddle of water, and the solid cannot turn into water no matter how it melts. Zhong Xuegao said that products only use a very small amount of food emulsification thickeners, which are added in strict accordance with relevant national standards.

In this regard, Zhong Kai, a Ph.D. from the Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention and director of the Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, said through his Weibo that the melting speed of ice cream and ice cream is not a criterion for judging its quality. Theoretically, the more "dry goods" has, such as the more solids such as milk protein, milk fat, lactose , etc., the slower the ice cream and ice cream will melt. And the popsicles made of "three essences" such as saccharin, coloring matter, and flavorings melt very quickly. The thickener itself is very safe and can change the shape of ice crystals and participate in the formation of the soft taste of ice cream and ice cream. It can be seen from the ingredient list of Zhong Xuegao's ice cream product that the carrageenan, alginate, locust bean gum, and guar gum used are all natural soluble dietary fibers. Zhong Kai said that as long as manufacturers comply with the national standards for the use of food additives and add them reasonably according to the scope of use and usage limits, there will be no harm to human health.

Fan Zhihong, associate professor at the School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University and Ph.D. in food science, also pointed out that whether food is worth eating depends on its nutritional value. As for whether it turns into a liquid state after melting, it is not an evaluation indicator of whether the food is safe. Just because jelly doesn't turn into liquid at room temperature, and meat jelly doesn't turn into liquid at room temperature, doesn't mean they are unsafe.

Are food additives harmful to health? In fact, people don't need to talk about "agent". The State Administration for Market Regulation has specially conducted popular science on the safe use of food additives. It was pointed out that food additives play an important role in preservation, flavor and color, and convenience in processing.

For example, the baking soda used in steaming steamed buns is a leavening agent , the red yeast in red fermented bean curd is a pigment, the brine used to order the tofu is a coagulant, and the soaked monk fruit is a Sweetener. my country implements a strict whitelist supervision system for food additives, and strictly reviews the safety and necessity of use. As long as they are used in accordance with laws and regulations, they are safe and will not pose a threat to consumers' health. The use of food additives beyond the scope and limit has always been the focus of market supervision departments.

In addition, it is not better to use less or no additives in food. For example, without adding preservatives, more stringent sterilization temperatures and longer sterilization times are required, which will inevitably increase the loss of nutrients. Improper storage is also more likely to cause microbial contamination and cause food-borne diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that when choosing food, consumers should not be confused by "unclear" additives, but pay more attention to the nutrients contained in the food.

(Original title: Hot search! Can ice cream that does not melt under high temperatures be eaten? Experts explain)

Source: Beijing Daily Client | Reporter Zhang Nan

Process Editor: u099

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