Good evening, I am Xiaobai, and I bring you high-quality postgraduate entrance examination information every day! I once read this sentence: Every moment you want to work hard, your future self is asking for help from your present self! Today, Sunday, I will share with you a stor

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Good evening, I am Xiaobai, and I bring you high-quality postgraduate entrance examination information every day! I once read this sentence: Every moment you want to work hard, your future self is asking for help from your present self!

Today, Sunday, I would like to share with you a story that tells the complete experience of the postgraduate entrance examination from a second-person perspective. It is novel and unique. Read it patiently and enjoy a parallel time and space belonging to the postgraduate entrance examination...


html During the summer vacation in July, the sound of cicadas makes people sleep.

"I'm sleepy"

"Take a nap to combine work and rest"

"Hey guess what, I accidentally fell asleep for four hours"


You have spent half a year like this, during which time you also followed the flow of people and got up early to occupy your time. I was sitting there, fighting vigorously in the study room of the library every day, occasionally touching small fishes and playing games, and finally found out that I had become the king on the eve of the exam - I was so awesome, I was simply a model of combining work and rest. ? Everything about the

exam went very smoothly. When registering, you paid the fee before others got stuck. The exam room is in the school and you know it well. As a fresh graduate, there are no complicated procedures. Although I was a little nervous during the two days, I felt good. The questions You have written everything down, you can even say what you memorized will be tested. The whole paper is densely packed, but you ended it five minutes early in the last session. When you finished checking the completed writing at the end, you felt like a hero's sword sheathed - it was stable. If I don’t go to graduate school, who will go to graduate school?


After finishing the postgraduate exam, time suddenly slowed down. You reviewed five final exams in one week. Although you echoed in the voice of "I will definitely fail if you are finished", your heart is actually stable. For example, the old dog - is about to go to graduate school. , the teacher shouldn't let me fail the class and affect my graduate school, right?

Your score is out, is not high, , but compared with the professional line predicted by each organization, it is still more than enough. The national line is of course passed, , it goes without saying.

You have already started to contact your favorite tutor. Although you don’t want to be caught doing work early, it is still useful during the re-examination, so you can brush your face. And after I finished the exam, I felt it was time to make some arrangements for my “lifelong events.” I joined a lot of groups and chatted with prospective graduate students. The recent epidemic is not particularly serious. Are you going to S city for a trip or G city to eat delicious food? ?

Leaving the national border is the beginning of all changes.

All categories have become popular this year, and although your category has a small increase, it is still 30 points higher than last year.

As soon as the accident happened, it made your heart skip a beat. Fortunately, you still passed the national level. . If not, there are still the same disciplines that can be adjusted. It’s not like you haven’t learned anything. After all, there are various institutional groups. My seniors also said that although it has increased, the school line is estimated to be similar to the original estimate. Of course, they have experience.

Although you comfort yourself, you also silently start to preview the relevant knowledge of adjustment.


Finally, what you were most worried about happened. The school line has increased by 30 points compared with last year. You are stuck, only five points .

When you are confused, the air pressure seems to have dropped, and there is a feeling that makes you breathless. It does not come from the outside world, but from the expected collapse of the original structure of your brain . You didn't expect that, really.

After hearing the result, you went out for a run as usual, but suddenly your nose started to sore while you were running. Fortunately, you deliberately chose a treadmill facing the glass. As long as you pretend to be wiping sweat, no one will notice that the operation of the machine is covering up your cramped sobs.

After you got home, you tried to tell your parents calmly. They pretended to be fine and comforted you, but they also began to contact old classmates who you hadn't contacted for more than ten years non-stop to see if there was any chance they could help. Looking at your father who is talking on the phone with his back to you, you feel that his back seems to be bent a little more.

Every night after that, you can hear your mother sighing when she can't sleep, but you don't dare to show up, because you are also clenching the quilt and trying hard to prevent them from hearing the strange sounds.

4 has announced the opening hours of the adjustment system . Before that, your only task is to look around for contact information. You used to sleep until midnight every day and learned to get up early because you heard from people in the adjustment group that many schools only answered the phone in the morning. You were so shy that you wrote a small card for yourself and took the trouble to call each school. Please give me a chance; your Douyin recommended content has changed from eating and drinking to adjusting and consulting...

