At the critical moment, another senior general was brutally "beheaded" by the US? Iran has something to say this time

The last month of 2020 seems to be very unfriendly to Iran. A week later, not only has the attack on Iran’s highest-level nuclear expert Muhsin Fahrizad still unclear, but now there is heavy news.

According to the report of the Iraqi Arabiya TV station quoted by CCTV, it is said that in the area near the border between Iraq and Syria, the high-ranking commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Muslim Shahdan, was riding in a vehicle that suddenly encountered no one on the way from Iraq to Syria. "Beheading" performed by the aircraft. Shahdan was attacked and killed along with the three guards in the car. As soon as the news of

came out, it immediately caused the shock of multinational media, and they turned their attention directly to the United States and Israel. After all, just a few days before the attack on Shahdan, the attack and victimization of Iran's highest-level nuclear expert Mohssin Fahrizad was considered to be the joint work of the United States and Israel.

In addition, there is also media analysis that the method used to attack Shahdan was the same as the method used to kill the top commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Soleimani at the beginning of the year. It was a sudden attack by a drone. On that occasion, the US military was behind the sneak attack.

However, just before the attack on Shahdan was about to further ferment, the spokesperson of the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately extinguished the flames of war that had not yet fully ignited. A few days ago, in response to the attack and death of Shahdan, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Khatibzad said that he had not received any reports on relevant content, and the news appeared to be fake news.

In addition, Khatibzad once again mentioned Fahrizad, known as the “father of Iran’s nuclear missiles,” saying that he has received strong calls from many countries to condemn the attack, but Iran I also hope that those countries that advocate human rights and neighboring countries should issue more severe condemnation.

Obviously, Iran has quickly calmed down from the attack and murder of important scientists, and has begun to show the posture of a major country in the Middle East. However, it is clear that Iran will not forget these pains.

According to news, as soon as Fahrizad was killed in the attack, the Islamic Parliament of Iran received and immediately passed a draft on the Iranian nuclear issue. According to the draft, Iran will break the restrictions of the existing Iran nuclear agreement and increase the concentration of enriched uranium to 20%. At present, due to the unauthorized withdrawal of the Iran nuclear agreement by the United States, Iran has retaliated to increase the abundance of enriched uranium to 4.5%, far exceeding the 3.67% stipulated in the Iran nuclear agreement. Although this is far from the 90% required to manufacture nuclear weapons, "breaking through restrictions" is of great significance.

However, although the parliament has passed the draft quickly, the Iranian cabinet rejected the draft on the grounds that it does not believe that the passage of the draft will lift some of the current sanctions against Iran, including the US sanctions on Iran’s financial and oil and gas sectors.

Obviously, there have been conceptual differences within Iran surrounding the Iranian nuclear issue.

In fact, although this is an excellent moment for Iran to further break through the Iranian nuclear restrictions, this is not the point that Iran needs the most attention at the moment. With Trump’s term coming to an end, the United States and Israel will likely do a series of things that threaten Iran’s security before Biden officially takes office.

especially Israel. Since the Biden administration’s hostility towards Iran is not as profound as Trump’s, it is very likely that it will return to the Iran nuclear agreement after taking office and gradually restore the relationship between the United States and Iran. However, as Israel’s biggest enemy, Iran is clearly in Israel’s interest to inflict heavy damage on Iran. Therefore, Israel is likely to use the last window of Trump’s administration to unite the US military to launch a series of adventurous attacks against Iran. And this also coincides with Trump's desire to leave Biden with a mess.

Therefore, Iran’s current focus should be on its defensive posture while seeking unanimous “compassion” from the international community. Moreover, with Iran’s character, retaliation is bound to occur, and it may even be hidden under the surface of current calm in the Middle East.