As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d

2024/05/1704:17:33 regimen 1849

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will this year's Dog Days last? After all, it is the hottest time of the year, so you still need to prepare in advance.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews022 The dog days schedule is here, including the first, middle and last days, including:

the first day: July 16th - July 25th, a total of 10 days;

the middle day: July 26th - August 14th day, a total of 20 days;

Mofu: August 15th to August 24th, a total of 10 days.

In other words, the dog days of summer will last for 40 days this year, which is still a long time period. Significant changes in climate can easily affect our physical and mental state, so we must pay special attention to our diet.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews022 The Dog Days are approaching. Remember to eat the "Three Treasures of Entering the Dog Day" to relieve summer heat and relieve fever. You can get through the Dog Days comfortably and spend the 40 days safely.

Enter Fu1 Treasure: Yam

Yam is one of the earliest potato foods eaten by humans. It is not only delicious, but also has high nutritional value. Li Shizhen in his book "Compendium of Materia Medica" once recorded that yam can "replenish kidney qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach, stop diarrhea and dysentery, resolve paralysis and saliva, and moisturize the fur." If you have no appetite during the dog days of summer, you can cook the following bowl of yam porridge for yourself and your family. It is delicious and appetizing.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

[Recommended recipe: Meiling porridge]

Ingredients preparation: half a yam, 70 grams of glutinous rice, 30 grams of rice, 30 grams of soybeans, appropriate amount of rock sugar

1, clean the glutinous rice and rice, and soak them together in water for 1 hour; yam Peel, wash and cut into small pieces, wash the soybeans and set aside;

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

2. Put the soaked glutinous rice and rice into the pot together, add enough water to cook the porridge, and then prepare other ingredients;

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

3. While cooking the porridge , put the yam into a steamer and steam it, take half of it and press it into a puree with a spoon, put the soybeans into a soymilk machine, add water and stir into soymilk (about 500 ml);

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

4. After the rice is cooked into porridge, add Pour in the soy milk, then add the steamed yam cubes and yam puree . Stir evenly and continue to cook for 15 minutes. Then add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and cook until the rock sugar is completely melted and serve.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

Enter the Dog Day 2 Treasures: Bitter Melon

Bitter Melon is a very typical seasonal food in midsummer and should be eaten during the dog days of summer. Bitter melon is rich in dietary fiber, as well as bitter elements and bitter glycosides, which can clear away heat and relieve summer heat. If you feel that bitter melon is too bitter and you are not used to it, you can blanch it in hot water before cooking to reduce the bitterness in the bitter melon.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

[Recommended recipe: Bitter melon and pork ribs soup ]

Ingredients preparation: 1 bitter melon, 1 rib, 20 grams of soybeans, 5 slices of ginger, 1 spoon of cooking wine, appropriate amount of salt

1. Wash the bitter melon and cut it in half, remove the melon. Cut the ribs into small pieces; wash the ribs and cut into small pieces, clean the soybeans and set aside;

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

2. Boil a pot of water. When the water is almost dry, add the ribs, add 1 spoon of cooking wine, cook until there is foam on the surface, and then skim off the foam. , take out the ribs and clean them;

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

3. Put the blanched ribs, bitter melon and soybeans into the pot together, add ginger, then add enough water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour. Just add appropriate amount of salt to taste before serving. This bitter melon and pork ribs soup is delicious and soothing, perfect for eating in the dog days of summer.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

Enter the Three Treasures: Lotus Seeds

July and August every year are a good time to eat lotus seeds. The lotus seeds at this time are fresh and delicious. The weather is hot in the dog days of summer, and many people are accustomed to cooling down by drinking cold drinks and eating ice cream. If things continue like this, it will inevitably cause discomfort to the body. It is better to cook some sweet soup with lotus seeds to replace these drinks, which tastes refreshing and moist.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

[Recommended recipe: Lotus seeds, lilies and mung bean soup]

Ingredients preparation: 30 grams of lotus seeds, 20 grams of dried lilies, 1 small handful of mung beans, appropriate amount of rock sugar

1, clean the lotus seeds, dried lilies and mung beans, and soak them in water for 1 hour , then remove the lotus core in the middle of the lotus seeds, so that the cooked lotus seeds will not be bitter;

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

2. Put the soaked lotus seeds, dried lilies and mung beans into the pot, add enough water, and bring to a boil over high heat. , turn to low heat and cook for 1 hour until the mung beans bloom, then add rock sugar and continue to cook for 5 minutes until the rock sugar is completely melted and serve.

As the old saying goes, cold comes in the third nine and hot comes in the third volt. After entering July, regarding the seasonal solar terms, I believe that what everyone is most concerned about is when will the ambush start in 2022? When will you ambush? How long will the dog d - DayDayNews

Use vernacular to talk about food. I am a lazy cat. Friends who like food, feel free to follow me~

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