It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one

2024/05/1309:55:33 regimen 1233

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma's friends have "beer belly", and he himself has also been "suffering" from it. In the past few months, his belly has obviously become bigger. belly is very obvious. He thinks it is one of the changes in middle age, so he doesn't pay attention to it.

But in addition to his belly getting bigger, Mr. Ma also feels that his body is getting worse and worse. He often loses his appetite when going out to socialize and eat. Sometimes he has abdominal pain and feels uncomfortable with bloated stomach. After enduring it for a long time, Mr. Ma did not go to the hospital. An abnormality was found in the physical examination arranged by the company. A CT scan found that Mr. Ma had a tumor in his retroperitoneum!

This experience is really shocking. In daily life, many people, especially men, always have particularly "protruding" belly in middle age. At this time, you must be careful about your own health problems.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews

1. Why do people get fat first when they become fat?

Ye Yanbin, a professor at the Nutrition Department of Guangdong Zhongshan First Hospital, pointed out that obesity is clinically divided into peripheral obesity and central obesity based on the location of fat accumulation. The former is systemic obesity and is relatively uniform, while the latter is mostly in the abdomen. Obesity , excessive visceral fat .

In men, the more common one is central obesity ( apple-shaped body ) , which is often characterized by thickening of the abdomen, slender limbs, and increased visceral fat. Peripheral obesity is more common in women. Fat mainly accumulates in the limbs and subcutaneous tissue. Relatively speaking, there is more fat in the lower limbs, which is also called a "pear-shaped body".

The fat storage site for men is the belly. When the "space" in the belly is used up, fat will gradually accumulate in the internal organs. Because of estrogen , women store fat in their thighs and buttocks by default, with thighs being the main location. When women store excess fat in their thighs and buttocks, their belly will gradually become larger.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews

Many people have no concept of fat people, and many times they even don’t understand that such a fat belly is filled with fat? Xiao Ai is here to help you understand this issue.

2. What does a person with a particularly fat belly have inside?

The "Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Overweight and Obesity in Chinese Adults" promulgated by the Ministry of Health of my country points out that the waist circumference of men ≥85cm and the waist circumference of women ≥80cm belongs to the limit of excessive waist circumference.

Some people with abdominal obesity mostly contain these two substances:

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews and subcutaneous fat

Subcutaneous fat exists in everyone. The thickness of subcutaneous fat in adult men and women is generally 5~15mm and 12~ Between 20mm, the subcutaneous fat of obese people will thicken significantly. For some overweight people, the thickness of subcutaneous fat may even reach ~5cm.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews. Visceral fat

This type of fat is different from subcutaneous fat. It mainly surrounds the organs and is stored in the abdominal cavity. Under normal circumstances, there is a certain amount of fat around our internal organs, and an appropriate amount of fat can support the organs. But some obese people have excess fat around their internal organs.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews

Under normal circumstances, people with a pear-shaped body mainly accumulate subcutaneous fat, while some people with an apple-shaped body with a big belly mostly accumulate visceral fat, which is more dangerous .

Don’t take your thick waist lightly! People with thick waists will increase the risk of many diseases, including cancer ! Are you scared after hearing this?

3. Key points: The thicker the waist, the more likely a person is to get cancer!

European researchers followed 43,000 adults for 12 years and found that for every 11cm increase in waist circumference, meningeal cancer, esophageal adenocarcinoma, gallbladder cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer and uterine cancer The risk of obesity-related cancers such as increases by 13%.

So, what other diseases are associated with a thick waistline?

Luo Yanxin, administrative deputy director of the Colorectal Surgery District 1 of the Sixth Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, pointed out that excessive waist circumference may cause fat to occupy a large amount of space in normal tissues, which in turn can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as chest tightness, fatigue, indigestion and difficulty breathing. It will also increase the risk of suffering from three highs, coronary heart disease , stroke and other diseases.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews

Generally speaking, abdominal obesity increases the risk of many diseases, including cancer. Sometimes cancer can also cause the abdomen to become enlarged. When there is a tumor in the abdomen, the abdomen may respond.

4. If you have these symptoms in the abdomen, you may need to be careful about cancer.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews. If you feel a lump

Early stage cancer is generally difficult to feel. Abdominal lumps . However, as the disease progresses and the lesions develop to a certain extent, obvious lumps will be felt in the abdomen. lumps.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews. Abdominal pain and distension

The lesions in the abdomen gradually increase, which will cause the patient to have uncomfortable symptoms of abdominal pain, usually dull pain and distended pain . When the lesions invade surrounding organs, severe pain and abdominal distension may occur.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews. Obvious symptoms of compression

When the lesion grows to a certain size, it will cause the surrounding organs to be compressed. Compression of the gastrointestinal tract will cause symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting; compression of the urinary system will cause frequent urination and urgency . Symptoms such as difficulty urinating and appear; and when the veins and lymphatic vessels are compressed, it may cause edema of the lower limbs and abnormal bleeding in the body.

It is said that it is easy to gain weight after middle age. Many of Mr. Ma’s friends have developed “beer bellies”, and he himself has also been affected by this. In the past few months, his belly had obviously gotten bigger, and his belly was very obvious. He thought it was one  - DayDayNews

Abdominal obesity is like laying a "land mine" for health, and there is no guarantee when it will explode. It is recommended that people with abdominal obesity must lose weight through scientific methods in time. Don’t wait until you get sick before taking action. By then it is often too late! #HealthTruthPlan#


[1] "[Answer a question] The thicker the waist, the more likely you are to get cancer? ". Zhongshan Sixth Hospital .2021-09-19

[2] "What to do about apple-shaped obesity? There is a weight loss clinic specially designed for men." Healthy Guangdong. 2022-02-17

[3] "Why do women gain weight first and men gain belly first? I can no longer sit still after knowing the truth! 》. Health Times .2017-07-22

[4] "Does a big belly mean you gain weight?" It could be a tumor! If these 3 symptoms appear, you must seek medical attention immediately! 》.Shenzhen People's Hospital.2021-10-15

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