An underestimated suspense brain-burning film: there are no ghosts, but I am so scared that I dare not breathe

2021/03/2204:24:03 movie 144

Have you ever watched a video with four endings?

Today’s movie will give you an immersive feeling.

Although there are not many visible ghost scenes,

But if you analyze the plot step by step with the movie,

you will not be able to withstand the creeps.

Welcome to the thriller and suspense movie " 1408 : The Furious Room".

An underestimated suspense brain-burning film: there are no ghosts, but I am so scared that I dare not breathe - DayDayNews

The male protagonist Mike is a horror novel writer.

To make the content of the novel more real.

He likes to visit the scene to feel the horror of various haunted places.

Hotels around the world also like to get hot.

creates a terrorist incident in the room and invites Mike to experience it.

If Mike writes into the novel.

Then it can become an Internet celebrity hotel that many people visit.

Although Mike writes horror novels.

But he never believed that there are ghosts in this world.

Mike will visit the bookstore regularly. Go and sign his new book.

A female fan mentioned a book about family love he had written earlier.

asked him whether the incident was true.

Mike denied it. But judging from his expression, he was lying.

This day he went surfing on the beach.

Because I was too fascinated to watch the car insurance advertisements in the sky.

was knocked over by the waves in the sea.

Fortunately. Was washed back on the beach by the waves to get his life back.

After that, he retrieved the postcards sent to him by the fans as usual.

One of the postcards from the Dolphin Hotel says "Don't enter 1408"

For an atheistic horror novelist.

is such a good material, of course, you have to experience it yourself.

He immediately began to book room 1408 of the Dolphin Hotel.

But no matter what time he chooses

This room is not allowed.

Afterwards, Mike found some rumors about the hotel on the Internet.

This completely aroused Mike's interest.

In the end, Mike booked this room through legal means.

then went straight to the Dolphin Hotel.

and check in room 1408.

shows on the screen, you must notify the manager before moving in.

Then, the hotel manager personally received.

means that all his requirements can be met.

But the premise is that he does not stay in 1408.

even took out the files of 1,408 dead people.

56 deaths since the hotel opened.

The first week of hotel opening in October 1912.

checked in with a sewing machine salesman.

He cut his throat and died. Before he bleeds to death.

In an almost crazy state,

also tried to use old-fashioned sewing needles. Suture up his wounds.

No one can last an hour in a room. The manager of

said,These can be used as materials for your novels.

only asks you not to stay in room 1408.

But the more so. The more curious Mike became.

As an atheist, he decided to take a look in person.

also took the manager's good wine.

The manager can only send blessings.

manager sent Mike to the 14th floor.

left without even getting down the elevator.

Mike found that living next to room 1408 was a mother holding a child.

Then Mike carefully opened 1408 with the old key.

There is no electronic lock in the room.

is because all the electronic equipment will fail in this room.

When he entered this room,

he used the tape recorder he carried to record everything he saw.

ordinary sofa, ordinary writing desk, ordinary wardrobe.

Everything seems very ordinary.

is even more interesting,That is to say, the paintings hanging on the wall are more chronological.

Mike was disappointed.

He lazily surrounds the room.

took out the Bible in the cupboard, cast a glance, and threw it aside.

Go to the bathroom. He took out a tissue to wipe his sweat, and made a face by the way.

walked to the small refrigerator in the room, and also complained about the hotel’s expensive snacks.

Then he climbed out of the window. Record the street scene outside the window with a tape recorder.

At this moment, the radio in the room suddenly started working.

This surprised Mike.

For an old fritters with a long history, this is nothing.

soon he calmed down.

and when he saw that the used toilet paper had recovered.

He suspects that these are deliberate arrangements by the hotel. It's all caused by man.

After that, the thermostat in the room failed and the temperature suddenly rose.

After notifying the hotel to send someone over for repairs.

The microphone uses a special light stick to detect in the room.

Then I found that there were traces of blood and corpses everywhere.

The oil painting in the dark does not know when it becomes slanted.

These can't help making him sweat.

thinks this room is indeed a bit evil.

And this master who repairs the thermostat at home. Desperately refused to enter the room.

