The downgrade also set a new revenue record, earning 132 million euros, and China’s dragons are indispensable

2020/12/1123:05:10 premier 1983

Just today, the Spanish team chairman Chen Yansheng gave a speech to more than 8,000 club shareholders in China through a video connection. The most important number in this speech surprised many fans. In the past year , The Spaniard dropped from La Liga to La Liga, but the team’s income is much better than most La Liga teams. The club’s income in the 2019-20 season exceeded 132 million euros, creating new Record. You must know that this income can basically be ranked in the top 50 of world football clubs. Attention, among all football clubs!

The downgrade also set a new revenue record, earning 132 million euros, and China’s dragons are indispensable - DayDayNews

All this is due to the flow of Chinese star Wu Lei. After Wu Lei joined the Spanish team, the Spanish team also owed a huge debt for building the stadium. When Boss Chen came in, he began to repay the debt. Difficulties until the end of the 17-18 season can only pass the financial review by selling Moreno. Continuously mixing in La Liga, coupled with Wu Lei’s occasional brilliant performance, this team has not only basically solved the debt problem in the past two years, but also has a surplus every year. They will also have a budget of 72 million euros. Come to buy players, this number is more than the average giant!

The downgrade also set a new revenue record, earning 132 million euros, and China’s dragons are indispensable - DayDayNews

In this season's West Division Z4z League, the Spaniard performed well at the beginning of the season and now ranks second in West Division. It is very hopeful that after the end of this season, he will return to the ranks of La Liga. This winter Chuang also has sufficient funds to sign in. This is good news for Chinese fans. After all, when the salary limit is exceeded immediately, everyone’s eyes will be returned to the European stadium. Of course, there is Many football game fans are talking about cloud + Amon stalk, it's not really interesting!

The downgrade also set a new revenue record, earning 132 million euros, and China’s dragons are indispensable - DayDayNews

must know that it is better than AC Milan last season's loss of 195 million euros set a team history record . With the recovery of Wu Lei’s state, the Spaniard's overall state is strong in West Division. This team is still very hopeful to get the promotion spot. Of course, for the current Spaniard, still lacks high centers and The offensive midfielder, especially the midfielder has not enough offensive goals, this is the problem they want to solve.

The downgrade also set a new revenue record, earning 132 million euros, and China’s dragons are indispensable - DayDayNews

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