The NBA active template of "Slam Dunk": Fujima and Paul have the same illness, who is Sakuragi like?

2020/07/1304:42:03 nba 927

"Slam Dunk" corresponds to the NBA active player template

"Slam Dunk" has been published for decades, and it is still fresh in many hearts after 80/90S. Today we have a sudden whim, we can Can't you find a template for a slam dunk player among active NBA players?

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The NBA active template of

Mu has an innate desire for leadership and a hunger for victory, a highly calm mind, strong The will, is very good at observation and analysis, never underestimate the enemy, is not affected by the outside world, and is open-minded.

Abnormal physical quality, belongs to the big strong guard at the 1st position, and has the ability to foul the basket at close range. Extremely strong, coupled with solid basic skills, excellent overall view and superior psychological quality, become a nightmare for opponents in 1 on 1.

Therefore, in active service, we have found a very suitable template for the Kanagawa king: LeBron James

James’ terrifying physical quality, plus his organizational talent, on the court Both dominance and leadership are in perfect harmony with the characteristics of Mu Shenyi, and James's frightening peak period and the regulars of the finals are similar to Mu Shenyi's constant winner


The NBA active template of

Shenzong Ichiro is the only person in SD who can compete with Mitsui Kotobuki for the first shooter, compared with 三井寿, Shenzong Ichiro's characteristic is more stable. One of the reasons for this is that Lingnan Mu Shenyi created a good shot space for him.

Stable shooting machine, thanks to the teammate system, so we found his template from the active NBA: Klay Thompson

Thompson is the most stable shooter in active service, estimated in terms of stability , Even Curry can't reach it. He averaged 42% of his three-pointers per game in his career. At the same time, there is no season with a field goal rate of less than 40%. Thanks to Curry’s ability to contain, Thompson has a very good shot space. Of course, this is not to say that Thompson Is a pure system player.


The NBA active template of

Xiandao has excellent athletic ability, can organize and connect the whole team while scoring, is an all-round player. Xiandao smiled brightly and brightly, coupled with his calm and calm personality, and was loved by many friends. Xiandao only regards basketball as a game, and it is a game that Xiandao loves for ten minutes. Xiandao does not have the dream of dominating the country like 流川, Akagi, at least not seen in the comics.

Xiandao’s ability is more like James, but looking closely at the heart of Xiandao, we think of Wiggins

Wiggins’ talent was comparable to that of James. At the same time, the first few years of his career The talent shown is also in line with the previous potential, but because he may not be as obsessed with the championship as other players in his heart, outsiders feel that he is not desperate for it.

Everyone has their own perseverance and pursuit. Some people pursue the championship, while some people just regard basketball as a kind of love. There is no right or wrong between these two concepts.


The NBA active template of

陵南 The main power forward of the basketball team, with obvious advantages and disadvantages: strong scoring ability, He has superb air-cutting skills, but his mid- and long-range shooting and defensive abilities are quite poor. This point was seen through by his defending Mitsui Hisashi, which caused the team to be thrown away by Xiangbei.

In the active NBA, we found Aaron Gordon

Gordon has excellent talents, especially his jumping ability. With his superior body, Gordon can cut into the inside at will and cooperate with his teammates.

But even so, Gordon’s shooting is unsightly. As a power forward, his field goal percentage is only 43.3% this season, and the mid-to-long range is only 30%. The defensive end is also unsatisfactory. With excellent jumping ability, he averages only 0.6 blocks per game, and his defensive efficiency ranks out of 100 in the league.

He is a living Fukuda sign.


The NBA active template of

is the center of the Lingnan High School basketball team, with a height of 202cm and a back number of 4. He is the main player of the team. As a huge player, he is also the strongest opponent of Xiangbei team 赤木 Gangxian.

If you can enter the national competition, the height of the fish will be second only to Mikio Kawada. And in terms of strength, it is comparable to 赤木刚宪, only his technique is slightly inferior.

finally lost to Xiangbei in the competition for admission to the national competition with Xiangbei. I feel that I have no nostalgia for basketball. I helped out at my sushi restaurant.

