This year is my 5th year of hair tattooing. I have sorted out the hair clippers I have used to shave my hair in the past few years and share with you my experience of using each tool. Before getting my hair tattooed, I bought an electric clipper online, and this is it. Because th

This year is my 5th year of hair tattooing. I have sorted out the hair clippers I have used to shave my hair in the past few years, and I will share with you my experience of using each tool.

Before I got my hair tattooed, I bought an electric hair clipper online, and this is it.

Because I have less hair on my head, there is no need to go to the barber shop to get my hair cut. I have saved a lot of money in the past few years. Haha, I still used this method until I got a hair tattoo. One bad thing about this is that the push is not very short. In order not to affect the effect, I have to push it almost every two days. The push is a bit frequent, so I don’t recommend buying it.

I bought this one later and I am quite satisfied with it because it has a shorter length and the overall effect is very good. No hair lines can be seen at all, and the color spots and hair stubble can be blended together. This is my favorite tool. I only need to push it once every three days. I highly recommend it.

I forgot to bring my electric clippers on a business trip some time ago, so I used an automatic razor to apply them. The effect was even better than the previous one. The floor is also very clean and only needs to be pushed once every 4 days. This is recommended!

The last one is a manual razor. I have never used this razor, so I won’t comment. My friend said it is very useful. Recommendation index 4 stars!

The head shaving tools I recommend today are mainly these two. Do you have a better tool? You can leave a message to share with everyone.