#在书之名# book# 2021 The book that has the deepest impact on me#​# Bring a book and set off#​#书#​I am Mohainiuyin. Click "Follow" above to share good books and personal improvement tips with you every day. There has been something going on at home recently, and I haven’t studied for

Although we all understand in life, no matter what you give, you will get something in return, and no matter how hard you sweat, you will gain something.

However, due to different choices, we often find that the more we pay, the smaller the reward, and the harder we work, the less we can achieve big gains. This involves the law of cause and effect we are learning.

Because of reason and chance, we are blood relatives and will never be separated. Examples in life usually give us an illusion, causing most people who do not sum up experience to always regard the success of others and themselves as luck.

In fact, the most important thing is to learn to think about problems impartially, keep in mind the truth that everything happens for a reason, and learn to make plans based on accurate facts.

It is through thought that people connect life and non-life, just as people connect the natural world with the spiritual world through thought.

According to law of attraction , whatever I ask for will be achieved. Only when we learn to reasonably control and use this invisible power will the universe illuminate our entire world in various ways.

Try to keep your thoughts in harmony with the creative principles of nature, and we will be in step with the infinite spirit, and we will be on the fast track to success.

And the source of all this power requires training. So today’s training content is:

Use your mind to draw a black horizontal line of about six inches on a blank wall, then use your mind to draw two vertical lines to connect the two ends of the horizontal line, draw another horizontal line, and connect the two vertical lines. Connect to form a square.

Draw a circle in the square, draw a point in the center of the circle, and then use your mind to pull the point ten inches closer to you.

Now a cone is made on the square ground. You should remember that this cone is black at first, and we use our thoughts to make it red, black, and yellow. If

could do that, it would have made great progress.

The exercise of attention is to concentrate and concentrate. If a goal or object can be presented very clearly in your mind, success is not far away.

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Don’t forget, I am the great-great-grandson of Wang Xizhi, and the descendant of Wang Xun