On June 30, Wu Zunyou posted an article on his personal social platform explaining the policies related to the cancellation of "star marks" on itinerary cards. He believes that the introduction of new measures does not mean the abandonment of the dynamic zero-clearance policy, no

html On June 30, Wu Zunyou posted an article on his personal social platform explaining the policy on canceling the "asterisk" on the itinerary card. He believes:

  • The introduction of new measures does not mean the abandonment of the dynamic clearing policy, and does not mean that China will follow the so-called "lay down" route of new crown prevention and control in Western countries.

  • Cancellation of the "asterisk" mark will not increase the risk of the spread of new crown . With the continuous improvement of scientific prevention and control and precise policy implementation, the requirements for the division of high-risk areas/medium-risk areas and prevention and control management have become more refined and precise. The prompting effect of the "asterisk" mark on the communication itinerary card has become more and more important in the new prevention and control. It is difficult to play a role in the specific implementation of the control strategy.

  • Cancel the "asterisk" mark, It has nothing to do with whether the quarantine measures are terminated for close contacts who are being quarantined.

  • Canceling the "asterisk" mark will no longer provide any excuse for those who may over-prevent the epidemic or even make epidemic prevention "overriding".

Source: China News Service

Editor: FQ

Review: Wu Tao

Final review: Wang Lei

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