I am a Sichuanese, 30 years old, a young man who fled back to the countryside from Beijing. I loved drawing since I was a child and dreamed of becoming an artist. After returning to China, I made an incredible decision to go back to the countryside to develop my career.

This is the story of the 537th real person we tell

I am

(my selfie)

In 1992, I was born in Dayi County, Sichuan Province. Because my parents were busy, I lived in the countryside with my grandparents before I was 10 years old. At that time, although life was not rich, my grandparents always found ways to make me happy.

When I was in first grade, I had to walk for half an hour to get to school. In the summer, my grandma was afraid that I would suffer from heat stroke on the road, so she said hello to the owners of the roadside shops in advance and asked them to give me a popsicle every day, and we would settle the bill together when she went to the market.

At that time, I loved going to the market. I felt that the most advanced and beautiful things in the world were all in the market. Whenever I go to the market, my grandpa will take out the backpack he knitted by himself, wear the pair of army green cloth shoes that are a little open, walk half an hour on the dirt road, and carry me to the market.

html With more than 4 people, the market is as lively as the Chinese New Year. I always go to the " Xuewang " restaurant, which is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. Every time, I go to that shop with my grandfather and eat two bowls to satisfy my gluttony. My memories in the countryside are full of joy, relaxation, and happiness.

(The countryside today is very different from when I was a child)

After I turned 10, my mother and I came to live in the city. At that time, I loved painting on the walls and the floor. Once I met an aunt, she said to her mother: "Your son likes painting so much, why don't you send him to learn painting?" Under the introduction of this aunt, I was sent to retire from the Artists Association. I learned painting from my teacher.

Due to family reasons, my mother raised me alone. At that time, my grandparents didn't understand that they were already under enough pressure to raise me, and they had to pay to send me to learn something that they thought was useless. But my mother insisted on sending me to school despite her objections.

At that time, because I had just arrived in the city, I was inevitably a little timid and shy. My mother felt that it was not good for a boy to continue like this, so she asked me to sell newspapers. If the newspaper cannot be sold on the same day, it will become waste paper. In order not to waste the money I paid for the newspaper and to earn ten yuan of pocket money, I tried every means to promote it.

Just like that, during the summer vacation of fifth grade, I went to learn Chinese painting and sold newspapers at the same time. After the summer vacation, I obviously became outgoing and confident, and dared to show myself. I started to draw pictures frequently and give them to my classmates. Because my drawings were good, many people came to me to draw them every day. Gradually, I gained some fame in school.

(This is my mother)

It was at that time that I had the dream of becoming an artist and wanted to learn more about art.

Anything in this world that boils down to art requires talent. I am lucky enough to have a little bit of talent. At that time, there were a total of thirty or forty people in our Chinese painting class, but by the second year, only one other classmate and I were selected to take classes at the teacher’s house.

Later, I got better and better at painting, and participated in various art exhibitions and other competitions at school, and won a lot of prizes such as milk and eggs. At that time, I felt very proud. This could be considered as a supplement to the family income.

But sometimes, I am not always so enthusiastic.. I looked at other children who could play during the holidays, but I was studying painting non-stop all day long. I started crying and getting angry. For the first time, my mother said to me coldly: "Since you have chosen it, you can't give up." Since then, this sentence has been deeply engraved in my mind.

In 2007, after entering high school, I unsurprisingly took the route of being an art student. In 2008, due to the earthquake, the school was classified as a hardest-hit area. I could no longer live out of town to study painting, so I returned to Dayi Middle School.

This is the story of the 537th real person we tell

I am

(my selfie)

In 1992, I was born in Dayi County, Sichuan Province. Because my parents were busy, I lived in the countryside with my grandparents before I was 10 years old. At that time, although life was not rich, my grandparents always found ways to make me happy.

When I was in first grade, I had to walk for half an hour to get to school. In the summer, my grandma was afraid that I would suffer from heat stroke on the road, so she said hello to the owners of the roadside shops in advance and asked them to give me a popsicle every day, and we would settle the bill together when she went to the market.

