In life, the most distressing thing is the word "accident". It can be as small as a fall or injury, or as big as an accident... Life is unpredictable, but accident insurance is paid. Many people will configure an accident insurance for themselves or their families. For a few hund

2024/05/2311:30:33 news 1701

In life, the most distressing thing is the word

The most distressing thing in life is "accident" It can be as small as a fall or injury, or as big as an accident...

Life is unpredictable, but accident insurance is paid. Many people will configure an accident insurance for themselves or their families. For a few hundred yuan a year, you can buy hundreds of thousands of protection. The leverage is very high to prevent emergencies.

What is the accident? What does accident insurance include? What does a good accident insurance look like? How should I buy it? Let’s talk today.

The main contents are:

  • What does accident insurance include?
  • What does an excellent accident insurance look like?
  • How to buy accident insurance? Which one is better?

1. What does accident insurance include? You may not be able to tell why

is an accident.

thinks that being hit by a car suddenly, falling ill and dying suddenly, falling and being injured... are accidents, but they are actually not unreasonable.

In life, the most distressing thing is the word

However, in insurance, accident insurance must have and meet these four conditions:

Caused by external factors, sudden, not intentional, and not caused by illness..

For example, common "traffic accidents, swimming drowning, electric shock, burnsscalds, falls, falling objects " etc. all meet the definition of accidents. If the above accidents occur, the insurance company will compensate you a sum of money.

But for things like " sudden death, heat stroke, altitude sickness ", many people also think it is an accident, but its essence is still caused by personal physical reasons and does not meet the definition of an accident, so the insurance company will not I'll pay you.

Regarding the compensation scope of accident insurance, if you want to know more deeply, you can follow me and let a professional insurance teacher give you a 1V1 introduction to prevent claims from being ignored.

In life, the most distressing thing is the word

Now that we understand the scope of accident insurance, let’s take a look at what an excellent accident insurance looks like.

2. What does an excellent accident insurance look like?

Accident insurance has many protections, among which the three core protections are: Accidental death, accidental disability, and accidental medical treatment. In order to better meet the protection needs, many products will also add some special protections, such as: Sudden death , additional compensation for traffic accidents .

1. Accidental death

The most serious consequence of an accident is death . Accidental death protection means that the insured person dies due to an accident, and the insured amount is paid in one lump sum.

2, accidental disability

The degree of disability is divided into levels from one to ten. The most serious is level one, and the accident insurance pays 100% of the insured amount. The mildest , level 10 disability , pays 10% of the insured amount.

3, accidental medical treatment

If you seek medical treatment due to an accidental injury, the accident insurance can reimburse the corresponding medical expenses. However, the amount of compensation for accidental medical treatment is not particularly high. The more common ones are 10,000-20,000 yuan, and the higher ones are 50,000-100,000 yuan, but it is relatively more expensive. It is still possible to deal with small bumps and bruises, but if you want to cover the high cost of treatment, you still need health insurance with higher insurance coverage such as million-dollar medical insurance and critical illness insurance .

In life, the most distressing thing is the word

In addition, most accident insurance products on the market now add some additional special protections, such as "sudden death" liability. However, different products have different claims for "sudden death". Everyone must read the terms carefully before purchasing insurance.

3. How to buy accident insurance? Which one is better?

The biggest feature of accident insurance is low premiums and high insurance coverage. In case of an unfortunate accident, accident insurance can be of great help.

Therefore, whether you are a child, an adult, or an elderly person, it is recommended to purchase an accident insurance in advance.

There are endless accident insurance products on the market. Let’s first talk about adult accident insurance in detail.

Adults have relatively heavy family responsibilities. When buying accident insurance, the death and disability insurance amount is very important. It is recommended to start with at least .5 million.

We have found 4 popular accident insurances. Let’s take a look at their protection first:

In life, the most distressing thing is the word

Let’s get straight to the conclusion:

  • If you want to buy 500,000 insured amount: You can choose Little Bee No. 2 Beyond Edition (exclusive version) , it comes with sudden death protection, with an accidental medical insurance amount of NT$50,000, and additional compensation for traffic accidents. The protection is very comprehensive.
  • If you want to buy 1 million insured amount: give priority to Large Armor No. 3 (Extreme Edition) , a product of a large company, accidental medical treatment is not limited to social insurance, and can be 100% reimbursed after social insurance settlement. However, its maximum insurance age limit is 50 years old, and there are city restrictions. If you can't buy it, you can consider other products.

If you have health problems and cannot buy the above products, you can choose Concentrated Adult Accident Insurance 2022. It has no health requirements, and the coverage itself is pretty good. Accidental medical treatment is not limited to social security. Regardless of whether it has been settled through social security, 100% of the expenses covered by social security will be reimbursed, which is very convenient.

In life, the most distressing thing is the word

4. Written at the end

In general, accident insurance is cheap and provides practical protection. Those who can afford it should not be stingy.

However, when choosing a product, you must follow your own situation and requirements. Friends with health problems should carefully check the product page and terms before purchasing insurance to avoid claims disputes due to non-compliance with health requirements.

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In life, the most distressing thing is the word

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