In the NBA, Adams is a pure template book. Adams has also been questioned. After possessing outstanding height and athletic ability, large and soft palms, strong arms and broad shoulders, Adams did not shoot. And low post ability, offensive rebounds are better than defensive rebounds; good blocking ability, frequent turnovers and fouls, are also considered "nothing except being tall" .

In the 2018-2019 season, Adams scored 13.8 points and 9.5 rebounds, including 4.9 off-court rebounds and 4.6 off-court rebounds. He became the man behind Westbrook’s epic triple-double per game, and he also Received a big contract worth $100 million in 4 years.


藤真's appearance is beautiful and gentle, and his heart is stubborn, tough and indifferent. In the history of Xiangyang, this strong team is the only first-year team to become the main force, and at that time Became the trump card. As a coach, he is calm and self-sufficient and strategizes. And on the court, they were enthusiastic and dared to fight. He has outstanding leadership skills and has led Xiangyang to enter the national competition for two consecutive years. He is the absolute soul of Xiangyang.

The NBA active template of

However, due to the rise of Hainan Mu Shenyi and the new dynasty team Xiangbei, Fujisaki repeatedly stopped the national competition.

There is also such a player in the active NBA, he is Chris Paul

No matter in any team, Paul will become the core soul of the team, he dominates the offense of the entire team And defense, both father and mother, but after more than ten years in the league, Paul still failed to make further progress in the playoffs. This is the biggest regret of his career and may be the biggest obstacle to entering the Hall of Fame in the future. , It is indeed a pity.


The NBA active template of

He is a star player in Xiangyang, a first-rate center in the county, and unlike Yuzhu and Akagi, he is a flexible center.

is the captain and organizing soul of the field when Tengzhen is not on the field, with gorgeous shooting skills and good defense capabilities.

Among the current NBA players, Vucevic is the most flower-shaped 的了

Nikola Vucevic has a soft touch A seven-footer with a mid-range shooting range; he can jump hooks with both hands and rarely commit fouls; he has excellent rebounds and average athleticism, unable to defend the pick and roll.


The NBA active template of

Sakuragi is a simple but cute questionable character, his personality is both proudCool and innocent, sometimes innocent, he looks like a small child, sometimes he becomes too arrogant, dare to assert that he is a genius, full of self-confidence

just like Inoue's original presupposition, he He is a complete novice, but he is growing at the fastest speed. After every game, there is a different attitude of Sakuragi Flower Road-not the strongest, not without failure, but always unexpected. progress. The red-haired boy shining like dawn, witnessed that the players in Xiangbei were finally strung together like beads, coach Anxi's return, and the following glorious era in Xiangbei.

In the NBA, Sakuragi Flower Road is undoubtedly the only template for Rodman. Among active players, it is difficult to find similar players. If you have to have one, I think it is Antetokounmpo.

Compared with other stars, Antetokounmpo’s basketball journey started relatively late. He didn’t start to formally contact basketball at the age of 15. When he entered the NBA at the age of 18, he was still a rough basketball guy, but with his talent and nonsense. With extraordinary efforts, he has grown into the MVP of the league step by step.

In his rookie season, Antetokounmpo averaged 6.8 points, 4.4 rebounds and 1.9 assists per game. The data is still rather bleak.

However, in the next few seasons, Antetokounmpo's data continued to grow.

In the 2014-15 season, Antetokounmpo averaged 12.7 points, 6.7 rebounds and 2.6 assists;

In the 2015-16 season, Antetokounmpo averaged 16.9 points, 7.7 rebounds and 4.3 assists;

In the 2016-17 season, Antetokounmpo averaged 22.9 points and 8.8 rebounds per game 5.4 assists;

In the 2017-18 season, Antetokounmpo averaged 26.9 points, 10.0 rebounds, and 4.8 assists.

