Everyone has a heroic dream in their childhood. Under the influence of martial arts action movies. I dream of mastering a unique skill one day. First read this book "A Brigade of the 74th Group Army".

Authors: Wang Zhengkai, Lin Xiaojun, Liu Hongjie

Everyone has a heroic dream in childhood

Under the influence of martial arts action movies

I dream that one day I can master unique skills

I cheat all the way, and I am powerful in all directions

But reality tells us

Only by being down-to-earth can everything go smoothly

Only by working steadily can you harvest growth

New comrades who have just joined the company

Looking at the medals, medals and trophies in the honor room

are you also looking forward to the day when you become the king of soldiers?

Don't worry, let's go step by step

First, finish reading this "Newbie's Tips" specially prepared by a brigade of the 74th Group Army

Take the first step steadily, and you will definitely be able to see

newcomers practice martial arts in the future, and start ~

Tip 1: Teaching The gun ceremony strengthens faith

Taking over the steel gun at the gun ceremony

At this moment

The mission and glory of the military are added

Strengthen the body and protect the body, and the faith is rock

Tip 2: Visit and learn to educate loyal souls

Organize a visit

Patriotism education The base

learns the spirit of the ancestors and absorbs the strength of endeavor

guides the new comrades

to practice hard in killing the enemy and defend the motherland to the death

Tip 3: tug-of-war competition promotes unity

organizes a tug-of-war competition between new veterans

in the contest

to inspire new comrades Team consciousness and collective sense of honor

Tip 4: Consolidate feelings at the symposium

Recruit talent display and veteran experience exchange at the symposium

Bring the company veterans and recruits closer together

Enhance mutual affection and eliminate the sense of strangeness


learn How do you feel after finishing this set of "Martial Arts Secrets"


Although I cannot help you reach the top of the martial arts world

, I believe that through hard training in the future

you will be able to usher in a great improvement in quality and great growth

Youth is brilliant due to tempering

Life is sublimated due to struggle

On the way to becoming a qualified warrior There are more "levels" on the road

to pass

come on! New comrades!

Editor in charge: Zhou Junyi

Editors on duty: Chen Changshuai, Lai Taiwei