Arenas: I will choose to build a team with LeBron, because Kobe will not make sacrifices for LeBron

2020/12/2320:10:20 nba 2743

Arenas: I will choose to build a team with LeBron, because Kobe will not make sacrifices for LeBron - DayDayNews

Gilbert Arenas was a basketball star in the 2000s. He was selected to the All-Star three times. Now although he has already withdrawn from the NBA, he often appears in the media.

expressed his personal views on LeBron and Kobe in the latest "Club Shay Shay" (TV show).

Arenas said: "If you want me to build a team with a player as the core, then I will definitely choose LeBron, I can choose anyone from him. If you choose Kobe, you will have a hard time. Add LeBron in. But if you have LeBron in the beginning, it will be relatively easy to get Kobe, and he will be willing to sacrifice for him. Kobe will not sacrifice for LeBron."

Arenas said maybe It’s because James has a lot of team experience. He has been to Miami with Wade and Bosh. He has been to Cavaliers, Irving and Love. James can always find a way to be on the same team with other players. Everyone seems to be happy to gather. By his side.

Players like MJ and Kobe play more on the same team. Both of them have won more championships than James. Perhaps because of their different styles and ways of achieving success, they give the impression that they don’t. Sacrifice yourself to cater to others.

Of course, there is no difference between good and bad. People will only respect the winner. Whether it is a player who is willing to sacrifice for his teammates or a player who sticks to his own style, as long as they win the championship through hard work and strength, they will get the same. respect.

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