One day, your mother brought you good news. An old friend you know knows that there is a third-hand relationship to determine a certain b area. Colleges and universities have transfer quotas, and clearly guarantees you . You were so happy that you started searching for information about that school. After so many days, at least there is some good news, which can help you get out of your state of mindlessness.

At 0:00 that night, the adjustment system opened. You quickly filled in your application in the order you arranged, and then there was a long wait. The next morning, you excitedly got up to see if the school your old friend had agreed to pass the review, but you found a big red "Rejected" .

You were very surprised. You quickly asked your mother to call and ask what was going on. The result was, "The number of applications for the first choice has been filled, and you filled in the second choice."

The reason is absurd, but it makes sense, maybe we shouldn’t have hope for this kind of thing in the first place.

While waiting for the unlock, you can only fill in various groups. You can only smile bitterly when you see the screenshot they circulated saying that a certain school's quota has been reserved. You once thought that you could count on some heresy, but in the end it was all in vain. Now that you have the news, you just don't want to be cannon fodder.

Another week passed like this, and I saw discussions in the same group about which school finally admitted the classmates of the group friends, and all 's pre-determined messages were all they came to disseminate. As for the person who spread the screenshots at that time, he has already left the group.

You laughed, at their unscrupulousness, at your own gullibility, at yourself like a bird flying on the sea. You thought the boat you met could give you a rest, but the boatman just wanted to kill you to feed himself.

You struggled for a few more days, the system was shut down, and the adjustment was completed. Your OCD is cured. Because your adjustment application is all red, neat and eye-catching.

Good evening, I am Xiaobai, and I bring you high-quality postgraduate entrance examination information every day! I once read this sentence: Every moment you want to work hard, your future self is asking for help from your present self! Today, Sunday, I will share with you a stor - DayDayNews


If you count the gains in the past year, you will find that except for gaining 30 pounds in weight, you seem to have gained nothing.When you are annoyed, you think of many details that you didn't pay attention to at the time -

Good evening, I am Xiaobai, and I bring you high-quality postgraduate entrance examination information every day! I once read this sentence: Every moment you want to work hard, your future self is asking for help from your present self! Today, Sunday, I will share with you a stor - DayDayNews

Detail 1: You sleep until ten o'clock and get up, but you don't go to bed early or study at night: "People need to balance work and rest, and you can't just be with me just because of the test. The world is out of touch";

Detail 2: You are lazy and haven't corrected the wrong math question: "Why don't you correct it tomorrow, it won't take long";

Detail 3: You are worried about memorizing big questions. Repeating it endlessly, you get angry when you see it and immediately recognize it: "I don't believe how you can do this question if you don't memorize it";

Detail 4: Your appetite breaks out late at night, and you hesitate for three seconds and decide to order takeout, preparing to make something on the way. After reading the article, it turned out that when the delivery boy called: "Why hasn't the meal arrived yet?";

Details 5: You sneered at the autumn recruitment, thinking that people who are going to graduate school anyway should look at recruitment. : "This is such a waste of time. When the time comes, the phone call will disturb my thoughts, so I won't go.";

Detail 6: You have different feelings for the friend who took the postgraduate entrance examination together, and you fell into the emotional limit: "TA What are you doing now? ";

Detail 7: After you quickly registered for the postgraduate entrance examination, you went to the social platform and felt proud when you saw the entry with the word "explosion" suffixed " is broken". As a result, when the gourd was pressed, the melons of film and television stars one after another said, "I didn't expect this, this person's setup is too fake." But he can only accept his fate and be defeated by the passing time, but he is pushed by time to face the unknown of the future.


This is another summer with cicadas chirping, and it seems to be hotter than last year. But unlike last year, you were forced to go out to look for a job because you were no longer embarrassed to ask for money from your family, but found that spring recruitment had more people and fewer positions. What you thought was good and the treatment you wanted were completely different levels; after the interview On the way to the store, you were so anxious that you accidentally picked up a sky-high price ice cream. When you checked out, you were shocked and overwhelmed...

Can you do it all over again? Want World War II? Should I work and save money by myself to study again, or should I tell my family? Do my parents support me? What if I still fail the exam next year? Are you not satisfied with the adjustment or not? What if there are not enough adjustment points? What if I suddenly change major courses next year? ...

Summer vacation, the sound of cicadas chirping. When you wake up, seems to have had a long dream ... In this dream, you personally turned yourself into the destroyer of dreams.

You are crying. But fortunately, this is just a dream. So, you have a chance to start over again. What will you choose this time?

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