Introduction: After a woman reaches the age of 30, she often eats three kinds of "high-speed vegetables" to keep her complexion rosy and energetic. Don't be reluctant to eat them. After a woman reaches the age of 30, she will obviously feel that her complexion is not as good as w

Introduction: After a woman reaches the age of 30, she often eats three kinds of "high-speed food" to keep her complexion rosy and energetic. Don't be reluctant to eat

After a woman reaches the age of 30, she will obviously feel that her complexion and energy are not as good as when she was young. . I have to say that women have a really hard time, especially women over 30 years old, who are basically in a state of being old and young.

After working outside for a day, she was already very tired. When she got home, women still needed to worry about big and small things. It can be said that women over 30 years old are idle 24 hours a day. Even when I sleep at night, I am still worrying about things at home and work.

How can you look good and be in good spirits if you don’t replenish your body with nutrients in such a hard working state? Therefore, women over 30 years old, be kind to yourself and don’t be reluctant to eat. You can cook these three “high-speed dishes” for yourself regularly to make you look rosy and energetic!

The first type: Pork liver

Recommended recipe: [ Stir-fried Pork Liver]

Specific method:

. After cleaning the pork liver, cut it into thin slices and put it in a bowl. Add a spoonful of cooking wine, a spoonful of dark soy sauce, and an appropriate amount. Mix salt, pepper and cornstarch together and marinate for about ten minutes. Slice the onions, ginger, and garlic, remove the seeds from the green and red peppers, wash them and cut them into small pieces.

. Add an appropriate amount of cooking oil to the wok. When the oil is 70% hot, put the marinated pork liver into the wok, quickly spread it with a spatula, and fry the pork liver until it changes color. Take it out. Leave oil in the pot, add a spoonful of bean paste into the pot, add onion, ginger, garlic and dried chili and stir-fry until the red oil and aroma are released. Put the green and red peppers into the pot and add a little water to prevent the peppers from burning in the pot when frying. Stir-fry until the peppers are broken, then add the fried pork liver. Stir-fry for a while, then add an appropriate amount of salt and chicken powder and it is ready to serve.

The second type: spinach

Recommended recipe: [Spinach Egg Roll]

Specific method:

. Remove the roots and old leaves of spinach and clean them. Boil water in a pot, sprinkle some salt and cooking oil. After the water boils, add the spinach to the pot and blanch it for ten seconds. This will not only remove the oxalic acid in the spinach, but also make the spinach look greener. After the spinach is blanched, put the tofu skin into the pot and blanch until cooked.

. Crack two eggs into a bowl, sprinkle some salt, drop a few drops of balsamic vinegar, and stir with chopsticks. Pour a little cooking oil into the pan, slide the pan, and when the oil is hot, pour the egg liquid into the pan and spread it into a thin egg cake. After the egg cake is spread out, cut it into thin strips.

. Spread the cooked bean skins flat on the chopping board, put the blanched spinach on top, and put shredded eggs on top. Roll up the bean skins tightly, then cut them into small pieces and put them on a plate. . Prepare another bowl of sauce: add sesame oil, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt and pepper to the bowl and stir evenly. Eat spinach egg rolls with dipping sauce, very delicious.

The third type: red dates

Recommended recipe: [Red Dates and Tremella Soup]

Specific methods:

. Put the dried tremella in a bowl, add water to soak; peel and cut the lotus seeds in half, take out the lotus seed core , and put the lotus seeds in a bowl In it, add water to soak; put the red dates in a bowl, add water and a little baking soda , rub the red dates clean with your hands, and rinse them with clean water.

. After soaking the white fungus and lotus seeds, put them into the cooking pot together with the red dates, and add an appropriate amount of water to cover the ingredients. After the fire boils, turn to medium heat, cover the pot and simmer for about 40 minutes. Add the rock sugar and stir while cooking to avoid scumming in the pot when the rock sugar melts. When the rock sugar is completely cooked, sprinkle some wolfberry and stir evenly before serving. .

The above three "high-speed rail dishes" are not only nutritious, but also very delicious. After a woman reaches the age of 30, she has too many things to worry about. At this time, she should be kinder to herself and not be reluctant to eat. Eating these three "high-speed rail dishes" regularly will make you look rosy and energetic, and your family will be happier.