After instructing the microphone to repair the thermostat.

left the 14th floor in a hurry.

After that, Mike is about to lie in bed and drink some alcohol. Try to calm yourself down.

But then the radio suddenly started to work.

After the numbers jumped for a while, a countdown of one hour began.

Then he remembered what the manager had said. "No one can last an hour in a room"

After that, a strong electric current surged into Mike's ears.

He can't hear anything.

leaned to the window, trying to find the source of the sound outside.

was hit by a window that suddenly fell.

Go to the bathroom to rinse. The faucet spouted hot boiling water.

At this time, the radio started working again inexplicably.

Mike unplugged the power angrily. But the radio is still working

The countdown did not stop.

call the front desk to complain.

I didn't answer the question on the phone.

It seems that they are not on the same channel.

Mike is unbearable now. He decided to leave.

The key was swallowed when opening the door. The door handle also fell off inexplicably.

No one pays attention to him as he slaps.

In desperation, he tried to ask for help from the people in the opposite room.

The people in the opposite building seem to have really noticed him.

but his behavior is exactly the same as himself.

The puzzled Mike picked up the lamp and shone it on his face.

did not expect that the other party turned out to be himself.

is more than that.

A strange man suddenly assassinated behind him opposite.

Mike turned his head quickly.

An underestimated suspense brain-burning film: there are no ghosts, but I am so scared that I dare not breathe - DayDayNews

The same thing is happening here.After

was forced to the corner by a stranger,

found that there was nothing in front of him.

He threw a lamp downstairs, trying to attract the attention of passersby.

But the lamp disappeared in mid-air.

All this is like an illusion.

So Mike suspects that the manager drugged himself in the wine.

Then he kept reminding himself that these are hallucinations.

But what happened next. Break through Mike's psychological defense.

The television in the room suddenly started to play images of her daughter before her death.

Mike originally had a happy home. And a lovely daughter.

But the illness took her daughter's life.

Mike and his wife are also separated for this reason.

The passing of his daughter has always been a pain in Mike's heart.

Then he saw the scene of people who died here before jumping off the building.

Mike heard the cry of the child next door.

He slapped the wall like the next door for help.

But what was ushered in was a sharper cry.

almost penetrates Mike's second eardrum.

He ran to the bathroom.

saw his father who was tortured by illness.

But there is actually nothing in the bathroom.

After that, the wall began to ooze blood continuously.

Next, Mike checked the escape map of the hotel.

So he decided to climb from the window to the next door.

because, before Mike saw a mother and son living in the next door.

But when he was about to climb up,

looked forward, but found that there was no window in front of him.

Even the originally brightly lit hotel. Only 1408 windows are left.

Mike can only crawl back.

At this time he found the original escape map. There is only 1408 room left.

and the original doors and windows have become walls.

The interior of the room has also changed.

He listened to his recording.

heard a voice that he had never recorded in the recorder

Mike, who realized that something was wrong,

quickly took out his cell phone for help, but the cell phone had no signal.

Fortunately, the computer has a wireless network.

was calling for help from his ex-wife.

The fire protection system in the room was activated, and water was sprayed suddenly.

The computer is also broken.

Mike wanted to escape through the vent.

found every room I went through.

is a difficult past for me.

There is a dead body in the vent.

At this moment the body suddenly moved.

chased Mike frantically in the narrow vent.

pushed him back to 1408.

Mike wanted to take a sip of water and was shocked.

opened the refrigerator but found that the manager stood in the refrigerator taunting him.

The broken Mike yelled at the manager.

But in fact, there is just a refrigerator in front of you.

Then Mike has hallucinations again.

He saw his dead daughter.

At this time, the suspender skirt of the dead daughter came from the fax machine.

Facing the illusion of true and false.

Mike's line of defense completely collapsed.

was wiping her daughter's suspender skirt in the bathroom,

the room temperature dropped suddenly, and the room was icy and snowy.

Before long, Mike was curled up on the ground with cold.

At this time, the computer magically returned to normal.

Mike continues to call for help with his ex-wife.

But his wife said that she had called the police.

The police are now at 1408. But no one was found.

Mike was completely desperate at this time.

