"The Silent Truth" won the award at the International Film Festival, Jiang Yang, you are a light in the darkest corner

2021 Busan International Film Festival -The 3rd Asian Content Awards was announced. The web drama " The Silent Truth " won the best streaming original drama award. Prior to this, "The Silent Truth" has also won the best actor, best screenwriter, best creative award, best original streaming media and other honors.

"The Silent Truth" poster

As a mystery drama, "The Silent Truth" Douban scored 9.1, surpassing the same year's hit " Hidden Corner", becoming the highest rated in 2020 Domestic drama.

"The Silent Truth" Douban score

Adapted from the famous writer Zi Jin Chen's novel "Long Night is Difficult to Know", "The Silent Truth" has a meticulously logical story and a tortuous plot. The narrative of the play is divided into three timelines, and the three time-space images of 2000, 2003, and 2010 are advanced in parallel. The scenes of the past and the present are distinguished by the warm and cold tones of the screen. The scenes and editing are full of novelty and amazing. .

In "The Silent Truth", each character is shaped full and three-dimensional, authentic and credible. The protagonist of this time and space in 2003, the prosecutor Jiang Yang, is the soul figure that cannot be avoided in the whole story.

"The Silent Truth" poster

Jiang Yang, played by the young actor Bai Yu, is a senior student in the political and law department. He is sunny, full of justice, and has a beautiful, sensible, and decent girl with a decent family background. Friends, love and career are all bright.

Bai Yu played Jiang Yang

However, he was such a promising prosecutor. In order to investigate a 2000 case, he lost his career, family, reputation, and was imprisoned for 2 years. After being released from prison, he can only repair his mobile phone to make ends meet.

Bai Yu as Jiang Yang

For this case, even in the face of heavy obstruction and pressure, he still insists on not giving up, even if he may lose everything. In the end, he died as a martyr, gave his life for this case, and became a corpse in the morgue.

Jiang Yang is the most touching character in the play. The contest between justice and evil is never a simple confrontation between white and black. The bad guys are at large, but there are always people who dare to face the darkness and constantly seek the truth. , Passing justice, this is a kind of faith.

Just like Jiang Yang, he has been drinking ice for ten years, and it is difficult to cool his blood. This stems from the power that his inner beliefs give him.

Bai Yu as Jiang Yang

Jiang Yang uses his own way to uncover the darkness and find the light of justice. He fell, and another group of people stood up, just like Yan Liang afterwards.

Liao Fan played Yan Liang

Yan Liang finally found out the truth and uncovered the true culprit hidden in the depths of power through the method of peeling off the cocoon. This also stems from the fact that he and Jiang Yang have the same, The power of justice. Yan Liang and Jiang Yang are the same kind of people.

"The Silent Truth" poster

In "The Silent Truth", the spirited young Jiang Yang is in stark contrast with the poverty of middle-aged Jiang Yang. This character makes people sad and also illuminates us The light in my heart. This is due to the successful grasp of actor Bai Yu's characterization.

Bai Yu as Jiang Yang

Jiang Yang's ending is sad, but his self-sacrifice finally ignited greater hope, so his sacrifice is also worth it.

May we, like Hou Guiping, Jiang Yang, and Yan Liang, always retain the light of justice in our hearts. We also hope that those who walk in the dark and shout for justice like Hou Guiping, Jiang Yang, and Yan Liang will be remembered forever by us.
