She played the second female role in "Green Apple Paradise". The actors all appeared without makeup and the actresses did not even shave their armpit hair.

The current domestic idol dramas have a common problem: thick filters, male and female protagonists all wear heavy makeup, and they feel very unreal and cannot enter the drama after watching too much. In the early years, there was a drama that was popular all over the country. The starring actors in it all appeared without makeup, and there were no heavy filters. It was pure and innocent. It was the "Red Apple Paradise" known as the originator of the idol drama.

The content of this play is a story about youth growth. Five boys with different personalities lived in the Red Apple House. Later, the heroine also lived in unexpectedly, and then among the six people. A lot of interesting things happened.

The actors at the time did not have so much idol baggage. In addition to the male actors, even the actresses appeared in the show without makeup. This situation is really rare in the entertainment industry. The heroine Xinzi has the cute and cute appearance of the sister next door. When filming, she didn't apply pink and even her eyebrows, but she was really pure and full of collagen. Sure enough, youth is the best capital, and you can't get any more expensive skin care products.

Kuo Mrs. Huang Shengyi also had a pure side back then. She played the second female Jiang Linda in the play. Although Huang Shengyi has a plain face, her facial features are exquisite and very beautiful. It is true that the good-looking people just put on makeup. The icing on the cake. The current Huang Shengyi is still very beautiful and temperamental, but she still has many years of experience with my makeup. She has no such green feeling as before, and more of the charm and beauty of a mature woman.

Except for the actors who don’t make-up, they don’t even shave their armpit hair. You must know that armpit hair affects the beauty, especially for girls. Girls nowadays, even if they are not celebrities, shave their armpits and look good in sleeveless clothes. It seems that this drama really doesn't pay much attention to appearance, it is also very real.

Seeing the starring actors in the current idol dramas with heavy filters and dermabrasion until the bridge of the nose disappears, it really feels too unreal. Although idol dramas should pay attention to the image, But after all, it's a TV series. If you want to show your life, what is the difference with making a MV or a magazine?