Food safety issues have increasingly attracted the attention of the general public. As a spokesperson for junk food, instant noodles have been repeatedly criticized by parents and the public in recent years. There are many rumors about instant noodles, and they all point out that

Food safety issues have increasingly attracted the attention of the general public. In recent years, instant noodles, which are the spokesperson for junk food, have been repeatedly criticized by parents and the public. There are many rumors about instant noodles, and they all point out that they are unhealthy.

It is reported on the Internet that a male college student suddenly felt pain in his stomach after eating instant noodles in the dormitory for a month because he did not like going out to eat. So I went to the hospital for a checkup, and it turned out to be stomach cancer .

Some people have also launched professional research, saying that the toxins contained in a pack of instant noodles require the human body to completely decompose them a month . If you eat too much, the preservatives in instant noodles will be deposited in the body, causing immeasurable damage to your health.

These remarks about instant noodles all sound reasonable. But in fact, when it comes to the ranking of "junk food", instant noodles are nothing, so we have to stand back.

Junk food ranking, are there any foods you have eaten?

Fourth place: Spicy strips

Spicy strips are the favorite snack of primary and middle school students, and they are also a fond memory of many adults today. But spicy strips are also out-and-out junk food.

The production environment and production process of many spicy strip manufacturers are not very standardized, and it is difficult to ensure the safety of the production process. Moreover, even the spicy strips produced by large manufacturers will add a lot of flavors and preservatives. When these substances enter the body, they will cause great harm to the health of teenagers.

Spicy strips also contain a lot of oil and pepper . The former will accumulate into fat in the body, causing body obesity. The latter will irritate the intestines and stomach and cause stomach problems.

Third place: canned fruit

Although the raw material used in canned fruit is fruit, it is not healthy. Because during the canning process, the vitamins contained in the fruit will be decomposed and destroyed, resulting in serious loss of nutrients. And during the production process, a lot of sugar will be added to make the canned food taste even sweeter.

For middle-aged and elderly people, canned fruits are not only unhealthy, but can poison the body.

Second place: Milk Tea

Nowadays, the streets and alleys are full of milk tea shops, and many of them are brands that promote health and nutrition. But milk tea is not healthy at all. Most of the milk teas you buy are blended with flavor and saccharin. A cup of milk tea has more calories than a piece of fat.

If you drink milk tea regularly, in addition to happiness, you will also gain a little belly.

No. 1: Cream Cake

Cream Cake is the well-deserved No. 1 junk food. Most of the fat components in cream cakes are saturated fatty acids . This type of fatty acid cannot be broken down and utilized by the body and can only be stored as fat and cholesterol . And compared to other junk foods, cream cakes contain more calories. Eating cream cakes has the risk of increasing blood lipids.

Compared with the above four junk foods, the impact of instant noodles is nothing. Why I say this is because, on the one hand, these foods are snacks and can be eaten frequently. However, as instant noodles are a staple food, few people can eat instant noodles continuously, and the frequency of eating them will be less. For so many years, instant noodles have been blamed for being "junk food", and some people have even asked that the production of instant noodles be stopped. In fact, instant noodles are really not as "junk" as the legend says.

What will happen to the controversial instant noodles after eating them?

- Do instant noodles contain preservatives?

Preservatives are a food additive used to ensure that food does not grow by bacteria and extend the shelf life. After being reviewed by the National Food Safety Administration, all added preservatives will not cause much harm to the body when consumed normally. You can rest assured about this.

In addition, instant noodle cakes do not actually contain preservatives ingredients. Because the noodles are preserved after dehydration and frying, the shelf life itself is quite long, and there is no need to add additional preservatives and other ingredients. However, there are certain preservatives in the seasoning packets.

——The oil used in instant noodles is all " thousand boiling oil "?

You can often see the oil fried in roadside stalls, most of which are thousands of boiling oil that have been fried many times. So it is natural to think that instant noodles are also fried in this way. But that's not the case.

Perhaps there were food factories with such illegal operations in the past, but now the country is very strict about food safety. As long as the instant noodles are produced by regular manufacturers, strict supervision will be carried out in the food production safety, and there will be no "thousands of boiling oil" situation.

——Does it take a month to excrete a pack of instant noodles from the body?

This statement has no basis at all. The main ingredient of instant noodles is starch. The rice and steamed buns we eat daily also contain starch. . If instant noodles take a month to decompose out of the body, then wouldn’t the rice eaten with every meal be the root of all diseases?

These rumors about instant noodles are obviously groundless and are common rumors on the Internet. People's Daily once issued a special article to clarify this. It can be seen that instant noodles have suffered unjust injustice for many years.

But this is not to encourage everyone to eat more instant noodles. Although there is no harm in instant noodles, eating too much is not a good thing. A piece of instant noodles has a single nutritional component, containing only starch and fat. Eating too much will lead to malnutrition. Especially for teenagers who are in the growing period, instant noodles with only one nutritional value can indeed be regarded as junk food.

These rumors about junk food actually reflect the concerns of our residents about food safety, but it is not just ignorant children who eat junk food. There is also a lot of junk food on the adult dining table. Can we still eat these junk foods?

Can we quit the junk food on the adult table?

Pickled food

Pickled food can be said to be the favorite of many people. In some areas of the west, the longer the cured meat is dried, the higher its value, sometimes even selling for tens of thousands of yuan.

These marinated and air-dried meats although they taste more delicious. But the salt content is too high and contains a lot of carcinogens. Long-term consumption will inevitably increase the risk of high blood pressure.

As the spokesperson of junk food, instant noodles have long been controversial. But the masses have therefore ignored the real junk food around them without realizing it. Please keep this food list and keep junk food in mind.

[Reference Materials]

1. Instant noodles contain carcinogens? Can they not be excreted out of the body in two months? The truth is·People’s Daily·2019.9.28

2. Is “junk food” really junk? I have been deceived for many years...·Popular Science China · 2017.6.20

3, junk food, not easy to digest, harmful oils... Instant noodles have been wronged for many years · Science and Technology Daily · 2019.11.6