The mineral water in the hands of the NBA giants is exaggerated by looking at the photos! Ao fat drinks water like oral liquid

How does

prove that a man has a large hand? Just look at how many bottles of mineral water he can grab with one hand! As we all know, NBA players are generally tall and big. Therefore, most players have a pair of big hands that are unattainable for ordinary people, especially those giants in the NBA. The size of their palms is unimaginable. Today, we will use pictures to see See how big these giants' palms are compared to the mineral water bottles.

Leonard's 's palm is big, presumably as long as the friends who know the NBA will understand it, after all, if you can design your own personal logo as a big hand, you will know how exaggerated his palm is. During a previous game suspension, a camera captured Leonard grabbing two bottles of mineral water with one hand! You can try it to see how difficult it is.

And Leonard, who was still playing for the Raptors, once went to play away games. Someone captured the moment when he clamped two bottles of mineral water with three fingers. It looked so relaxed.freehand. Some people have tried the operation of replicating small cards before, and they were naturally defeated. You can also try it. Is it really possible to hold two bottles of water with three fingers?

Regardless of whether others try it or not, O'Neal challenged everyone first. In the show, O'Neal saw Leonard grabbing 2 bottles of water with one hand, and he had to try it himself to see how many bottles of water he could hold. The results were surprising, O'Neal was able to hold 4 bottles of water with one hand! Although it was obviously a bit labored, but one hand can hold four bottles of water, and there is no one else in this palm.

Of course, to say what O'Neill's is, is undoubtedly the fun of drinking mineral water into oral liquid when he challenged the world's hottest potato chips.In the picture, O'Neal directly squeezed the mineral water bottle with five fingers and looked like he was drinking oral liquid.

Of course, Boban, who is 2.24 meters tall and the number one giant in active duty, is naturally not too much. During the break of the 2019 Men's Basketball World Cup, a camera captured Boban drinking water. We can find that a bottle of normal packaging The Baisui Mountain in Boban's hands is really almost the same as a glass bottle of oral liquid, and the teammates next to him are probably not surprised by this scene.

Also in the 2019 World Cup, Chairman Yao, who was sitting on the sidelines to supervise the battle, was also photographed drinking water. We can also find that a 600ml bottle of mineral water looks like a mini in the hands of Yao Ming , it can be gently pinched with your fingers and looks effortless at all.

And a photographer took pictures of Yao Ming drinking bottled Gatorade on the sidelines before. It is not difficult to find that an ordinary bottle of Gatorade is as small as a baby's feeding bottle in Yao Ming's hands , you know how exaggerated the size of the NBA giants. (ikuet)