Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Li Hongbao intern Peng Xingu Ting Picture/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Wang Junwei (except for signature) Dongguan City 2022 "Dongguan City 2022" was jointly organized by the Organization Department of the Dongguan Munic

text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Li Hongbao intern Peng Xingu Ting

picture/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Wang Junwei (except for signature)

Dongguan was jointly organized by the Organization Department of the Dongguan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Dongguan All-Media Communication Center of the Yangcheng Evening News The city's 2022 "Ten Schools and Hundreds" summer internship recruitment plan is in full swing. There are 100 high-quality positions in many high-quality companies in Dongguan City, and graduates from major universities across the country are invited to come to the Bay Area to experience the unique charm of Dongguan city.

Recently, Yao Jiaqing, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Dongguan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, accepted an exclusive interview with the Yangcheng Evening News and gave a detailed interpretation of the "Ten Schools and Hundreds" internship recruitment plan as well as Dongguan City's talent work in recent years and the latest talent introduction policies.

Yao Jiaqing, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Dongguan Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Yangcheng Evening News (photo provided by the interviewee)

Stabilizing the economy, promoting development, and attracting talents, Dongguan is thirsty for talents

Dongguan is an important node city in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area , the regional GDP in 2021 is 1.0855 billion yuan. There are currently more than 1.5 million market entities, 190,000 industrial enterprises, and 11,000 regulated industrial enterprises, ranking second in the country in number. The electronic information manufacturing industry has become a trillion-level advanced manufacturing cluster. , has a complete manufacturing system covering 34 industries and more than 60,000 products. As a famous manufacturing and foreign trade city, actively attracting talents to find jobs and start businesses in Dongguan is an important measure taken by the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Government to stabilize the economy and promote development.

Dongguan GDP has exceeded one trillion and the total population has exceeded 10 million, officially entering a new era of "double thousand" development

Dongguan, as a city with a huge industrial base and manufacturing base as well as a complete manufacturing system, is launching the "Ten Ten Thousands" at this time The internship recruitment plan of "hundred people on campus" fully reflects Dongguan's "Dongguan's responsibility" in the employment work in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. At the same time, it is closely integrated with Dongguan City's new round of talent introduction policies to attract outstanding high-end talents to find employment and start businesses in Dongguan, and promote Dongguan's Industrial upgrading work has reached a new level.

"After the central, provincial and municipal Party committees held a talent work meeting, the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government further intensified their efforts on the basis of the original talent work, put forward the slogan of 'Talents come to Dongguan', and changed the talent policy from the original Version 1.0 has been upgraded to version 2.0. "Yao Jiaqing said, "We plan to invest 10.36 billion from the municipal finance into talent work in the next three years. At the same time, in terms of talent policy system, funding system, platform system and talent service economic system, we will Make a more significant upgrade."

Yao Jiaqing said that Dongguan City hopes to use this "Ten Schools and Hundreds" internship recruitment event as an opportunity to fully implement the central government's work arrangements on stabilizing employment and drive more college graduates to know Dongguan. And came to Dongguan to start a business and find a job, continuously improve Dongguan's talent structure, consolidate Dongguan's talent base, and let the outside world pay attention to Dongguan, enter Dongguan, and take root in Dongguan.

htmlInvest 5 billion yuan in talent service guarantee funds in 15 years

"According to our preliminary statistics, the total number of talents in Dongguan is more than 2.8 million. The number and quality of provincial innovation teams and innovative scientific research teams have always been at the forefront of prefecture-level cities in Guangdong Province. ." Yao Jiaqing introduced. In recent years, Dongguan City has made outstanding achievements in cultivating skilled talents, building talent platforms, and creating a talent environment. In the past three years, a total of 1.64 million industrial workers have been trained and 1,523 talent platforms of various types have been established, including 5 academician workstations and a Ph.D. , 134 postdoctoral work platforms, 1,108 key laboratories and engineering technology centers. In the past five years, 5 billion yuan has been invested in talent service guarantee funds, 41,300 talent housing units have been raised, and more than 43,000 compulsory education degrees have been coordinated for talents. Dongguan City has attracted People who come to Wanwan and "stay in Wanwan" can be said to be full of sincerity.