At that time, I loved going to the market. I felt that the most advanced and beautiful things in the world were all in the market. Whenever I go to the market, my grandpa will take out the backpack he knitted by himself, wear the pair of army green cloth shoes that are a little open, walk half an hour on the dirt road, and carry me to the market.

html With more than 4 people, the market is as lively as the Chinese New Year. I always go to the " Xuewang " restaurant, which is the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. Every time, I go to that shop with my grandfather and eat two bowls to satisfy my gluttony. My memories in the countryside are full of joy, relaxation, and happiness.

(The countryside today is very different from when I was a child)

After I turned 10, my mother and I came to live in the city. At that time, I loved painting on the walls and the floor. Once I met an aunt, she said to her mother: "Your son likes painting so much, why don't you send him to learn painting?" Under the introduction of this aunt, I was sent to retire from the Artists Association. I learned painting from my teacher.

Due to family reasons, my mother raised me alone. At that time, my grandparents didn't understand that they were already under enough pressure to raise me, and they had to pay to send me to learn something that they thought was useless. But my mother insisted on sending me to school despite her objections.

At that time, because I had just arrived in the city, I was inevitably a little timid and shy. My mother felt that it was not good for a boy to continue like this, so she asked me to sell newspapers. If the newspaper cannot be sold on the same day, it will become waste paper. In order not to waste the money I paid for the newspaper and to earn ten yuan of pocket money, I tried every means to promote it.

Just like that, during the summer vacation of fifth grade, I went to learn Chinese painting and sold newspapers at the same time. After the summer vacation, I obviously became outgoing and confident, and dared to show myself. I started to draw pictures frequently and give them to my classmates. Because my drawings were good, many people came to me to draw them every day. Gradually, I gained some fame in school.

(This is my mother)

It was at that time that I had the dream of becoming an artist and wanted to learn more about art.

Anything in this world that boils down to art requires talent. I am lucky enough to have a little bit of talent. At that time, there were a total of thirty or forty people in our Chinese painting class, but by the second year, only one other classmate and I were selected to take classes at the teacher’s house.

Later, I got better and better at painting, and participated in various art exhibitions and other competitions at school, and won a lot of prizes such as milk and eggs. At that time, I felt very proud. This could be considered as a supplement to the family income.

But sometimes, I am not always so enthusiastic.. I looked at other children who could play during the holidays, but I was studying painting non-stop all day long. I started crying and getting angry. For the first time, my mother said to me coldly: "Since you have chosen it, you can't give up." Since then, this sentence has been deeply engraved in my mind.

In 2007, after entering high school, I unsurprisingly took the route of being an art student. In 2008, due to the earthquake, the school was classified as a hardest-hit area. I could no longer live out of town to study painting, so I returned to Dayi Middle School.

(my alma mater, Dayi Middle School)

1% of talent is important, but only with 99% of sweat can talent blossom and bear fruit.

Learning art is actually not easy at all. I not only need intensive training in subjects related to the art exam, but also have to find a teacher for one-on-one tutoring in cultural classes. Since the second half of my sophomore year in high school, I have been living a life of getting up early in the morning and going to bed at midnight.

It’s the day when the national exams are single-recruitment. This is something that many art candidates have experienced. I applied for independent admission to art academies in different provinces and cities, such as those in Tianjin, Sichuan, and Guangxi. In 2010, I finally chose Beijing.

When I got to college, my goal was very clear. I wanted to do my best in whatever I did. During my freshman and sophomore years, I fought hard to be the first in my major. In my spare time, in order to train myself, I ran for the president of the student union and the leader of the club, and took on a lot of tasks, because I wanted to have a fulfilling and meaningful university life.

During my junior and senior years, I had other plans. Since there were not many classes, I started to look for part-time jobs and thought about getting a job before graduation. I know what I need, plan every step clearly, and work hard to get closer to it.

When I first arrived at university, I began to specialize in drama art and stage design. Because I really like the clothing related content in my major, I found a part-time job as a "styling assistant" online.

