Douban score 8.6: The murder caused by a bottle-God is crazy too

"God Is Crazy" is a humorous comedy film directed by Jame Uys in 1980, starring Kei ( Bushi ), a pure African native, no performance Experience, but this simplicity fits the plot, and it is seamless.

The whole film is divided into three lines, Bush tribe (Hisso), scientist Mr. Shi, white-collar Miss Tang representing Modern Civilization Company, and a group of terrorists. This film can actually be called " a murder case caused by a bottle ". I personally think that the bottle is a key clue in the whole movie, and a key unfolds the whole movie. The Bush tribe where Hisoso is located, because a bottle fell from the sky changed their lives. The bottle belongs to modern civilization. It brings a lot of convenience to the life of the tribe people, and it is also very practical. Although the bottle is not Bush It is created by humans, but it still plays various machines and musical instruments, bringing "civilization" indistinctly.

The classic scene: the shell head

has changed people’s lives, bringing convenience to people’s life span. Once I felt unwilling to share it with others, an inexplicable emotion appeared in everyone's hearts. Many people thought of monopolizing it, and people started arguing about it and even fighting. Ji decided to return the thing that had made a peaceful life to uneasy to God. He threw the bottle high in the air, but the bottle always fell back. He decided to take the bottle to the end of the world. , Throw it away.

Immediately after that, Ji met the scientist and Miss Tang on the road,A lot of absurd stories happened in the middle.

When He first met Miss Tang, he said that he saw the ugliest person in the world, and finally thought that modern people are angels. Obviously when we start to come into contact with some new things, for example, when civilized people see primitive people, they will feel that they are the ugliest person they have ever seen. This is all because we are accustomed to looking at cuts from our own cultural background. People and things other than me, so we can't help but criticize this and that. In fact, there is no right or wrong in culture. I always like to attribute to God the things I don't understand and cannot explain, so I stay away.

In the last scene, Mr. Shi, Miss Tang, and Hisoso worked together to capture the terrorists and rescue the pupils. It seems to indicate that neither primitive culture nor modern civilization has lost our most fundamental kindness and survival nature. Children are the hope of human reproduction. Is the joint effort to save children driven by the goodness of human nature or the nature of human survival?

ps: When filming this film, the starring actor Hisoso got a pay of $300, and then he threw the money on the ground just like in the movie. The unsophisticated Hisoso didn’t know the money yet. The role of.

When filming the second part, the remuneration of has risen to 200,000 yuan. The third episode of is the African version of the zombie film " African monk ", with Lin Zhengying , Chen Shanhe and others play a big role in rivalry. Wu Mengda served as the dubbing.Hong Kong director Qian Shengwei invited him to shoot the second Hong Kong-produced film " Hong Kong is crazy ", Lisu immediately became a popular idol in Hong Kong.

At the peak of his career, Hisoso put aside all his fame and fortune and returned to his tribe to become a farmer. This extends another perspective for us, does human beings really need so much to survive? Just like Hisoso, living a farmer’s life can also be enjoyable.
