Bloody, contemplative, talk about the banned movie "Black Sun 731 Sequel: Murder Factory"

If you rank China's heavy-tasting movies, " Black Sun 731 " ranks among the top three.

As the avant-garde director, Mou Dunfu shoots with real corpses and shoots on the ground in the northeast, a series of domestic anti-war films have created the most unique domestic anti-war film.

Unlike other scenes that describe the hardships and cruelty of the war, "Black Sun 731" focuses on the notorious Manzhouli Unit 731 in history.

The Japanese bacterial research unit headed by Shijing Shiro conducted brutal experiments on captured victims of China, North Korea, Mongolia, and the Soviet Union through bloodletting, syphilis injection, increased air pressure, and rapid freezing.

Because the scale is too large and the visual impact is too strong, "Black Sun 731" has become the first class III film since the establishment of film classification in Hong Kong.

Despite the controversy, Mou Dunfu insisted that this bloody shot can reflect the cruel nature of the Japanese invaders, which made this film very popular.

But did you know that there are three parts in "Black Sun 731". Except for the first part which is directed by Mou Dunfu, the remaining two parts are produced by He Zhiqiang.

The two sequels completely supplement the regret of the first part of "Black Sun 731", enriching the internal rumors of 731 units, bloody heavy taste is not inferior to the former, due to the extreme bloody, until now the website I still can’t find reviews for the two movies.It can be seen that the scale is large.

To stop talking nonsense, let Chacha bring you this sequel to "Black Sun 731", "The Murder Factory".

The anti-war lovers were killed, the little-known story of Unit 731

The beginning of the film showed the audience a variety of creepy human specimens, and the video footage of Japan's unconditional surrender, which made many endure The inferior spectators leave early.

After the end of World War II , Sagawa, who had participated in the operation of Unit 731, received a mysterious invitation to the Sakura Club. What surprised him was that all the guests present were all his former comrades in 731.

Unlike other comrades who exchanged greetings at gatherings, Sai sneered at the comrades present. He and his comrades headed by Kono had a fierce quarrel.

Just when the atmosphere is getting deadlocked, the organizer stated that the reason for the invitation was because they had taken a fancy to the bacterial development of Unit 731, just as everyone was coveting the generous rewards. .

Sai told the organizer about the little-known tragedy in Unit 731:

Japanese youth Taro Iida was selected by Unit 731 to participate in secret activities. During the journey, Taro Iida met another young man Lin Tian.

Under the leadership of Shiro Ishii, the 731 Chief Officer, Taro Iida and Hayashi Tian witnessed a series of shocking and cruel scenes such as vivisection, freezing experiment, and plague experiment.

During the ceramic bacterial bomb experiment,Seven sergeants were infected, and Shijing Shiro cruelly ordered several people to be killed. This gave Taro Iida a deep understanding of Shijing Shiro's cold-blooded character.

Taro Iida has always thought of his fiancée and love son, but suffered from the prohibition of any foreign exchanges by the army. Lin Tian said that he could help him send the letter, but did not want to be severely punished by the superior.

Although there are a thousand unwillingness in his heart, Taro Iida was forced to participate in a series of conscientious experiments, such as testing bullets that can penetrate the bodies of several people, and drawing blood tests. Over time, Taro Iida's psychology gradually changed.

While outing for a stroll, Lin Tian was killed by anti-Japanese fighters in ambush. The death of his friend made Taro Iida hate this terrible war even more.

Although the Axis powers are losing ground in the European battlefield, they cannot prevent the 731 troops from capturing more Chinese for experimentation. Taro Iida's teacher was also invited to 731 to assist in scientific research for helping the Chinese.

In order to see Taro Iida, Aiko pretended to be a Chinese and was arrested in the 731 concentration camp. Taro Iida rescued Aiko who was about to be experimented, and at the same time released the other subjects in the cell.

In the process of fleeing, Taro Iida and Aiko were shot with random guns. Looking at the dead beloved, Taro Iida was trapped by the beast, but Ishii Shiro made a strange place.

The story is over. Sagawa walked out of the room, but didn't want to be shot to the ground by a dark gun. As for who shot the shot, it is not known. The whole movie came to an end in tragedy.

End of the story

Behind the sensory stimulation is a reflection on the human nature of war

The movie "Murder Factory" did not dullly label all the personnel of Unit 731 with the character of "being utterly conscience".In another way, the members of Unit 731 were divided into three factions:

The characters headed by the narrator Osagawa Sagawa and the actor Taro Iida hated 731 deeply and repented of their crimes. They still have kindness and humanity remaining in them. Like the other 731 victims, they took an attitude of resistance and resistance to this war.

Of course, the director arranged for these people to end with being killed by their own compatriots, sublimating the anti-war theme of the film and highlighting the actions of war criminals to destroy conscience.

The 731 die-hards represented by Shiro Ishii fully demonstrated their dehumanizing nature. They were born with warlike and cold-blooded genes in their bones. They regarded human lives as if they were haywire. Apart from treating the victims of Unit 731 as guinea pigs, they treated their own compatriots. It will still hurt the killer.

A small incident can make Ishikawa Shiro think of a new idea to torture the experiment.

It is precisely because of the existence of a heinous person like Shijing Shiro that caused the war casualties to go deeper into the black hole.

As the center of Unit 731, Kono and others just regarded the work of the army as a job to earn a living. In their eyes, torturing the subjects to death is just their duty. These people are more of a wall but indulge. The crimes have worsened step by step.

The relationship between the three "Black Sun 731"

As the second part of the "Black Sun 731" trilogy, "Murder Factory" can be regarded as the entire description of the development of the 731 unit An episode of the process did not have much impact on the main storyline.

Wang Gang plays Ishii Shiro through the trilogy, and his control of his perverted and distorted personality is still fresh in my memory.

Regarding the handling of the story line, "Murder Factory" is a bit confusing. With Sagawa's narrative of the tragedy of Taro Iida, the director's handling is not obvious.

In the subsequent third "Death Train", the interspersed and reversed approach is also used to show the audience the various shocking experiments of Unit 731 on the victims. Almost every work uses a lot of space to show the experiment. The whole process.

If you are not too clear about the main story, I suggest you take a look at the first part first, and the remaining two parts can be watched separately.

According to the chronological order, it should be: "Black Sun 731"-"Death Train"-"Murder Factory"

Of course, if you compare carefully, the story of "Black Sun 731" is the most neat and bloody scenes are also The most realistic and the most famous.

In any case, the anti-war ideas of the three "Black Sun 731" are still very clear, and they are all worth seeing.

Retrospective portal of the previous "Black Sun 731" series of films: "Black Sun 731" who can't bear to look straight, the "perverted director" Mou Dunfu, who can't bear to look straight at the sword, goes slanting forward, Mou Dunfu

, The underestimated banned movie "Black Sun 731: The Train of Death"

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