(This is a star I came into contact with when I was doing styling design)

At that time, there were many people going to the magazine for interviews, and the interview director was also very strict. When answering the question, I said: "I have not thought about salary. I am a student now. I just want to study and train myself." In this way, another boy and I were left. Many interns came one after another in the meantime, but a year later, I was the only one left.

During that time, I had to work non-stop as soon as I opened my eyes every day, writing emails, contacting photographers, collecting express delivery, and sorting clothes. I did the work of five or six people by myself. After the shooting in the evening, I have to go back to the magazine to sort out my clothes, return what needs to be returned, and return what needs to be put in its place. I am often so busy that I have no time to eat.

clearly remembers that one time the weather in Beijing started to get colder. After I finished my work, the subway had stopped running. When I took a taxi back to the downstairs of the community, breakfast started to be sold.

It was the most difficult period in my life, and my body was exhausted every day. I couldn't bear it anymore, so I called my mother and cried. But as soon as I hang up the phone, I will immediately rekindle my passion, because this is what I like and choose, and I must get over it.

(This is the small courtyard I later renovated in the countryside)

Slowly, I became a very famous assistant in the entire fashion circle. Everyone knows me as very hard-working and able to endure hardships, and they are willing to introduce me to more editors. As long as there is a job, everyone will come to me. I also started taking on some celebrity shooting jobs.

A few years passed quickly. When I graduated in 2014, I chose to return to Chengdu. Although the job of a celebrity stylist is good, it cannot solve my food and clothing problem. I cannot pursue my dream like this.

Moreover, I don’t see how much money I can earn in this profession in the future. In addition, houses in Beijing are also very expensive. I don’t want my mother to keep subsidizing my life and dragging her down.

After returning to Chengdu, I still want to do clothing-related work. But in 2015, there were no clothing magazines in Chengdu, so I ended up working in a bridal shop as a salesperson. The boss of felt that I was too professional and was overqualified in their store, so he always wanted to introduce me to other jobs.

It just so happened that at that time, the first Lane Crawford store in the area opened, and they were looking for a styling consultant.I submitted my resume without hesitation, because my internship was in modeling and I had rich experience, which matched 85% of the people they were looking for. After several rounds of interviews, I was accepted.

(I started my career in Chengdu)

The day I was admitted was May 4, 2015, not long after my 23rd birthday. This day is very important to me. I got my first formal job in my life and had , five insurances and one fund for the first time. In the first month of

in the mall, my performance reached the top three. excluding tax and insurance, I got more than 20,000 yuan. In just two years, I relied on my own income to buy an apartment in Chengdu.

But after my life stabilized and gradually entered an endless cycle, I felt tired of the lack of freshness in my workplace life. I can no longer learn more from this job. I am eager to go to a farther and larger place to learn new knowledge and enrich myself.

In 2017, I resolutely chose to resign and decided to use the money I saved to study in Paris, the "fashion capital". I want to go out and have a look while I am still young, and I have my mother’s support. I asked my friends in Paris to help me find a school to study art appreciation.

(This is the Eiffel Tower)

When I first arrived in Paris, I was not used to their food. After a while, I was about 1.8 meters tall and only 115 pounds thinner. Every time I make money after doing shopping for others on weekends, I go to have a hot pot meal to reward myself. During my study tour, I never asked my family to give me a penny.

After studying, I like to go to local markets, buy groceries, go shopping, and deeply experience the local customs and culture. I also like to travel to surrounding countries. It was only after a trip to Scotland, England that I came up with the idea of ​​returning to my hometown to start a business.

In the remote countryside of Scotland , they live a very artistic and leisurely life. They feed sheep, grow vegetables, run the manor every day, and go to the town to drink coffee and read books when they have nothing to do. I think other people's villages can become like this, why can't my hometown? China's rural areas are no worse than them, but no one has developed them yet.

In Scotland, I saw another possibility in the countryside, pursuing spiritual and cultural satisfaction while satisfying material needs.

