Grandpa is a composer and uncle is Ayumi Miyazaki, but he is known for acting

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because of the new crown pneumonia epidemic and forced to stop the activity for isolation, start live broadcast from scratch, and jointly raise 10 million yen with the Japanese Red Cross. This is today's peach Japanese artist I want to introduce to you: Shizun Jun.

Taozi knows that Zhizunjun started with the Japanese drama "Five to Nine". In the play, Zhizunjun played the male protagonist Gao Ling's younger brother Hoshikawa Tianyin. The meaning of appearance except for revenge on his brother is being used as a "gun" by his grandmother. Make.

's subsequent big hit was adapted from the comic of the same name by Yayoi Koyama, "Pet Lover". This is the third time that the comic has been remade. Jun Zhizun plays the male protagonist momo. His cute appearance like a puppy has no sense of contradiction. Not at all lost to the two classics in front. Z2z

Shizun Jun’s acting career has never stopped. After that, in 2018, he played an unexpected role Ogawa Miki. Ogawa Miki is a "gender identity disorder". She looks like a beautiful woman, but actually I am a man, but my love partner is a woman. This drama is "A Woman's Life".

Zhizunjun not only plays a female role, but also implements the female lifestyle from the awareness of facial expressions, the way of walking, body management, skin care and other aspects.

This drama is only 4 short episodes, but the plot is not perfunctory, and the content is warm and worthy of thought. Although Taozi recommends everyone to take a look, it is also recommended to watch with biased levers selectively to avoid unnecessary "war".

puts on the little brother's women's clothing drama, we must show the little brother the masculine side.

The Japanese drama "Junichi" aired in 2019, tells the story of the mysterious young man Junichi who can instantly fascinate the opposite sex, and the fleeting love between lonely women between the ages of 16 and 62 with different backgrounds, and the show’s promotion The pictorial is a semi-nude model that can instantly show masculine charm. Z2z

Zhizunjun has appeared in 32 TV series and 21 movies since his debut. At the same time, he has appeared in stage plays, MV, dubbing film and television dramas, and even released music singles. It is really a moment of concentration on his career.

Apart from work, Zhi Zunchun has not forgotten to interact with Chinese fans on Weibo, sharing photos of his outings, shooting advertisements, and publishing them in Chinese. Interested friends can search Search to see.