"Why do you always have little bumps on your neck? Does it hurt?" said Aunt Li's son. It turns out that after 55-year-old Aunt Li went through menopause, small bumps often appeared on her neck. Aunt Li originally thought it was a small sarcoma, but she went to the hospital to hav

2024/05/1518:46:33 regimen 1934

"Why do you always have little bumps on your neck? Does it hurt?"

Aunt Li's son said.

It turns out that after Aunt Li went through menopause, 55-year-old Aunt Li often developed small bumps on her neck. Aunt Li originally thought it was a small sarcoma, but she went to the hospital to have it removed. After arriving at the hospital, the doctor directly called Aunt Li back.

Aunt Li was still relieved when she returned home, so she searched online and found that "small bumps" on her neck may also be symptoms of HPV infection. After seeing this information, Aunt Li became even more uneasy. She wanted to be out of sight and out of mind, so she picked at it when nothing happened. It took most of the day to pick one out, and the pain was so painful that Aunt Li had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​picking it out...

What are the "little meat particles" on the neck and armpits?

In fact, the neck, There is no need to be surprised if you have small fleshy balls under your armpits, they are normal. Because skin, as one of the important organs of the human body, is the main line of defense against external bacteria. When resisting bacteria, damage will inevitably occur, causing the skin to appear seborrheic keratosis . If things go on like this, small fleshy particles will appear.

The small lumps of flesh on the neck can be simply divided into 3 types

1 Skin tags

Skin tags are actually what the older generation often calls "monkeys"The main growth location is behind the ears. This kind of skin tag is contagious, and if you like to pick it, it may cause some infections in the surrounding skin. However, skin tags are benign hyperplasia and have no impact on human health.

2 Fat particles

People who are too obese may also develop fat particles . The main reason is that excessive intake of oil in daily life causes fat accumulation in the body, causing fat particles to appear on the skin of parts of the body. This kind of small meat particles have no impact on human health, but will affect personal appearance. For people who don't pay attention to the impact, there is no need for special treatment at all.

3Filiform warts

If the filamentous warts are small fleshy particles, it may be symptoms of skin hyperplasia caused by infection with the HPV virus. The only difference between these small fleshy particles and skin tags and fat particles is that filiform warts are slightly painful.

Therefore, it is recommended that if you have "small meat particles" in your neck or armpits, you can expel them according to your own situation. If it is determined that it is filamentous warts caused by the HPV virus, you need to pay attention to it.

Although the small fleshy particles on the neck and armpits do not affect the health of the body under normal circumstances, the chance of developing lesions is relatively small, so no special intervention is required. But for women who love beauty, these small fleshy particles really affect the beauty of the human body, so some people choose to directly remove the small fleshy particles.

Can the "small meat particles" on the neck and armpits be picked out?

Under normal circumstances, "small meat particles" will not affect people's health, so there is no need for special treatment, but there are always some women in life who are more If you pay attention to image, you will choose to dig out the "little bits of meat".

However, you must know that picking out the "little bits of meat" is not as simple as everyone thinks. After all, it is a piece of flesh growing on the body. The process of picking out is very painful and difficult to bear. Even if you endure the pain and dig out the little meatball, it may not necessarily become beautiful. If you don't take care of it properly, it may become more and more ugly. Why do you say this?

First of all, there are bacteria on our hands. If we do not disinfect them after picking, it may cause bacterial infection and damage the surrounding skin; secondly, even if bacterial infection does not occur, the wound may scab. If you pay attention to maintenance, it may leave scars, which will affect the appearance.

Therefore, it is not recommended that you directly pick off the small meat balls on your neck with your hands. If you really want to pick them off, you can go to a professional place to remove them. This can avoid infection of the affected area with external bacteria and affect the health of the skin. .

Since the small fleshy particles on the neck cannot be pulled off without authorization, what should be done?

Need to pay attention to the cleanliness of the skin

When it comes to skin care, most people only think of facial cleansing and care, thereby neglecting neck and armpits Clean under . In fact, these two parts are most susceptible to bacterial infection, especially in summer. If these two parts are not cleaned properly, a large amount of oil will be secreted and accumulated on the surface of the skin. If they are not cleaned regularly, the cutin will become more and more, leading to seborrheic keratosis.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone do not forget to clean the neck, armpits and other parts of the body during daily skin care. If conditions permit, the neck, armpits and other parts can be treated as facial skin.

Pay attention to a healthy diet

If you want to avoid serious skin damage, you also need to pay attention to a healthy diet and try not to eat spicy foods. Long-term consumption of spicy and irritating food will not only affect the health of the digestive system, but also have certain effects on human skin. For example, it stimulates the secretion of oil and easily causes skin inflammation, thus affecting the health of the skin.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone’s daily diet should be light and healthy, and sugar intake should also be controlled. Because eating too much sugar will not only cause fat accumulation, but also induce fat particles. It will also increase skin aging and so on.

Pay attention to rest and improve human immunity

Staying up late for a long time will not only affect the health of the immune system, but also make the skin dry, dark yellow, etc. It is generally recommended to maintain 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day, and fall asleep between 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock every night.

In addition, if you want to avoid the growth of small meat particles, you also need to improve the body's immunity . With good immunity, you can avoid infection with the HPV virus. Even if you are infected with the HPV virus, you can eliminate the virus in time to avoid the growth of filamentous warts.

Summary: Under normal circumstances, the small fleshy particles around the neck will not affect human health, and there is no need to panic. Don't pick it off with your hands without authorization to avoid incomplete disinfection, which may lead to bacterial infection in the affected area and affect the health of the skin.


[1] Are the "small flesh tags" that grow on the neck useful? · Global Network · 2019-08-14 10:09

[2] What are the small flesh tags that grow under the armpits? Why can't they be pulled out? Dropped? Doctor: There are 4 main situations · Guangming.com · 2020-7-9 14:56

[3] What are the "little meatballs" on the neck that are not painful or itchy? Can they be deducted directly? · China.com · 2019-07-17 18:27

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