Dongguan City Park Landscape

The talent introduction work has been effective, but shortcomings cannot be ignored. Yao Jiaqing admitted to reporters that there is still a lot of "homework" to be done in the current talent work."First of all, although the total number of talents in Dongguan City has reached a certain scale, the quality and structure need to be further optimized; secondly, our software and hardware environment for retaining talents needs to be further improved and optimized; finally, how do talents keep pace with industrial upgrading and technological innovation? Organic integration is what we will focus on next,” Yao Jiaqing said, “Dongguan is sandwiched between Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and it also faces fierce competition in talent introduction and training. We hope to find a way out of the tight siege. Exploring the "Dongguan Model" of talent introduction."

Talent policy is further strengthened, and "jobs are waiting for you" in Dongguan

Faced with the actual needs of its own industrial technology upgrading and the fierce external talent competition environment, who has the talent? It is tantamount to having the initiative in economic development. To this end, Dongguan City has formulated and implemented "one slogan + set of policies + five major actions" to promote the strategic goal of strengthening the city with talents in two stages. "One slogan" is the slogan of "talented people, come to Wanwan". The "set of policies" is guided by two documents: "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Strong City with Talents in the New Era" and "Dongguan City's New Round "Ten Hundreds, Tens, Tens, Millions" Talent Project Action Plan" as its guide, building a "1+1+ 28” talent policy system. The "five major actions" are the implementation of the strategic talent forging action of the Comprehensive National Science Center in the Greater Bay Area, the action of gathering talents in advanced manufacturing, the action of talent training and strengthening the foundation, the action of reforming systems and mechanisms, and the action of optimizing the talent ecology.

Dongguan Cityscape

“Our investment is very large!” Yao Jiaqing said, “We also hope to use the country to create the east wind of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, using Songshan Lake Science City, materials laboratories, more than 30 new R&D institutions, and Provincial and municipal innovation teams, leading talents, as well as postdoctoral workstations, academician workstations and other high-level talent carriers accurately gather high-end talents, exert the talent fission effect through the gathering of talents, and elevate the industrial chain and technological innovation level to a higher level."

Yao Jiaqing also said that in the next step, Dongguan City will continue to optimize the soft environment for attracting, cultivating and employing talents, strengthen infrastructure construction, better serve talents in the fields of education, health, culture and other fields, and better attract and retain talents. Talents, cultivating talents.

The "Ten Schools and Hundreds" program has many highlights, and Dongguan is sincere in attracting talents.

It is understood that the "Ten Schools and Hundreds" internship recruitment program has received positive responses from many universities since its launch, and many students have enthusiastically signed up. So far, it has received nearly 300 resumes from students from 115 universities, including many from well-known universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Wuhan University.

Yao Jiaqing introduced to reporters the many highlights of this "Ten Schools and Hundreds" internship recruitment activity. According to reports, the job benefits for this internship are generally relatively high, with a total of more than 360 positions provided to students, and the maximum subsidy can reach 16,000 yuan. Dongguan City will provide high-quality service throughout the event, including transportation subsidies and insurance purchase services. At the same time, the Yangcheng Evening News will also conduct news records and follow-up reports on the intern representatives, presenting a panoramic view of the students’ internship trends, Life experience and create a benchmark model for activities. After the internship, if the interns are willing to stay in Dongguan, they can directly sign a contract and join the company. The relevant departments of Dongguan City will do a good job in communicating with students and schools to strive to allow college students who have come to intern to stay in Dongguan for long-term development.

"We hope to introduce more talents into our companies, especially technological innovation companies. We also hope that through continuous exploration, we will drive more graduates from prestigious schools to find jobs and start businesses in Dongguan." Yao Jiaqing said with confidence. It is reported that Dongguan City hopes to use this "Ten Schools and Hundreds" internship recruitment event as an opportunity to strive to complete the first-year goal of the "Ten Hundreds, Tens, Tens, Millions" talent plan, that is, to promote 20,000 talents with master's degrees or above and 150,000 talents with bachelor's degrees. Working in Dongguan, ensure that graduates from famous schools such as " double first-class " account for a certain proportion, and continuously optimize the talent structure of Dongguan.

At the end of the interview, Yao Jiaqing used the Yangcheng Evening News to send a sincere invitation to outstanding students at home and abroad: "Everyone is welcome to participate in the 'Ten Schools and Hundreds' internship program. I'm waiting for you in Dongguan!"

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng School

Editor-in-Chief | Zhang Degang