"Roman Holiday": Dreamy Love, Real Ending

"A beautiful woman is fascinating; a strong woman is admirable. I fell in love with you, made you, and lost you. However, after all these experiences, I still Myself."

If you ask the audience, who is the goddess in your mind, it is almost impossible to answer, this answer is Audrey Hepburn, this beautiful woman.

The princess flees to frighten everyone

" Roman Holiday " is a light-hearted romantic comedy movie that caused a sensation once it came out and is still a must-see movie among the audience. The two protagonists of the movie also became popular because of this, and they have a large number of loyal fans, especially the heroine Audrey Hepburn, because this movie became the best actress of Oscar , and the career development is extremely smooth. The film festival left many classic works.

This is a cute little story, and even the last bit of sadness is eased by the warm tone of the movie.

Princess Anne comes from a small country in Europe. She is the only daughter of the king. She is loved by the queen and the king. But it is precisely because of her identity as the only daughter that Princess Anne bears a huge responsibility. The royal family worked day after day, taking the responsibility of the princess. However, the princess is just a child who is innocent and in the blooming season. One day, seeing the bustling crowds and beautiful buildings outside, the princess finally couldn't help it, and begged the maid to take her out.

For fear of causing commotion and the king’s anger, the maids did not dare to take her out. In order to prevent the princess from suffering,They had to fill her with sleeping pills, but she was seen by the witty Princess Anne. In order to escape the control and supervision of the maids, Annie pretended to be asleep, and sneaked out while the maids were not paying attention.

finally came to the outside world, Princess Anne was so excited, she looked around and looked around, unknowingly playing until dark. However, at this moment, the strength of sleeping pills came up, and Princess Anne, who was so sleepy that she couldn't help herself, fell asleep on the bench in the park. Fortunately, Princess Anne was more fortunate. She didn't meet any bad guys, but a poor reporter.

An unexpected acquaintance and a deep love

This reporter is Joey. His work has not been smooth and he often worries about submissions, but this kind man is seeing Princess Anne. The little girl was outside alone, still feeling compassionate towards her. He took Princess Anne home, and put her to sleep on the sofa at home for one night.

On this night, Joey, who was going to go to bed, saw in the newspaper that this innocent little girl was the little princess Annie who was looking crazy in the newspaper. He had a plan, thinking that if he could publish a piece of news about the little princess in the newspaper of his magazine, his career would surely take a step forward. So, Joey changed his attitude towards the princess and followed the princess. After getting to know her, he wrote a report about her up close and published it in the newspaper.

So, Princess Anne and Joey played outside for a whole day. Joey pretended to meet the princess by chance and volunteered to become her tour guide. Facing the little girl, Joey deliberately acted a humorous look, making Princess Anne laugh, but it was just to confuse her.

However, passionate but ruthlessly annoyed, after a day with the princess, Joey was deeply attracted by the princess’s innocent temperament, and he fell in love with the little princess Annie uncontrollably.But he also knew that it was impossible for the two of them. Therefore, this handsome man had to put his feelings in his own heart, and he silently warned himself in his heart, and staying with her for one day is enough for this life.

Forced to leave and stick to her duties

In the process of getting along, Princess Anne had a lot of fun, and she gradually felt good about this American journalist who cared for herself. While playing in the square, the princess's attendants finally found them and came to take the princess home. However, the princess was unwilling to follow them. In order not to cause a sensation, she brought the princess back to the king, and the guards had to forcibly take the princess away. Joey fights with them, and the naughty princess even joins in and fights with the attendants.

After that, they showed their hearts to each other. The princess loves Joey, and Joey also loves Princess Anne. However, this is just a big dream. The princess has her mission and must go back to complete her mission and defend her people. In this way, this short twenty-four-hour love is over, and Princess Anne is about to return Going up to her position, she blinked and quietly said goodbye to Joey.

The beauty of Audrey Hepburn has been amazing for a century.

The movie ends here. There are no tears, no pain, and no sadness. Although the princess's love is over, this adventure stays in the hearts of the audience forever. What’s worth mentioning about Princess Anne’s machine is that the film is well-made and the costumes are exquisite. Many of the costumes in the play are still being imitated until now. Audrey Hepburn's dressing style is even more imitated. Some people say that beauty is synonymous with Audrey Hepburn. Her beauty has been admired and appreciated for a century. Famous fashion magazines rated her as the most beautiful woman of this century. Even now, girls still want to buy the classic little black dress that Hepburn wore at the time.

wise and cheerful,The image of the little princess who is generous but tough and knows her mission brings endless joy to the audience. Hepburn's beauty not only comes from the outside, but also comes from his inner chic and calmness. In her childhood, Hepburn became obsessed with ballet and practiced every day without interruption. When she grew up, she became a model, and later filmed movies, which brought a good change to her temperament. When she grew up, she became a rose that was always open, staying in the hearts of the audience, and never forgotten.

Thank you for watching!
