Serie A Inter partners Serie A Live: Udinese VS Naples Forward Analysis

Time: September 21st at 02:45

vs. Udinese VS Naples

[ Portuguese Premier League live schedule] [Korean K League live stream] [span10span Russian Premier League] Prediction live broadcast] [LDsports] Serie A continues in the early hours of Tuesday morning, with Udinese hosting Naples. Naples won all the first three rounds, and has had an absolute advantage against Udinese many times in recent years. This time, Naples pointed to the league's four-game winning streak.

Although Naples broke the winning streak of the new season in the UEFA Champions League group stage, but the flaws are not concealed, Naples performance is still very good. Naples defeated Venice and Genoa in the first two rounds of the new season. One of the champions of the European Cup, Louren Suen Sydney, continued to have a good foot and scored the team's first goal in the new season. In the last round of the game against Zu Ji, Naples fell behind 0 to 1 in the half, and then caught up in the second half. Finally, with the goal of defender Callidu Goulibani at the end of the game, Naples was 2 to 2 1 Successfully reversed Zu Ji and achieved three consecutive victories in the league, and the team's morale is in full swing. In addition, Naples has won all three away games against Udinese in the last 3 times, and can score 2 goals per game. This time, Naples is expected to take away 3 points. In terms of lineup, defender Faos Goulin and striker Tris May

Although Naples lost its winning streak in the UEFA Champions League group stage in the new season, the performance of Naples is still quite outstanding. Naples defeated Venice and Genoa respectively in the first two rounds of the new season. One of the champions of the European Cup, Louren Suen Sydney continued to have a good foot and scored the team's first goal of the new season. In the last round of the game against Zu Ji, Naples fell behind 0 to 1 in the half, and then caught up in the second half. Finally, with the goal of defender Callidu Goulibani at the end of the game, Naples was 2 to 2 1 Successfully reversed Zu Ji and achieved three consecutive victories in the league, and the team's morale is in full swing. In addition, Naples has won all three away games against Udinese in the last three times.And averaging can score 2 goals, this time out again, Naples is expected to take away 3 points.
