"We have fought all the wars that should be fought, and the next generation won't have to fight." "Changjin Lake" line tears


" Changjin Lake " was released on September 30, and the box office set a new high for similar movies in just a few days! As a historical war theme movie, "Lake Changjin" takes the Battle of Changjin Lake in the Second Battle to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as the background, and focuses on "Why are we going to fight this battle", leading to the topic , made it clear why this battle had to be fought, and how everyone worked hard to win this battle, and finally achieved victory at the price of blood!

The whole film has changed the historical style of retelling history from a simple and narrative point of view, focusing on the character characteristics of actors. enriches the image of the characters through every move of the actor, showing it from the side: When the compatriots were invaded by the foreign powers, the people of the country were angry at that time! In order to fight the enemy, how hard did China's revolutionary martyrs fight!

We have finished fighting all the battles that should be fought, so we don’t have to fight on the back?

As a girl born in the 1990s, I grew up in peacetime, and I have never experienced war and turmoil. At the beginning, I couldn’t understand why the people were willing to give up their lives and use the hope of "living". Resist the enemy armed to the teeth, even if you knew that the chance of victory was slim, but at that time the high-ranking officers in the army, the farmers who didn’t know the T-character, and the enemy’s dense rain of guns and bullets, rushed forward without hesitation. . Don't they want to live?

to the back, when I see this classic line " , we have finished fighting all the battles that should be fought,You don’t have to fight on the back... " ", I instantly understood the wishes of the ancestors!

It’s not easy for people to walk in this world, so they don’t want to live longer? Are you willing to sacrifice at a young age? Don’t the people of that era want to be at ease? No, People are lazy, in fact, everyone doesn’t like to fight hard by nature. The heroes who lived in that era are objective The environment prevents them from being at ease. The enemy forces them to have no retreat, so they can only go forward and trade their flesh and blood for the peace of the hereafter!

Actually, They are very eager to live, and they want peace. , but at the same time they also know that : Only by fighting and winning the war, driving the great powers to our country, and China’s territorial integrity, can we exchange generations of Guotai Minan . For peace, many people sacrificed at that time. I lost my own family, and even paid the price of my life to win the peace of future generations.

In addition, people in each era have their own unique historical missions. Our historical mission as a post-90s generation is "To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation." However, under the background of the war, the ancestors' urgent historical mission was "to make the war end as soon as possible, and China will be peaceful at an early date." The attitude of the revolutionary martyrs in the film at that time was: Never be afraid of things. The Chinese people, fight with one punch to avoid a hundred punches.

"I will never yield to you,Even if it freezes to death, I will stand proudly on my ground."

In the movie, I was particularly impressed by a scene: a sentence from a Shanghai-registered soldier Song Amao before freezing to death: "Ice and snow, I will never succumb to you, even if I freeze to death, I will stand proudly on my ground."

You may think: how powerful a person can be, but as the saying goes Saying "Unity is strength", Song Amao's strength alone is indeed dispensable, but if everyone unites and countless soldiers like Song Amao fight the U.S. military with the same spirit to the end, then the power is unstoppable.

It is precisely because the revolutionary martyrs used their strong will to defeat the enemy and finally won the victory of to resist the United States and Aid Korea , which gave China a new turning point in the world's position at that time!

Of course, from the perspective of historical significance, the victory of at the Battle of Changjin Lake played a decisive role in the victory against US aid to North Korea. is a manifestation of the steel-like will of our volunteers, and it is also a manifestation of the iron will of our volunteers. Spiritual victory. The victory of the War to Resist U.S. Aid and Aid Korea is the first time China has stood in the east of the world as the "People's Republic of China" after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

So it can be said that The Battle of Changjin Lake is in Chinese history. A very great turning point .Of course, the motherland will never forget the contributions of the revolutionary martyrs, and the people will never forget that the great spiritual honor of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea will always be the spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation to achieve a great rejuvenation and move towards a well-off society in an all-round way.

written at the end

Then again, in the film, the soldiers stood up strong under the enemy’s fire. As younger generations, I sincerely thank the ancestors for paying the precious cost of life. Come to our good life now!

I sighed as I watched it, and I don’t even know what language to use to express this shock! The revolutionary martyrs have paid a great price in their lives for a better life today! One thing is worthy of recognition: their sacrifice is worthwhile. They traded their own small sacrifices for greater victory. Without their sacrifices, there would be no victory today, and there would be no current Guotai Minan .

Many close-up shots in the film were taken, especially good, such as: the roar of airplanes, the swearing of soldiers, the shouts, even in the ice and snow, they are wearing thin clothes, resolutely Carrying dynamite bags, not afraid of the cold, and rushing to the front line without hesitation...The actors have fully displayed the spirit of their ancestors in the flames of war, presenting a very good visual effect. I watched it with emotion. In fact, there are no years of peace. The reason why we can live safely in today's world is that our ancestors have already carried the burden for us.

I also want to say to the ancestors of selfless dedication: ancestors,You have worked so hard, as you wish, now the prosperous world. Of course, as younger generations, we must not only be grateful to the ancestors, but also always remember the history, always remember their steel-like spirit, don’t be confused by the feast of today’s society, and cherish the current life, because this is the ancestor We traded for their flesh and blood to be unharmed.
