The online live streaming industry has been in full swing for more than 10 years. It has supported many bastards and hooligans who are not interested in production. It has also provided re-employment opportunities for the unemployed in Dongguan, and has captured countless social

The online live streaming industry has been in full swing for more than 10 years. It has supported many bastards and hooligans who are not engaged in production and enjoys leisure. It has also provided re-employment opportunities for the unemployed people in Dongguan , and has captured countless social wealth. The glory of

now seems to be coming to an end. Many leading Internet celebrities have overturned their plans one after another, exaggerating propaganda, fabricating fake products, evading taxes, and using all the dirty work accumulated over thousands of years without any waste.

html According to the media on June 30, Internet celebrity Fan Sifeng was investigated for tax evasion. During the four years from July 2017 to December 2021, Fan Sifeng concealed his income from live streaming and underpaid personal income tax of 1.6789 million yuan and other taxes and fees of 1.0056 million yuan.

Fan Sifeng, a little-known Internet celebrity, can actually earn so much, and the tax he paid alone is close to 3 million. Many people are confused: Why do they need to evade taxes when they make so much money?

Their logic is: the more money you make, the more you will have left after paying taxes, and the less necessary it is to evade taxes. This is a logical misunderstanding that ignores three key factors: Tax evaders are all "quasi-criminals". Can the behavior of criminals be understood with normal thinking? The richer you are and the more you know the power of money, the more reluctant you are to spend money.

The last point: the richer you are, the more you have the means and ability to evade taxes - there are dedicated teams to operate, professional lawyers to help, and professional accountants to do the accounting. Do poor people have this opportunity?

Fan Sifeng was found guilty of tax evasion, and his career as an Internet celebrity has come to an end. The other internet celebrity is probably about the same.

is quite a "legendary" person. He is the originator of "script killing" in the Internet celebrity world. He is known as the "chief director" of a certain mobile platform because he is good at promoting scripts. This person is "Taiyuan Laoge", the leading Internet celebrity with 22 million fans.

As the saying goes, those who drown are those who know how to use water. "Taiyuan Laoge" started by relying on "scripts" and died because of them. In 2019, he was permanently banned from the platform due to malicious hype.

But Lao Ge is Lao Ge, and he never loses in business. First, he used someone else's account to "resurrection", and then he used someone else's account to successfully "resurrect" him. "Permanently banned" became a joke.

Lao Ge returned to his old career and played with the script. He didn't believe the bullshit he said. He said that the top brother rewarded him with 5 million, tricked him into investing in a 10 billion project, and finally got 2 billion from him. Not to mention 2 billion in cash, Lao Ge has probably never seen a tadpole worth 2 billion.

then openly insulted women in the live broadcast room. Although it is also a routine in the "script", such unscrupulous methods are outraged by both people and gods and cannot be accepted by people.

In the live broadcast room, Lao Ge was very manic and pointed out that the poor performance was due to the female anchor's incompetence, so she must be punished. The method of punishment is to put a brand with insulting words around the neck of the female anchor, which is very similar to the scene of selling girls in brothels in the old society.

Although the performance of the female anchor is superficial, she still works very hard to show her unwillingness and unhappy mood. Behind a piece of liquid crystal glass , these people have made wealth that their parents could not make in their lifetime.

They tasted the sweetness of traffic and smelled the deliciousness of getting something for nothing, so they fell into submission and became slaves of traffic willingly. But when such insulting scenes are presented in front of the public, where women are openly used to gain traffic and money, the impact is not limited to a small live broadcast room.

Lao Ge was very proud at the time, saying that the audience had exceeded 2 million. Taking into account the fake content of the online platform, the real audience should have exceeded 10,000, and the influence was still great.

I don’t expect Internet celebrities to spread any positive energy, but at least they don’t violate human ethics and natural laws and challenge public order and good customs. The sword of justice hangs over everyone's head, and it will fall unexpectedly.