I suddenly wanted to return to my hometown very urgently, to revitalize the countryside, and to bring the people in the countryside to get rich together. I also want to try and work hard to create a place where people can relax mentally. can bring the happiness, relaxation and satisfaction I felt from the countryside when I was a child to more people.

(I was very touched by the leisurely and artistic life in the Scottish countryside)

After I planned the blueprint, I began to frequently visit rural areas in the UK for inspection and planning. What should I do first when returning to the countryside? I thought about it for a long time and finally chose the path of opening a studio. Because I have been drawing since childhood, I am very familiar with it, and the preparation is relatively simple.

Before the epidemic broke out in 2019, I ended my two-year study tour, returned to China, and started preparing for my own studio. In order to make it perfect, I spent another 30,000 yuan to learn children’s art-related content for three months. I want to bring the most professional painting enlightenment to children in my hometown.

When I selected the address and was about to start business, the epidemic suddenly broke out. Our county also implemented controls and refused to allow the business to open. At that time, no one knew how long the epidemic would last. But I have already started preparations, so I can’t let all my efforts go to waste.

I took advantage of the free time at home during the epidemic to start renovating and decorating. I completed all the projects by myself, including painting, water and electricity, and carpentry. At the same time, I recorded the whole process of renovating the cabin on my self-media account and accumulated some fans.

(This is my studio)

On March 28, 2021, the county was finally lifted from the lockdown, and my studio officially opened. My first student was a local little boy. He was attracted by the brightly colored studio and ran home to sign up with his mother.

I pay more attention to the education of thinking, and strive to make children enjoy painting. Because interest is always the best teacher, children are very creative. They often only need correct guidance and responsible protection, and they can grow up well on their own.

I will take my children to the countryside to observe flowers, plants, fish and insects, and I will also allow them to draw on walls, clothes, the ground, and anywhere they like. Half an hour before each class, I take them to see cutting-edge paintings and works of classic artists at home and abroad, including comics, sand paintings, installation art and other forms of art, to enrich their understanding of the world.

In order to reduce the difficulty of understanding, I will also use characters from cartoons to explain them in a scene-based manner. Many parents told me that their children have made significant progress, daring to draw and express themselves.

This is what I want to bring to the children, not only to increase their painting knowledge, but also to have inner confidence and happiness. With the good reputation and real results, many children from other places were sent to my small studio.

(The phone booth fish tank I made with my children)

A mother from Guangdong said: "There are so many people here now, and the children are learning to draw, but the parents who are waiting have nothing to do. You might as well open another store like a lounge, Let us parents sit and drink tea and chat while we wait.” Thus, my second store was born.

Then, I rented a second place and started decorating it. I still personally participated in the design and decoration. When I opened the studio, I only invested 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. But to open this restaurant, art and leisure place, I invested more than 200,000 yuan.

Since I returned to the village to open a store, the villagers said that the village has slowly become more vital and popular. As soon as the weekend comes, the village becomes lively. It is no longer the same as before, with only the left-behind elderly people and a few passers-by. When

first came back to renovate the house, the villagers were worried about me, "Who would go to the countryside to take care of your business?" They were afraid that the money I invested would be wasted. Now, they see that I am getting better and better, and they are really happy for me. They often say: "Keep up the good work! From now on, we will cover the whole village."

(From my studio, I can see the high-rise buildings being built in the county)

The success of the two stores is not accidental. When I decided to return to my hometown to start a business, I was sure that this model would be successful in the context of the increasingly developed economy of Chinese residents and the revitalization of rural areas. The secret of

's success is that the store I opened is more in line with the national conditions. What I sell is not dead goods, but a pastoral lifestyle that most people now yearn for. This is also the life that I have truly felt since I was a child. can allow people to escape the pressure of life for a short time. This is the most attractive place in the countryside.

Now, my income is more than in the city. There are also many people who are optimistic about my business model. want to invest millions to open a branch for me, but I have rejected them. I want to go big, but I feel that the time has not come yet and I am still in the exploratory stage.

