Ma Baoguo is on fire! Young people don’t talk about martial arts, and the mouse tail juice! Now I want to make a movie

Recently, Ma Baoguo was frantically spoofed by narrators and became the king of ghosts and animals. "Young people do not speak martial arts" and "Mouse tail juice (good for themselves)" have quickly become Internet buzzwords

I believe that everyone is not unfamiliar with Ma Baoguo. Whether it is the "five consecutive whips" or the "receiving of the hair", it can be said that Ma Baoguo has brought a lot of joy to everyone. This has also led to many spoof videos about Ma Baoguo on the Internet, but Ma Baoguo, as the party concerned, obviously feels very uncomfortable. , So he announced his withdrawal from martial arts through social media a few days ago. In the news released by

on Ma Baoguo's social media, he stated that he has returned to a peaceful life and far away from the place of right and wrong of martial arts, and at the end he also wrote the words "Hunyuan Xingyi Taijimen".

It is worth mentioning that Ma Baoguo also has the title of Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan in front of his social media name, and his certification on social media is even a martial arts blogger. Although his martial arts attainments are still to be discussed, he has never been to martial arts. Judging from the degree of persistence, Ma Baoguo really loves martial arts. What's interesting about

is that after half a year of silence, Ma Baoguo suddenly became angry again. The reason was a passage from him, including "young people don't speak martial arts" and "traditional kung fu emphasizes the point." , "I'm taking care of it, there is no flash", "Young people do it for themselves" these statements have suddenly exploded recently.


Many people have even changed the word "for yourself" to "mouse tail juice". This has also greatly increased Ma Baoguo's recent exposure. Perhaps there are too many spoof videos about him on the Internet, so Ma Baoguo will A few days ago, he deliberately announced his withdrawal from martial arts. What

didn't expect was that Ma Baoguo announced his comeback to make a movie after retiring for a day, and also showed everyone the "five consecutive whip" and "receiving hair". What is going on? Next we will take a look at the specific situation!


In an interview with the media, Ma Baoguo said that he did take over the filming, "I am Ma Baoguo, the master of Hunyuan Xingyi Taiji Sect. Many film companies have asked me to make movies. I have not been there before, but this I gladly agreed to this movie!"



This news immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and Ma Baoguo was once again pushed into the hot search on major social platforms. It was only after announcing his withdrawal from martial arts to returning to the arena. In a day's time, I have to say that Ma Baoguo is really hard to give up Wulin!

However, Ma Baoguo’s comeback is understandable. After all, in today’s fast-paced information age, he has such a large exposure but retreats bravely. This really makes everyone feel very puzzled, and his comeback after 1 day of retiring also brings himself Got more heat!

In addition, when he heard that the trademark "Mice Tail Juice" was registered, Ma Baoguo smiled lightly, "Just register, but through this matter, as long as you inspire young people and educate them, it's enough." Various signs show. , Master Ma enjoys being hyped by netizens and the feeling of being a celebrity.