Mr. Lu Xun once said that a true warrior dares to face the bleak life and the dripping blood. It is not difficult to see that in Lu Xun's mind, people who know how to accept reality are brave. However, reality is often cruel, so there are very few people who can truly accept real

Mr. Lu Xun once said that a true warrior dares to face the bleak life and the dripping blood. It is not difficult to see that in Lu Xun's mind, people who know how to accept reality are brave. However, reality is often cruel, so there are very few people who can truly accept reality and have the courage to break the status quo. It is for this reason that Chu Ruixue, the co-founder of Xinxuan Group, a leading live streaming e-commerce company, is so popular because she is someone who dares to face the reality of life and breaks the difficult status quo.

Why do you say this? This has to start with Chu Ruixue’s life experience.

It is understood that Chu Ruixue was born in a very ordinary family in Jilin Province. When she was in elementary school, Chu Ruixue's mother was diagnosed with aplastic anemia. To treat the disease, Chu Ruixue's mother needed blood transfusions four times a month. This is a huge pressure for an ordinary family. But the young Chu Ruixue did not blame others. While studying hard, she took on the responsibility of taking care of her mother. As a result, the young Chu Ruixue traveled back and forth between the hospital, school, and home.

After graduating from college, my mother’s condition still did not improve. In order to provide better treatment conditions for her mother, Chu Ruixue took root in the entrepreneurial market even though she had no experience. At that time, Chu Ruixue opened a clothing store, but without experience and resources, her entrepreneurial journey was quite difficult. However, Chu Ruixue relied on her own courage to catch up. While she is learning from the experiences of successful people to operate and innovate, she is also using good products and services to accumulate customer resources. In just three months, Chu Ruixue earned her first pot of gold.

Subsequently, Chu Ruixue sang in singing bar , and also formed a team to research her own beauty products. Through continuous breakthroughs in learning again and again, Chu Ruixue not only gained many fans, but also successfully founded She launched her own beauty brand ZUZU. Today, Chu Ruixue has become the co-founder of Xinxuan Group. Along the way, Chu Ruixue encountered many setbacks and experienced many difficulties. But she always faced difficulties and obstacles bravely, and mustered up the courage to explore and break the status quo. It is this kind of bravery that makes Chu Ruixue loved by more and more people.