I want to use it as an experiment to show young people that they can live a good and happy life in rural areas. Whether it fails or succeeds, I want to take the risk myself and don't want others to pay for my dream.

(I like this quiet environment very much)

Before, I just wanted to go back to the village to open a shop, and slowly realize my ideals while satisfying my needs. Now, I hope to attract more and more people to join me in this rural revitalization thing.

In the future, I want to open a large farm, focus on nature education, and integrate accommodation, relaxation and leisure. brings new vitality to the already fertile countryside.

I want to say to you: "No matter which lifestyle you choose, whether in the city or in the country, you must believe in yourself, have dreams, and fight for the life you like."

(You can get a moment of inspiration here Easy)

A sentence I like very much: "Excess wealth can only buy excess things. Things necessary for the human soul do not need to be bought with money."

[Oral: Mick Zero Ling]

[Editor: Juanjuan】

We can’t live through different lives, but we can experience other people’s real stories here, and every story has real photos! If you also like such true stories, please follow us! @real person interview

I submitted my resume without hesitation, because my internship was in modeling and I had rich experience, which matched 85% of the people they were looking for. After several rounds of interviews, I was accepted.

(I started my career in Chengdu)

The day I was admitted was May 4, 2015, not long after my 23rd birthday. This day is very important to me. I got my first formal job in my life and had , five insurances and one fund for the first time. In the first month of

in the mall, my performance reached the top three. excluding tax and insurance, I got more than 20,000 yuan. In just two years, I relied on my own income to buy an apartment in Chengdu.

But after my life stabilized and gradually entered an endless cycle, I felt tired of the lack of freshness in my workplace life. I can no longer learn more from this job. I am eager to go to a farther and larger place to learn new knowledge and enrich myself.

In 2017, I resolutely chose to resign and decided to use the money I saved to study in Paris, the "fashion capital". I want to go out and have a look while I am still young, and I have my mother’s support. I asked my friends in Paris to help me find a school to study art appreciation.

(This is the Eiffel Tower)

When I first arrived in Paris, I was not used to their food. After a while, I was about 1.8 meters tall and only 115 pounds thinner. Every time I make money after doing shopping for others on weekends, I go to have a hot pot meal to reward myself. During my study tour, I never asked my family to give me a penny.

After studying, I like to go to local markets, buy groceries, go shopping, and deeply experience the local customs and culture. I also like to travel to surrounding countries. It was only after a trip to Scotland, England that I came up with the idea of ​​returning to my hometown to start a business.

In the remote countryside of Scotland , they live a very artistic and leisurely life. They feed sheep, grow vegetables, run the manor every day, and go to the town to drink coffee and read books when they have nothing to do. I think other people's villages can become like this, why can't my hometown? China's rural areas are no worse than them, but no one has developed them yet.

In Scotland, I saw another possibility in the countryside, pursuing spiritual and cultural satisfaction while satisfying material needs.

I suddenly wanted to return to my hometown very urgently, to revitalize the countryside, and to bring the people in the countryside to get rich together. I also want to try and work hard to create a place where people can relax mentally. can bring the happiness, relaxation and satisfaction I felt from the countryside when I was a child to more people.

(I was very touched by the leisurely and artistic life in the Scottish countryside)

After I planned the blueprint, I began to frequently visit rural areas in the UK for inspection and planning. What should I do first when returning to the countryside? I thought about it for a long time and finally chose the path of opening a studio. Because I have been drawing since childhood, I am very familiar with it, and the preparation is relatively simple.

Before the epidemic broke out in 2019, I ended my two-year study tour, returned to China, and started preparing for my own studio. In order to make it perfect, I spent another 30,000 yuan to learn children’s art-related content for three months. I want to bring the most professional painting enlightenment to children in my hometown.

When I selected the address and was about to start business, the epidemic suddenly broke out. Our county also implemented controls and refused to allow the business to open. At that time, no one knew how long the epidemic would last. But I have already started preparations, so I can’t let all my efforts go to waste.

