"Rage · Serious Case" broke 800 million: word-of-mouth fermentation, a full release of Hong Kong police film

If you want to ask which of the most recently released movies has the most discussion?

The most popular movie is " anger: serious case", not only the box office is strong, the reputation is also very good, Douban scored 7.5 points, even some netizens commented that it "has the peak of Hong Kong movies level".

As early as 1996, Chen Musheng once directed a " stormtroopers is regarded as a 90s Hong Kong police film by the angry street ". One of the masterpieces. 25 years later, "Anger·Severe Case" once again uses "anger" as the title, but whether it is scene scheduling, plot theme, or action design, it can be said to be a comprehensive upgrade.

The approximate background of the story of "Furious Cases" is as follows:

Influenced by the police officer Yao Sir, Zhang Chongbang (played by Donnie Yen, also called the leader of the country) also became a police officer; influenced by the leader of the police, Qiu Gangao (played by Nicholas Tse, also Called Ao Ge) and became a police officer.

The chairman of a bank (played by Huo Zhaotang) was kidnapped by kidnappers (both heads are Coke and Wang Kun). The family asked for help from the Secretary of the Security Bureau. They pressed it down. Foolish) Arrange for the emergency rescue of Bangzhu and Ao.

When stalking the kidnappers, Brother Ao followed Coke, and the host followed Wang Kun. Situ Jie asked Brother Ao to find all means and use all means to rescue Huo Zhaotang before dawn (before the stock market opened), otherwise Brother Ao would take the blame. Brother Ao beat Cola and got Huo Zhaotang's storage location. The police went to rescue Huo Zhaotang.

However, Brother Ao's men had a quarrel with Coke. Coke fish broke the net, and desperately bit one of them and did not relax. In the end, Brother Ao killed Coke alive, and the host rushed to the scene and saw everything. The Attorney General filed a public prosecution against Ao Ge and his gang. The leader wanted to plead, but he still admitted the facts.

Situ Jie did not admit that he asked Brother Ao to use all methods and means to rescue Huo Zhaotang.He didn't fulfill his opponent's promise (if something went wrong, he could rescue him privately); Huo Zhaotang had nothing to do with himself and refused to defend him, which eventually led to the imprisonment of Brother Ao and his gang. After Ao and his gang were released from prison, they implemented a revenge plan.

In the movie "Furious Cases", Qiu Gangao, played by Nicholas Tse, carried out violent law enforcement against the criminals in order to pry out the specific position from the criminals, which aroused the criminals' resistance. In the end, he failed to bring the criminals to life. Because of the murder of the criminal, Qiu Gangao and his party not only took off their police uniforms, but also went to jail because of this. After coming out, Qiu Gangao felt that he had been wronged by a great deal.

In a sense, Qiu Gangao is more like Zhang Chongbang who has been forced to blacken.

Therefore, Qiu Gangao’s revenge against Zhang Chongbang was not to kill Zhang Chongbang, but to experience a similar situation to him at the beginning, such as using Zhang Chongbang’s wife’s life to threaten him to also embark on the path of murder, in order to assimilate Zhang Chongbang and come. Complete a moral trial and spiritual revenge.

Both Zhang Chongbang and Qiu Gangao used to be passionate police officers with ideals and beliefs, but one of them was left out by the police officers and the other as abandoned. The irony is that the police officers who colluded with the powerful and powerful have gained both fame and fortune. They are the moths hidden behind justice, and this is the most thought-provoking aspect of the movie.

The last 20 minutes of the movie did not have a trace of muddy water. It was great to watch. Nicholas Tse, who has not appeared on the big screen for a long time, also brings a rare actor freshness to Hong Kong movies.

So the question is, if we were to catch Coke by ourselves, would you follow the orders of superiors, or would you insist on yourself?
