My favorite cartoon Liu Zuhan/Text Everyone has their favorite cartoon, and I also have my favorite cartoon. Today I will tell you about one of my favorite cartoons, its name is "Calabash Baby". There are seven gourd babies, namely the big baby, the second baby, the third baby, t

My favorite cartoon

Liu Zuhan/Text

Everyone has their favorite cartoon, and I also have my favorite cartoon. Today I will tell you about one of my favorite cartoons, its name is "Calabash Baby". Calabash Baby has seven babies, namely the big baby , the second baby, the the third baby , the the fire baby , the water baby, the the sixth baby , and the the seventh baby . All of his abilities are extremely powerful. Dawa is a strong man who is indomitable and has infinite strength. Erwa has a pair of clairvoyance and can see far, far away. It also has a pair of ears that can hear sounds thousands of miles away. Sanwa has a bronze head and iron arms, is invulnerable and very powerful. The fire baby can breathe out fire and extinguish it, and can swallow and breathe freely. The water baby can absorb water and spray water. The water it sprays can drown monsters. Liuwa can become invisible. It comes and goes without a trace, making it unpredictable. Qi Wa has a treasure gourd that can suck people and objects into his stomach and suffocate them inside. In fact, I quite like Da Wa, because he can defeat the demon with his own strength, and he is a hero in my mind.

Just now I briefly introduced the seven children in "Calabash Children". All of them have great magical powers. I like them and I like this cartoon. Students, which cartoons are your favorite? Tell us a little bit.