I took advantage of the free time at home during the epidemic to start renovating and decorating. I completed all the projects by myself, including painting, water and electricity, and carpentry. At the same time, I recorded the whole process of renovating the cabin on my self-media account and accumulated some fans.

(This is my studio)

On March 28, 2021, the county was finally lifted from the lockdown, and my studio officially opened. My first student was a local little boy. He was attracted by the brightly colored studio and ran home to sign up with his mother.

I pay more attention to the education of thinking, and strive to make children enjoy painting. Because interest is always the best teacher, children are very creative. They often only need correct guidance and responsible protection, and they can grow up well on their own.

I will take my children to the countryside to observe flowers, plants, fish and insects, and I will also allow them to draw on walls, clothes, the ground, and anywhere they like. Half an hour before each class, I take them to see cutting-edge paintings and works of classic artists at home and abroad, including comics, sand paintings, installation art and other forms of art, to enrich their understanding of the world.

In order to reduce the difficulty of understanding, I will also use characters from cartoons to explain them in a scene-based manner. Many parents told me that their children have made significant progress, daring to draw and express themselves.

This is what I want to bring to the children, not only to increase their painting knowledge, but also to have inner confidence and happiness. With the good reputation and real results, many children from other places were sent to my small studio.

(The phone booth fish tank I made with my children)

A mother from Guangdong said: "There are so many people here now, and the children are learning to draw, but the parents who are waiting have nothing to do. You might as well open another store like a lounge, Let us parents sit and drink tea and chat while we wait.” Thus, my second store was born.

Then, I rented a second place and started decorating it. I still personally participated in the design and decoration. When I opened the studio, I only invested 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. But to open this restaurant, art and leisure place, I invested more than 200,000 yuan.

Since I returned to the village to open a store, the villagers said that the village has slowly become more vital and popular. As soon as the weekend comes, the village becomes lively. It is no longer the same as before, with only the left-behind elderly people and a few passers-by. When

first came back to renovate the house, the villagers were worried about me, "Who would go to the countryside to take care of your business?" They were afraid that the money I invested would be wasted. Now, they see that I am getting better and better, and they are really happy for me. They often say: "Keep up the good work! From now on, we will cover the whole village."

(From my studio, I can see the high-rise buildings being built in the county)

The success of the two stores is not accidental. When I decided to return to my hometown to start a business, I was sure that this model would be successful in the context of the increasingly developed economy of Chinese residents and the revitalization of rural areas. The secret of

's success is that the store I opened is more in line with the national conditions. What I sell is not dead goods, but a pastoral lifestyle that most people now yearn for. This is also the life that I have truly felt since I was a child. can allow people to escape the pressure of life for a short time. This is the most attractive place in the countryside.

Now, my income is more than in the city. There are also many people who are optimistic about my business model. want to invest millions to open a branch for me, but I have rejected them. I want to go big, but I feel that the time has not come yet and I am still in the exploratory stage.

I want to use it as an experiment to show young people that they can live a good and happy life in rural areas. Whether it fails or succeeds, I want to take the risk myself and don't want others to pay for my dream.

(I like this quiet environment very much)

Before, I just wanted to go back to the village to open a shop, and slowly realize my ideals while satisfying my needs. Now, I hope to attract more and more people to join me in this rural revitalization thing.

In the future, I want to open a large farm, focus on nature education, and integrate accommodation, relaxation and leisure. brings new vitality to the already fertile countryside.

I want to say to you: "No matter which lifestyle you choose, whether in the city or in the country, you must believe in yourself, have dreams, and fight for the life you like."

(You can get a moment of inspiration here Easy)

A sentence I like very much: "Excess wealth can only buy excess things. Things necessary for the human soul do not need to be bought with money."

[Oral: Mick Zero Ling]

[Editor: Juanjuan】

We can’t live through different lives, but we can experience other people’s real stories here, and every story has real photos! If you also like such true stories, please follow us! @real person interview