The Russian Su-24 was shot down by Turkey, and Russia’s retaliatory methods were too subtle, and it finally came back perfectly.

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Author: Yi Pin-wen team buffalo, ban unauthorized transfer

2015 In November 2009, a Russian SU24 tactical bomber was shot down by the Turkish army in the Syrian border. Turkey did not forget to show off its record after shooting down the Su-24. They claimed at the press conference that they repeatedly warned the Su-24 to be invalid before letting the F16 shoot down the opponent. The Russian Ministry of Defense emphasized that the Su-24 fighter was performing normal tasks in Syria before the attack. Two pilots were killed and the other was missing.

(A Su-24 was shot down by a Turkish fighter jet, two pilots, one dead and one missing, the incident triggered national anger in Russia)

according to readers Based on the understanding of Putin's government in Russia, how can the character of the fighting nation tolerate this kind of uselessness? Should the army be dispatched to carry out retaliatory attacks, or should Sukhoi fighters be dispatched to retaliate down the Turkish F16? But in fact, Putin's government hasn't gotten into a rage. In fact, the Russian government has only taken a limited number of military measures to counter the Turkish government, and at the same time used other methods to fight against the other side to force Turkey to submit.

SU24 fighter plane was shot down, only two months before the Russian government sent troops to Syria. This incident has made many international experts believe that Russia may expand the war. However, Russia mainly uses political and diplomatic means, supplemented by limited military strikes. Putin, a tough-looking president, handled the conflict with flexible strategic means.

Russian processing methods

After the fighter was shot down, the Russian government has repeatedly promoted its image of justice in the international arena. In addition to condemning the Turkish government, he also emphasized that he was carrying out anti-terrorism missions in the mountainous areas of Syria and did not pose a threat to Turkey. On the other hand, he clearly told the Turkish government that if this happens again, the Russian army will carry out cluster attacks and will Ground targets are destroyed. The Russian government also defined this incident as an accomplice of extremist organizations, which violated international law and will no longer tolerate similar incidents. The Russian character is to do what he said. Putin directly rejected Erdogan’s two calls at the time and set the handling of this incident to the highest priority. The Russian foreign minister was also confronting the other side. He first cancelled the plan to visit Turkey, and then had a meeting with the other side’s foreign minister and scolded the other side for 40 minutes. Domestic propaganda also encourages people not to go to Turkey, because there will be personal danger there. However, Russia has left room for it, and the connection channel has not cut off relations between the two sides. The Russian government has also begun to divorce the relationship between the Turkish government and the people, claiming that it is the high-level government that has affected the people. The last to be demolished was the Russian intelligence agency. They showed a series of evidence that the Turkish government is doing oil business with IS extremist organizations and recruiting mercenaries for them. The evidence even revealed the details of transportation vehicles and transaction amounts. This makes the Turkish government very passive in the international arena, and they are embarrassed, because trading with extremist organizations is very disgusting.

(Erdogan thought he could fight against Russia by virtue of its geographical advantage, but he lost the bet)

economic sanctions

Oil is Turkey itself is not a rich oil producing country. Russia simply sent the IS extremist organization that was doing oil resale business with Turkey to the West. On the second day after exposing the illegal oil trade, Russia sent SU34 fighter jets to directly destroy IS's oil vehicles, and hinted to Turkey: I have cut off your source of income.

Putin's economic sanctions are much tougher than Trump, who only brags. The economic sanctions in his presidential decree are large-scale. Turkey is a scenic tourist attraction. Russia directly stopped those tourism projects (a considerable number of Russians travel to Turkey, and the Turkish government’s tourism projects have been making money). foodAs far as clothing is concerned, Turkish imports are restricted. Natural gas is a necessary material for the Turks, and the Russian government directly cut him off. Companies of Turkish origin are prohibited from doing business, and even Russian domestic companies are prohibited from hiring employees of Turkish origin, and even Turkish players from football clubs have been suspended from contracts. Turkey is not a big country, and he cannot withstand such large-scale pressure. There is also a Turkish cargo ship in the Black Sea, which was also partially detained by the Russian government for financial audits.

(Tough guy Putin did what he said, he suppressed Turkey's submission through different means)


originally thought of Russian retaliation The military actions of Russia will attract people’s attention, but in fact the military actions of the Russian government are very limited. The Russian government first severed the connection between the two armies and recalled relevant personnel. Secondly, the Russian government sent the cruiser Moscow to patrol the Black Sea to show its determination. The air force continued to bomb the extremist militants hiding in the mountains because they were the killers of the pilots. In addition to the above operations, Russia has also stepped up its military deployment. The armed Black Sea Fleet flagship "Moscow" was sent to the west coast of Syria, and its long-range air defense missiles directly covered the airspace where Russian fighters performed missions. A Russian landing ship passed through the Turkish strait to the Mediterranean Sea, showing its muscles to the Turkish government. All Russian bombers were escorted by fighter jets, and the pilots brought AK74s for self-defense. A base has also been opened in Syria, and a special force of about 1,000 people has been set up to look at the Turkish border.

In the face of such wild Russian-style methods, the Turkish government is a bit tricky. At first, he had a tough attitude and wanted to tear his face with Putin. Later, when his words were inconsistent, he began to call on both sides to exercise restraint. The attitude of the Turkish government gradually softened in the later period, and it was not until 2016 that Erdogan took the initiative to apologize and the relationship between the two sides returned to normal.

(A glorious-class cruiser Moscow was sent to the front line, and his long-range air defense system covered the mission airspace of Russian fighter planes, and incidentally gave the Turkish government some military beatings)

(Putin provided coup information to the Turkish government in 2016. Erdogan was forced to publicly apologize to the tycoon Russia personally because of the situation and owe favor. The relationship between the two countries gradually eased. Putin in China is estimated to be very disdainful of the president of the small country in front of him)

Putin’s brilliance

After the fighter was shot down, Russia was shocked, and most people were in high spirits and demanded a declaration of war. . But Putin is very wise. The Istanbul Strait locks the access of the Black Sea Fleet. There is no need to tear his old face. He has to deal with the fact that the Syrian war is not free. But a proper knock on Turkey works well, remind the other party: whose fist is bigger? The excuse that the plane was shot down and sending more troops to the front is also a god-given opportunity, otherwise Western countries will accuse the Russian army of suspicion of invasion. The black box after the fighter jet was not analyzed by Russia alone, but by invited experts from various countries to analyze it together to stabilize its image of justice. The most wonderful thing is the veteran KGB's trick to dismantle Taiwan: the exposure of the collusion with the IS extremist organization made the Turkish government not people inside and outside. As a result, even Western countries have criticized Turkey one after another, and expressed a clear relationship. In terms of economic sanctions, Putin has also spotted the key: Russian tourists can bring 4 billion U.S. dollars in revenue to Turkey's annual tourism industry, and half of the natural gas depends on Russian imports. Therefore, Erdogan had to be soft. In 2016, Putin took the initiative to provide Erdogan with information on the domestic coup in Turkey. With all these moves, Turkey can only step down the stairs, take the initiative to apologize and reach a loose temporary alliance with Russia. Reference material "Russian Crisis Management and Control" have any comments, please leave a message below to discuss!