With the afterglow of the summer evening, fifteen people from our team and three from other teams embarked on the road of research. Although it is half past five in the afternoon, the sun still has no intention of retreating. He is still doing his best to emit light and heat. Eve

With the afterglow of the summer evening, our team of fifteen people and three other teams embarked on the road of research. Although it is half past five in the afternoon, the sun still has no intention of retreating. He is still doing his best to emit light and heat. Even so, the source of motivation in our hearts cannot be evaporated. The captain assigned us tasks in advance and divided us into two groups: one group went to Shenshan Park for research, and the other group went to Binjiang Park for research. At 5:30 in the afternoon, after gathering at the school gate and counting the number of people, we embarked on a two-hour research trip.

I and seven other members were assigned to do research in Binjiang Park. Because the power of the sun is still there, there are few people in Binjiang Park at this time. Our excitement suddenly turned into confusion. We were worried that if there were always so few people, tonight’s research task would not be completed. When we asked the first parent with children if we could do a small survey on them, but were rejected, we felt extremely complicated. We were worried that there would still be few people coming and going, and we were worried that the survey would continue to be rejected. However, we were not defeated by this unsatisfactory start. After discussing countermeasures and organizing the language, we continued the investigation. After many attempts we finally started to get results. This makes us more and more motivated. Looking at the survey sheets completed by the children in our hands and the growing number of people in the WeChat group, we know that with the arrival of the brilliant afterglow of the sunset, the highlight moment of our research will also come.

The picture shows team members introducing the nature education center to parents. Picture provided by Wu Chenfang, correspondent of China Youth Network

Half of the sky in the west was dyed red by the sunset, with different shades and various colors of red. As the sunset becomes more and more lively, there are more and more people in Binjiang Park. More and more parents come here with their children to walk, watch the sunset, and watch adults swimming and boating. It is very lively. We The research activities are also in full swing amidst such excitement. The five simple questions on the survey sheet are not only to test children's knowledge, but also to help them understand more about the wonders of nature - not all living things are as we know them. For example, the polar bear we know is white. It is very likely that we think its skin is also white, but in fact its skin is black. Such a contradiction arouses children's desire for natural knowledge. . Our survey this time is not just for children to fill in a small survey form. We introduce natural knowledge to children and parents, introduce the nature education center, and provide the WeChat group of the nature education center to give them more information. The opportunity to understand nature allows them to find a place to contact and explore nature in such a city full of steel and concrete.

The picture shows children filling out the survey form. Picture provided by Wu Chenfang, correspondent of China Youth Network

The afterglow of the setting sun shines on the faces of the team members and the children under investigation, coating them with a layer of light - a layer of natural light, a layer of knowledge, and a layer of light. layer of light of hope. The setting sun, the waves in the river, the birds in the sky, and the people on the shore are all natural lights and the beauty of nature. The afterglow of the setting sun makes the sky and the earth become colorful; the waves in the river make this colorful and lively; the birds in the sky vibrate their wings, carrying the colorful feathers on their backs, and fly into the distant sky. Being in Riverside Park allows me to see the light of nature, how dazzling and vibrant it is. During the research process, the team members popularized natural knowledge for everyone, which allowed me to see the light of knowledge. People who possess knowledge, it radiates light all around. This kind of light makes onlookers envious and fascinated. This kind of light makes the owner become confident, "with poetry and calligraphy in his belly," that's probably it. The answers left by the children on the survey sheet gave me a glimmer of hope. These children are no longer shy and dare not express themselves. Most of them are very lively and positive. What they left on the survey sheet was not only the answers, but also the intelligence and optimism of this generation of children.They dare to express their ideas and are full of desire for knowledge and nature.

This research trip under the sunset is full of colorful light. This light not only scatters on the body, but also shines into the heart. If you have light in your heart, there will be light wherever you go; if you have light in your heart, there will be hope wherever you go. (Correspondents: Wu Chenfang, Wang Ziyi, Liao Xiaohui)

The picture shows a group photo of team members. Picture provided by Wu Chenfang, correspondent of China Youth Network