Not to sell to Inter Milan! Barcelona plans to renew the 22-year-old Flying Wings, Marotta or 3 million to buy a substitute striker

Reporter Skira revealed that Barcelona plans to renew the 22-year-old wing Emerson, and the new contract will expire in 2026.

Emerson is 1.83 meters tall. He has played 36 times at Real Betis this season, with 2 goals and 4 assists. In the league, the shooting rate is 27%, the passing success rate is 81%, and he has an average of 2.68 steals per game. 1.8 interception and 2.6 clearance can be said to be the integration of offense and defense. It seems that Barcelona are ready to reuse Emerson, not to sell it to Inter Milan.

Radio Marca also confirmed that Inter Milan is interested in Emerin, but Barcelona does not consider selling. " World Sports News " said that Barcelona would never let the supernova go. The player 's agent went to Milan just out of courtesy, and he would decline the Nerazzurri. One thing to say, with Inter Milan's current financial situation, don't consider high-end goods like Emerson.

Inter is really out of money now, Marotta can only be careful. "SportMediaset" revealed that little Inzaghi likes Caicedo too much, and Marotta may come up with an offer of 3 million euros to buy this backup striker.

According to the Italian media, Caicedo is open to joining Inter Milan, and the other 3 million euros is already the highest offer the Nerazzurri can offer, but Lazio is tough, they want 8 million euros, There is currently a huge gap between the two sides.

Caicedo is 32 years old and 1.83 meters tall. He is still in good shape. He has scored a total of 18 goals in the past two seasons and has saved Inzaghi's handsome position many times. Some Lazio fans ridiculed that Caicedo was the father of Inzaghi and he had to pay more.

There is still one year left on Caicedo's contract, but Inzaghi really needs this super substitute next season. I wonder if Marotta will consider raising the offer.

Sure enough, I can't be too happy, the Mario transfer that has been talked about for a long time is still not completed. "The Whole Market" revealed that despite the concessions made by Inter Milan, profiteers were only willing to bid 5.5 million euros for Mario. According to the media, Portuguese sports are eager for Mario, and they are expected to add a part of the bonus clause to try to buy the titan as soon as possible.

Inter fans are very indignant at the actions of Portugal Sport. Some people bluntly threw Mario to the reserve team and then abolished him. Doing business pays attention to earning money with anger, and Inter Milan definitely wants to sell Mario this summer.

"Turin Sports Daily" broke the news is very funny, the media said that PSG were shocked because Chelsea joined the Ashraf battle, so they decided to add Padres to the transaction. Inter Milan want money, what is the use of them wanting Padres? Some Inter fans ridiculed: Chelsea was also shocked, so they decided to put Kante in the deal.