As the old saying goes: "Winter diseases are cured in summer." So today, I will introduce to my friends a kind of herbal medicine. This kind of herbal medicine is very common in rural areas, and people see it every day without knowing it. Many times, people treat it as a harmful

As the old saying goes: "Winter diseases are cured in summer." So today, I will introduce to my friends a kind of herbal medicine. This kind of herbal medicine is very common in rural areas, and people see it every day without knowing it. Many times, people treat it as a harmful weed in the field and get rid of it. In fact, it is still a traditional Chinese medicinal material. After carefully reading the following uses, you will definitely not pull it out again. So today I will share its value and use with you, hoping it will be helpful to your life.

It is very easy to find this kind of grass. It can be found everywhere on the roadside. There are a few growing on the roadside in front of me. They usually grow on the paths in the fields, or under trees, in front of and behind the houses. And it can be seen everywhere in the wasteland. I really didn’t expect that such an inconspicuous cowgrass is actually full of treasures. Goosegrass grows as a single plant, and its stems and leaves are basically crawling on the ground.

Regarding this plant, because its distribution range is very wide, its names are different in different places. Its scientific name is "goose grass", but in the north, some call it big butt grass. Some are also called Thousand Jin Grass, so why is it called that? You see, its roots are very strong and deeply rooted in the ground. It is difficult to pull them out with your bare hands without expending a lot of effort. Because it is very firmly rooted in the ground, it is generally difficult for us to pull it out with our hands, which means that its root system below is very developed and firmly rooted in the ground. Many people want to know that such an ordinary cowweed is just like other weeds in the countryside, so what is its value and use?

The first use is to boil water for bathing

You may not have thought that goosegrass is actually a very good Chinese herbal medicine. In rural areas, there is still the custom of using it to boil water for bathing. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying, dispelling wind and dehumidification. The whole plant can be used medicinally. It has a sweet and mild taste, and has the effects of dispelling wind and dampness, dispersing blood clots and stopping bleeding. . As the old saying goes, winter diseases are cured in the summer. So in summer, for those friends who have joint pain and heavy moisture in the body, you can use the whole plant of Goosegrass to boil water for bathing or wash the affected area. , which will be very beneficial to the body.

The second use is livestock feed

Goosegrass is an annual herbaceous plant. The root system below is very developed. Its stems and leaves are very strong. The whole plant can be used as feed to feed livestock such as cattle, horses, sheep and rabbits. Goosegrass is a very good natural pasture, and it is very good to feed them. The livestock have beautiful colors, strong bodies, high slaughter rates, and are not easy to get sick.

The third use is to waterproof and solidify soil

Goosegrass is an important plant for preventing water and soil erosion. As you have just seen, the root system is very developed and can firmly grasp the soil on the ground. Therefore, this plant It is usually planted on wasteland, embankments and hillsides to waterproof and solidify the soil. The effect is quite good.

Friends, do you know this kind of cowgrass? Whatever its name is? Do you know what its value is? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and share it! thank you all!