It is said that heroes emerge from troubled times. We are born in a modern society and are in a peaceful country. The people live and work in peace and contentment, the people are prosperous, and the economy is taking off. However, the Chinese nation has a history of 5,000 years.

It is said that heroes emerge from troubled times. We are born in a modern society and are in a peaceful country. The people live and work in peace and contentment, the people are prosperous, and the economy is taking off.

However, the history of the Chinese nation lasts for 5,000 years. The continuous changes of dynasties and generations have formed different cultures and phenomena, and many heroes have been born.

When mentioning the King of Yue Gou Jian , everyone will first think of the story of " lying down on fuel and tasting courage ". I only know that Gou Jian was always vigilant about the suffering he suffered and worked hard to improve himself after his failure, but he did not know that Gou Jian was also a successful military strategist and strategist. He was the monarch of the Yue Kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period and one of the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period.

When he led the troops to fight, he came up with a method to solve the physiological needs of the soldiers, and it was used for thousands of years.

Female soldiers in the ancient battlefield

In that cruel cold weapon era, the medical level was very low. As long as you went to the battlefield, you would basically have a narrow escape. Soldiers have to face not only death, but also severe psychological pressure and physiological needs. If the problems that arise are not solved for a long time, low morale and desertion will occur on the battlefield. .

In ancient battlefields, women were not recruited into the army as most people thought. In fact, in history, there were women who joined the army and made great achievements in the army.

During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, various countries fought frequently, and the number of men in each country dropped sharply. However, the fundamental contradictions were not resolved, and the wars would not stop. Therefore, women can also join the army and fight, and it has become a normal phenomenon.

Historically, the wife of King Shang Wu Ding , Fuhao, not only joined the army as a woman, but also became the commander-in-chief of the army.

So can women in the army solve the physical needs of male soldiers? The answer is no.

These women who join the army are protected by military law. They have strict discipline and job classification in the army. Most of the women who join the army are responsible for the army's logistics and supplies, and are not a tool for the soldiers to solve their physiological needs. Even if the men in the army have any evil thoughts towards them, it is absolutely forbidden.

Because the war is a protracted war, we cannot rely solely on the transportation of grain and grass from the rear. There will be some female soldiers developing farming and engaging in agriculture in the places where they are stationed.

Therefore, in the marching team, women are still often seen. However, the vigorous male soldiers not only cannot meet their physiological needs, but also watch the opposite sex hanging around them . This has resulted in male soldiers who have been in the army for many years not only not solving their physical problems, but also making them more serious, and their mental state will be deeply affected.

Over time, they will become sensitive and uneasy, causing management problems. The army is prone to riots, and monarchs of various countries are very distressed about how to solve these problems.

The wife system proposed by King Gou Jian of Yue

King Gou Jian of Yue was once captured by Wu Kingdom . Not only did he suffer hardships, but he also came into contact with many low-level people in Wu Kingdom. He could better understand the pain and sorrow of the soldiers at the bottom.

So after he returned to Yue, he began to implement a series of new systems.

One of them is the development of and . To put it simply, gathers widows whose husbands have died in the country and assigns them to various armies to solve the physiological needs of the soldiers on the job.

This system has indeed achieved great results. The morale within the army has greatly increased, and management has become better at the same time.

And the disadvantage of this system is that it goes against women's wishes. Widows in the army are simply tools for soldiers to vent their sexual desires. They are trampled on like slaves. Many widows are even tortured to death and treated like garbage. Abandoned bodies in the wilderness.

However, this system has continued to be followed and implemented. Kings of the past dynasties have also made many "improvements" to this system, but they are still an insult to and disrespect for women's personality. .

For example, what they expropriated was not the widows whose husbands died in the country, but some wives and daughters who were implicated. Many men from high-ranking families were beheaded, and women were sent to the army.

These women are not like the forcibly taken widows who have worked hard for a long time and live an average life. Most of them have lived in a good position for several years, their beauty is far superior to that of civilian women, and they are still guilty, so the soldiers feel less guilty, and their methods towards them are more rough and cruel.

The daughters of these guilty ministers often brought several of them with their families. In order to spare the younger generation from suffering, some women even took the initiative to cater to the special hobbies of the soldiers in the army, which was unimaginable.

This system was used until the and Zhu Yuanzhang periods. Zhu Yuanzhang abolished this system that violated human rights .

The pros and cons of the soldier's wife system

Whether the soldier's wife system can really improve the combat effectiveness of the army is impossible to verify. In ancient marching teams, there were not a few who did not practice the soldier's wife system, and it does not necessarily mean that they Morale was low and unable to fight. However, this system objectively does solve the physiological needs of soldiers and improves morale.

However, the disadvantages brought by the married woman system are much more than the benefits it brings. Because some of the widows who were expropriated had husbands who died on the battlefield and dedicated their lives to veterans.

When soldiers on the battlefield face those women accompanying the army, will they think of their wives and daughters far away in their hometown? If one day they die in battle, will their wives and daughters also end up like this? Moreover, excessive venting of personal desires on the battlefield will seriously affect the combat effectiveness of soldiers, and will also have a negative impact on the army over time.

In fact, in addition to the wife system, there are several other solutions.

The first method is for the husband to join the army, and the wife can follow the army. This can not only take care of daily life, but also get the physiological needs solved. However, this also has certain disadvantages. Not only is there no one to take care of the family, but it is also inconvenient for women in the army. , not easy to fight.

The second method is that if the same soldiers invade the opponent's city before the battle, they can enjoy everything. In this way, the soldiers will kill the enemy desperately. After the victory, they will burn, kill and loot for several days. Most of the soldiers will seize the women of good families to vent their anger. desire.

The third method is to snatch military prostitutes from prisoners and bring them to your camp. In this way, soldiers not only have no ideological burden, but also vent their physical desires.

The fourth way is that after the war is won, the generals will take the soldiers to the brothel in the city, where they will play and sing every night and enjoy the sun. Because the women in the brothel of the defeated party are afraid of being killed, they often flatter them to the best of their ability, and all for free.

Of course, none of the above methods can well solve the physiological needs of soldiers, and they are all inhumane.