Huazi just rejected a friend's request because he asked Huazi if he could help buy a few bottles of albumin to improve his immunity. Because of his poor health, he wanted to improve his body's immunity by injecting albumin. Huazi said that the full name of albumin is "human album

2024/05/2005:10:32 regimen 1397

Huazi just rejected a friend's request because he asked Huazi if he could help buy a few bottles of albumin to improve his immunity. Because of his poor health, he wanted to improve his body's immunity by injecting albumin.

Huazi said that the full name of albumin is "human albumin". Everyone is familiar with this drug. No matter what kind of disease, albumin may be used in the most serious stage, so many people think that albumin can cure all diseases and improve immunity. But the real situation is not like this.

Huazi just rejected a friend's request because he asked Huazi if he could help buy a few bottles of albumin to improve his immunity. Because of his poor health, he wanted to improve his body's immunity by injecting albumin. Huazi said that the full name of albumin is

1. What is albumin

Human blood flows in blood vessels. If you want the blood to stay in the blood vessels and not run out of the blood vessels, you need to maintain a high osmotic pressure in the blood vessels. .

There are two types of human body plasma osmotic pressure . One is crystal osmotic pressure , which is mainly provided by sodium ions , glucose , urea and other small molecule substances. The other is colloid osmotic pressure , which is mainly provided by plasma protein .

and Albumin is the main protein in plasma, containing approximately 35 to 50 grams per liter of blood, accounting for 50% of the total plasma protein. It is synthesized by human liver and degraded in muscles, intestines, liver and kidneys.

Huazi just rejected a friend's request because he asked Huazi if he could help buy a few bottles of albumin to improve his immunity. Because of his poor health, he wanted to improve his body's immunity by injecting albumin. Huazi said that the full name of albumin is

2. What are the functions of albumin?

The main function of albumin is to maintain the colloid osmotic pressure of blood , regulate the dynamic balance of water between tissues and blood vessels, and prevent water from penetrating from blood vessels into surrounding tissues. In other words, the function of albumin is to "absorb" water and prevent water from running out of blood vessels .

Therefore, the clinical application of albumin can be used for blood loss, trauma, burns, etc., shock caused by large amounts of body fluid exudation; because albumin does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, it can be used to treat cerebral edema , "sucking" the water out of the brain tissue; it can also be used to adjust fluid balance during acute respiratory distress syndrome and extracorporeal circulation .

Liver failure will reduce albumin production and requires supplementation; in addition, it can also be used to prevent and treat hypoalbuminemia , peritoneal effusion , renal dialysis, neonatal jaundice ; it has a certain detoxification effect , can also be used for mercury poisoning .

Huazi just rejected a friend's request because he asked Huazi if he could help buy a few bottles of albumin to improve his immunity. Because of his poor health, he wanted to improve his body's immunity by injecting albumin. Huazi said that the full name of albumin is

3. Avoid the abuse of albumin

1. It cannot improve immunity : It is globulin that is related to human immunity, not albumin. The function of albumin is only to "absorb water" , and it cannot increase the body's immunity, nor does it have the effect of strengthening the body or delaying aging.

2, not a nutritional supplement : People who cannot eat normally need nutritional supplements, but albumin is not suitable as a nutritional supplement . Because the human body can only use amino acid , fat, and sugar, and the process of albumin degradation into amino acids is extremely slow. For people who need nutritional supplements, it is more suitable to use compound amino acid , fat emulsion, glucose and other drugs.

3. There is no need to supplement if there is no albumin deficiency. : The serum albumin level needs to be measured before taking the medicine. The normal concentration range of albumin is 35~50g/L. If it is not significantly lower than this value, albumin infusion is not recommended.

4. Adverse reactions may occur : Allergy may occur when albumin is used, and anaphylactic shock may be life-threatening. If the infusion speed is too fast, or the medication is taken without indications, or the patient has renal insufficiency , it may aggravate the symptoms of hypertension and edema.

Huazi just rejected a friend's request because he asked Huazi if he could help buy a few bottles of albumin to improve his immunity. Because of his poor health, he wanted to improve his body's immunity by injecting albumin. Huazi said that the full name of albumin is

To summarize, the main function of albumin is to maintain colloid osmotic pressure in blood vessels and regulate the water balance between blood and tissues. It cannot enhance immunity or supplement human nutrition.

The reason why patients with different diseases use albumin is because in the terminal stages of these diseases, liver failure may occur, which leads to a reduction in albumin production and a decrease in plasma colloid osmotic pressure . Albumin infusion is required for correction, rather than albumin being a "cure-all".If you have any questions about medication, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. I am pharmacist Huazi. Welcome to follow me and share more health knowledge.

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