Both points and rebounds have been increasing year by year, stepping into the ranks of superstars#

Many people think that Antetokounmpo benefits from his terrifying beast gene, but don’t ignore the efforts behind Antetokounmpo


The NBA active template of

averaged 30 points per game, Kanagawa County's second scorer, second only to Hainan scorer Shenzong Ichiro's 30.3 points. One of the players with the most comprehensive offensive skills in the face of the basket, he can shoot, jump and dunk, has a good three-pointer ability, and has a strong overall offensive ability. At the same time, the learning ability is also very good, only seeing Zebei make a throw and immediately learn to make a counterattack. In addition, his ball quotient is very high and he has a good sense of fouling and disrupting the opponent's defense.

Fanfans and fans speculated based on technology and deeds, and generally believed that its prototype referenced Jordan.

Among the current players, only Durant, who has no solution on the offensive end, can be matched.

His ball handling skills are exceptionally adept, and he can quickly change directions, turn around, and stop jumpers. You can see it on the guard. The shooting feels soft, he can score anywhere on the court, and no one can block his jump shot.


The NBA active template of

Mitsui, who returned to the team again for two years, is far less physically strong than others, and his skills are much stranger, and he has become a generalist. With fixed-point pitchers, the performance will not be very stable. Sometimes the score is high and sometimes the score is low. But this kind of Mitsui still goes all out and never gives up. It really deserves our respect. It is more exciting than portraying a genius with a smooth three-pointer.

Some people say that the ending song "Until the end of the world" was sung for Mitsui, not to mention that it fits Mitsui's life trajectory the best. When the BGM sounds, Mitsui is unstoppable.

In the NBA, there is nothing that resembles Kotobuki Mitsui than Ray Allen. Previously, Ray Allen was also an offensive all-rounder, and later gradually evolved into an excellent shooter. In active service, the NBA does not have a similar template, but fromOn the spiritual level, I think that the player who can be reborn like Mitsui is probably Paul George.

In July 2014, Paul George was in a team match against the US team. During a chase to block James Harden, Paul George twisted his right leg when he landed on the basket. Falling down resulted in an open fracture of the tibia and fibula.

This is a terrible injury. Anyone who has watched the video should understand it. However, just after the broken leg, George was reborn from the ashes and recovered perfectly, and both offensive and defensive ends reached the best of his career, which is inspirational


The NBA active template of

Although he is short, he is Kanagawa's premier point guard, and his agile skills often make his head tall. The opposing player can't defend. In the team's offensive, the role of supporting scorers such as Akagi, Rukawa, and Mitsui, usually tears through the opponent's defense line with fast and decisive passes, and can also score points with speed.

The speed is called "Electro-optical flint", and the speed is amazing. Rukawa and Sakuragi are the source of the Xiangbei fast attack.

In the current NBA, only Kyrie Irving is the only one who can be called a flashstone in terms of speed and ball control.

Indeed, Owen is one of the best ball-handling attackers in the league. His dribble is applauded. It is gorgeous and practical; he uses his fast-moving footwork to open position with opponents. , Whether it is a point ball or a jump shot, it is very useful.

Owen’s former teammate Xiao Wen Larkin commented on him, “He usually dribbles the ball steadily through half the court. The ball seems to be connected to his hand. The opponent has no chance to break his ball. If when he finds a suitable space, he will use a series of dribbling moves to reach the basket, layup or open pass. This style of play probably only appears on Irving."

The NBA active template of

The NBA active template of


b7883a#11d4a#板板The next offense is extremely strong, and his stunt is "Gorilla Slam Dunk". But the attacking method is rather monotonous and the shooting area is narrow. Good at steals and blocks, his stunt is "flies." It is weaker in the area away from the rebound.

In the current NBA, there is no other way to play Akagi-type dominance in the interior than Howard

In 2009, Howard averaged 20+14+3 per game and the team won 59 wins. With 23 losses, he himself had a triple-double with 30 points, 19 rebounds and 10 blocks, as well as 40 points in a single game in the playoffs (Game 6 of the Eastern Conference Finals). It can be said that in addition to the monotonous means of scoring, Howard's ability was impeccable.

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