In case of falls or fractures, bed rest is sufficient. However, for the elderly, a fall is not terrible. What is terrible is the complications caused by the fall. Improper care may greatly reduce a person's lifespan.

2024/05/1600:06:33 regimen 1324

Wrestling and fractures are just bed rest.

However, for the elderly, a fall is not terrible. What is terrible is the complications caused by the fall. Improper care may greatly reduce a person's lifespan.

I believe that most people are familiar with the incident of the elderly "falling and falling". Especially friends who often go back to their hometowns will often hear what happened after someone fell down...

The children have already welcomed the During the long-awaited summer vacation, I took my children home to visit my grandparents. As soon as I arrived at the door, I heard the sound of people playing music.

In case of falls or fractures, bed rest is sufficient. However, for the elderly, a fall is not terrible. What is terrible is the complications caused by the fall. Improper care may greatly reduce a person's lifespan. - DayDayNews

asked about the reason out of gossip.

It turns out that Uncle Zhang in the village died because he accidentally fell down on a rainy day five years ago and was bedridden all year round. Grandma said that when Grandma Zhang was still alive, she would wipe Uncle Zhang clean every day. Grandma Zhang died of stomach cancer last year.

Uncle Zhang chose to stay at home independently because he did not want to burden his children. Uncle Zhang’s son was worried about the old man, so he gave his neighbor living expenses and asked the neighbor to look after Uncle Zhang every day.

However, compared with Grandma Zhang’s meticulous care, the neighbor’s care was definitely not enough. It started to get hot in the past few days, and Uncle Zhang developed bedsores all over his body, making his condition worse.

Why are the elderly most afraid of falling, but more likely to fall?

There are five main reasons why the elderly at home are prone to falling: Bone mass, vision loss, chronic diseases, drugs, living facilities and other reasons.

In case of falls or fractures, bed rest is sufficient. However, for the elderly, a fall is not terrible. What is terrible is the complications caused by the fall. Improper care may greatly reduce a person's lifespan. - DayDayNews

· Bone mass : As age increases, calcium loss in the elderly will increase, leading to bone loss. In addition, the mobility of the elderly will become worse, and muscle atrophy will occur at this time. As a result, the body's muscles and bones cannot bear the weight of the entire body, thereby increasing the frequency of falls.

·Visual decline: When the elderly reach a certain age, the retina will shrink, thus affecting the elderly's vision. When the vision is blurred, if you don't pay attention when walking, it will lead to falls.

·Chronic diseases: The older you get, the weaker your body’s resistance will be, and common chronic diseases will hit the elderly, such as: Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular disease, three highs, myocardial infarction, and cerebral infarction plug and so on. When these conditions occur, the elderly's nervous system will experience abnormalities, causing the elderly's limbs to become stiff and inflexible , thereby increasing the probability of aging.

·Drugs: If the elderly accidentally suffer from cardiovascular disease, three highs and other chronic diseases, they need to take drugs all year round. There may be certain adverse reactions between drugs, which can make the elderly feel uncomfortable, thereby increasing the risk of falling.

·Living facilities: Nowadays, many families move bricks in order to make the decoration look good. A little water stain on the ground increases the risk of falling. risks of.

In case of falls or fractures, bed rest is sufficient. However, for the elderly, a fall is not terrible. What is terrible is the complications caused by the fall. Improper care may greatly reduce a person's lifespan. - DayDayNews

The above are the main reasons why the elderly are prone to falls. Therefore, it is recommended that those with elderly people at home need to pay attention to the elderly's daily reactions and living facilities to prevent the elderly from falling for unknown reasons.

It is said that the elderly are most afraid of falling, so for the elderly, in addition to causing fractures, what else will a fall bring to the elderly?

What will happen if the elderly accidentally fall?

China-Japan Friendship Hospital Traditional Chinese Medicine Geriatrics Li Haicong, the chief physician of the department, once said that due to the reduction of bone mass, the elderly are prone to fractures after accidentally falling; if the head lands on the ground, it may also cause cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis, etc.

In addition, after an elderly person falls, the body's recovery period is relatively long, and some even need to stay in bed all year round. This will not only affect the elderly's mood, but may also cause lung infections, bedsores, etc. For the elderly who are bedridden all year round, bedsores are the most common problem.

So what should you do when faced with annoying bedsores?

① Pay attention to cleaning: You need to pay attention to the cleaning of the elderly's whole body. Don't think that you can just skip the cleaning step if you rest in bed. If it is not cleaned for a long time, the skin will be damaged. Over time, bedsores will easily develop;

In addition, the elderly's clothes, sheets, quilt covers and other personal items also need to be changed and washed frequently. This will prevent the growth of bacteria.

In case of falls or fractures, bed rest is sufficient. However, for the elderly, a fall is not terrible. What is terrible is the complications caused by the fall. Improper care may greatly reduce a person's lifespan. - DayDayNews

② Move frequently: We healthy people will be tired if we stay in one state for a long time, not to mention the elderly who are bedridden all year round. If they stay still for a long time, it will cause damage to the pressed skin.

Therefore, it is recommended that bedridden elderly people should be turned over and moved more often.

③ Full body massage: If conditions permit, you can regularly ask a masseur to come to your home to give massage to the elderly. If you are shy financially, you can use your off-duty time to massage the entire body of the elderly. This will not only help the elderly move their muscles and bones, Promote blood circulation and prevent the occurrence of bedsores.

④ Bedroom hygiene: It is indeed a very troublesome thing for the elderly to be bedridden all year round, but this does not mean that we should not pay too much attention to the hygiene of the bedroom, especially the bed where the elderly lie.

Try not to pile up the elderly's clothes on the bed. Pay attention to the cleanliness and tidiness of the room, especially the dead spots , to avoid the breeding of bacteria if left uncleaned for a long time, which will affect the health of the elderly's skin.

⑤ Maintain ventilation: First of all, if the doors and windows are closed for a long time, the air quality in the room will be very poor, which is not conducive to respiratory health; secondly, if the elderly are trapped in bed for a long time, their temper will become irritable. Open the windows appropriately and breathe Fresh air will calm people's mood.

In short, if there is a bedridden elderly person at home and you don’t want the elderly person to be “tortured” by bedsores, you need to do the above 5 points. It is already very painful for the elderly to be bedridden all year round. Try not to make the elderly's pain worse.


[1] 20%~30% of elderly people will suffer moderate or severe injuries when they fall! There is a “risk ranking” for elderly people’s falls·China Youth Daily·2021-07-18

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