Meji: Irving & Benxi two things may affect the next labor-management negotiation

2021/10/1508:17:03 nba 2249
Meji: Irving & Benxi two things may affect the next labor-management negotiation - DayDayNews

Live it on October 15 According to reporter Jake Fischer, Irving’s vaccination status and Benxi’s application for a deal may have a knock-on effect, and even the next negotiation between labor and management.

According to reports, sources revealed that the management believes that the players union may make concessions in vaccination.

In addition, the team's executives criticized the league office for their belief that the super contract failed to keep the players. At the same time, there are more and more trade applications for the stars of Simmons, an assistant general manager said : "They have to be punished or fined to some degree. These people sign a maximum salary contract, and then they want to be traded the next day."

Some executives said that they want players who want to trade to give up 70% The above salary; some people have proposed a plan that seems more realistic: once a player applies to be traded to another team, he can only get 60% of the guaranteed part of the contract.



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