[Source: Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention] In order to accurately estimate the burden of tuberculosis in Yunnan Province, starting from October 2020, the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention successfully organized and completed a special

[Source: Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention]

In order to accurately estimate the tuberculosis burden in Yunnan Province, starting from October 2020, which lasted 20 months, the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention successfully organized and completed a special project on underreporting and underreporting of tuberculosis in the province. The survey obtained representative data for the province for the first time, providing solid scientific support for the formulation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" tuberculosis prevention and control plan.

This survey selected 48 disease control institutions and 90 medical institutions at the provincial level, 16 state (city) levels and 31 counties (cities, districts) under their jurisdiction as investigation units. Within the investigation time window, all institutions were investigated outpatient records, hospitalization records, and examination records. In order to ensure the quality of the survey, the Tuberculosis Prevention Office of the Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted training for all surveyed units and personnel responsible for the survey in October 2020, and conducted step-by-step drills according to the survey design requirements to ensure that the original data retrieval was completed strictly in accordance with the plan. . Afterwards, on-site inspections of the medical institutions under investigation were carried out one after another. As of October 2021, the collection and sorting of 9,065 pieces of data reported by 90 units under investigation and on-site inspections of more than 50 medical institutions have been completed. Through on-site review, the data validity rate of the units under investigation reached 98.13%, and the completeness rate reached 99.94%. In November 2021, seven provincial-level tuberculosis clinical experts were organized to conduct diagnostic review and evaluation of 8,896 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis patients whose current addresses were collected across the province, and finally diagnosed 87,749 cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis.

has initially formed the "Special Investigation Report on Unreported and Unreported Tuberculosis in Yunnan Province" (referred to as the "Investigation Report") through special investigations, data collection and analysis, quality control and other work. This survey report analyzes the under-reporting and under-reporting of tuberculosis in different regions, different institutions, and different units to find possible reasons and puts forward suggestions for reducing under-reporting and under-reporting. At the same time, the survey obtained the province's under-reporting rate of tuberculosis. Baseline data on TB and missed registration rates provide scientific basis for accurately estimating the incidence of tuberculosis in the province.

(Author: Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention jfs)

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