The wife said to rush over, and Mike is planning to tell his wife not to come.

But I never thought of myself in the computer.

is seduce his wife to come to Room 1408 to relive the old dream.

After that, the call was interrupted.

At this time the room began to tremble violently, cracking and collapsing.

Along with the downpour and strong wind.

Then a huge stream of water spouted from the painting, flooding the entire room.

Mike drowned it.

When he woke up, he was greeted. It was the car insurance advertisement.

A familiar beach. Familiar man.

Is everything an illusion after surfing and falling into the sea?

Mike fainted again.

When he woke up, his wife was with him by his side.

He told his wife that he asked her for help.

's wife said there was no such thing.

Mike apologizes frankly to his wife and hopes to repair it well.

's wife politely refused.

After that, Mike rechecked the relevant information of room 1408 on the Internet.

found that the relevant information previously found has nothing to do with room 1408.

At this time Mike was finally relieved. Everything that was terrible before was an illusion.

After that, Mike wrote his illusion into a novel.

's novel has won unanimous praise from publishers.

and his relationship with his father has been restored.

Everything is developing in a good direction.

On this day, Mike went to the post office to mail the manuscript of his new book as usual.

was surprised to find that the postman turned out to be a waiter at the Dolphin Hotel.

However, all the employees in the post office started to smash the wall frantically.

Familiar wall. Familiar floor. Familiar vents.

slowly revealed the terrifying room 1408.

It turns out that he is still here and he has never left.

Everything just now is his illusion.

Mike stared at everything in front of him with dull eyes.

An underestimated suspense brain-burning film: there are no ghosts, but I am so scared that I dare not breathe - DayDayNews

Then his daughter suddenly appeared in front of him.

Mike excitedly held his daughter in his arms.

said that she would never let her daughter leave anyway.

but the next second,The daughter died in his arms again.

turned into ash.

Mike experienced the same pain twice.

Mike hysterically vented his heart.

At this time, the countdown of the alarm clock is about to end.

Mike thought he could finally live his life like a nightmare.

and the next second. He went back to the original 1408.

The alarm clock also began to count down again.

This is the torture time and time again, which makes you better than death.

After that, Mike received a call.

said that you can spend this unforgettable hour over and over again.

or choose the express check-out system.

However the so-called check-out system.

is actually suicide.

The hanging rope for Mike in the room.

Even the cemetery is ready. Right beside her daughter.

The previous guest's choices continue to appear in the room.

The picture of Mike's death also appeared in the mirror.

Faced with strong psychological cues, Mike calmed down.

He decides to die. But not in the manner given by the room.

Mike took out his lighter with him. Light the room.

and the room die.

at Mike's funeral.

manager came to send Mike's relic.

But the wife said she didn't want it.

Back to the car. The manager turns on the tape recorder

in the weird tape recorder.

The manager actually heard Mike talking to his daughter.

turned around,

suddenly saw the unfamiliar Mike smiling at him strangely.

An underestimated suspense brain-burning film: there are no ghosts, but I am so scared that I dare not breathe - DayDayNews

This shows that what Mike sees is not necessarily all hallucinations.

and in room 1408. Amidst ruins.

Mike's soul did not want to leave for a long time.

Under the call of her daughter.

He will stay here permanently.

is hidden in 1408.

This is the first ending. It is also the version that most of us are familiar with.

The following Yuzhang presents three other endings for everyone.

(Ending 2)

Mike was rescued by firefighters and reunited with his wife.

When the couple sorted out old things, they found the tape recorder.

played a conversation between him and his daughter. The wife was shocked.

and Mike showed a weird smile.

(Ending 3)

After Mike is buried in flames. The boss of

received it by accident.

The manuscript of the new book that Mike sent to him in Mirage.

(Final 4)

After Mike found the tape recorder.

So he spread his wife.

After hearing the conversation with her daughter.

Mike chose to bear all this alone.

But the movie ends here,Regardless of the ending,

1408 looks like a haunted hotel room, but it actually symbolizes the demons of people,

Some people will escape when facing demons, and some will fight, _1sp

span But often the lonely will be defeated.

So please don't leave the people you love and love you,

With them, you will become stronger.


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