Something happened today, which made me feel that I have discovered another shortcoming of my own. It may be that my vision and structure are not enough, or it may be that my tolerance and ability to control emotions are not good, so I will reflect on it later. After looking at m

Something happened today, which made me feel that I have discovered another shortcoming of my own. It may be that my vision and structure are not enough, or it may be that my tolerance and ability to control emotions are not good, so I will also After reflecting on my situation, I realized that the thing was like this. It was actually a very small thing.

made a file today and sent it to the boss. Then I checked the file repeatedly before sending it out. I also checked it on my mobile phone and on my computer. The information was correct, and the file could be received and decompressed. But the boss called me after he received it, saying that the document had to be redone, and he couldn't undo it, and the other customer couldn't read it!

Then I said to use the QQ browser or the Google browser. Any browser can open it. I don’t know if it’s because I repeated it too many times or because my language is louder, and then it became a bit embarrassing. , the boss was a little angry at the time.

At that time, he asked me, should I make this thing for myself or for customers? Did you do it for yourself or for your boss? He also said that the customer is God. If the customer can't understand the documents you make, then what's the use of saying that you do it well?

After he said this at that time, my heart sank. Later, when I thought about it carefully, it made sense. After that, I began to reflect on my state at the time: It was indeed like what he said. Maybe the document I made was just because I felt good about it. I felt that the content was detailed, the ideas were clear, and the format was flawless, but the other customer If you can’t understand it and your boss can’t understand it, then this document must be imperfect! As an employee, anyway? No matter how well you do, no matter how right you think you are, if your boss says you did not do well, you must not refute him face to face.

If you refute in person, there is only one outcome, either you will be fired on the spot, or your status in the boss's heart will be greatly reduced, and you may not be reused, and you will lose the opportunity for promotion forever.

Because the boss asks you to do things to help him solve problems. Only you can understand what you make. If the boss can’t understand it and the customers can’t understand it, it’s useless. Then this thing can only be passed. No matter how good you feel about yourself. So there is no use in self-pleasure!

So after hanging up the phone, I thought about it and realized that I really shouldn’t go to the boss in person and stress that I did nothing wrong with this document and then shirk my responsibility. This would definitely make the boss feel that he was wrong. It was his fault and I put the responsibility and problems on him. This is a major taboo in the workplace!

No one wants the other party to put the blame on themselves when problems arise! And this is what others are most taboo about!

As an employee, I should first discover this problem. No matter whether it is right or wrong, I must first take the initiative to take responsibility. I must not say that the other party is wrong, let alone the boss or the customer! This is a taboo in the workplace!

If it is the other party's problem, it is indeed because they did not understand something. Even if you want to raise this opinion, you should say it in a tactful way and never say it directly. After all, work is different from chatting. There is a clear superior-subordinate relationship at work. No matter how good and familiar you are with your boss, first of all, you are still based on the underlying relationship of superior and subordinate. You have this kind of subordinate relationship.

Since you are his employee, you must first correct your position. The relationship between you is the boss and the employee first, and then the relationship between friends.

In the final analysis, it’s just one sentence, you have to position yourself right and don’t overestimate yourself! You must actually do what you are supposed to do well and strive for perfection. At the same time, you must also take into account that the other party, your superiors, and your customers can understand what you are doing. If you can do this well, Good, but making others unable to understand is actually a kind of failure, from a certain perspective.

is like Jack Ma . Why was he able to create Alibaba and Taobao? Why was he so successful? Can we gain such a large user base? He can harvest a large number of traffic and precise customers in a short period of time. In fact, the key point is that he puts customers first in everything he does, and everything he does is from the customer's perspective.

includes all its technical staff. For every technology they launch, including software research and development, the most important thing is to put customers first. First, let customers find it easy to use, and customers will use it and understand it. Then this thing is good. If only technicians keep saying that this thing is very good and this software is awesome, but the customers don’t know how to use it, in fact, it will not be sold in the market and it will not be implemented because the customers If you don’t recognize it, if customers don’t recognize it, then the market won’t recognize it.

To occupy the market, the first thing is to occupy customers. If customers don’t recognize this thing, then this thing needs to be improved.

Similarly, since your solution wants to be recognized, the needs of customers must be put first. You can improve your product according to the needs of users, improve its convenience, and make the customer's experience better. This is the most important thing, instead of just praising yourself and thinking that you are good. , there is no use just living in your own world.