On September 6, 1965, the Indian army launched an undeclared war and brazenly launched a surprise attack on Lahore, Pakistan's second largest city. In the early morning of September 17, in accordance with Chairman Mao's instructions, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued

On September 6, 1965, the Indian army launched an undeclared war and launched a surprise attack on Pakistan's second largest city, Lahore.

Although the Pakistani army put up a desperate resistance, due to the huge disparity in strength, it gradually became exhausted.

If the Indian army attacks Lahore, then the next step will be directly at Pakistan’s capital Islamabad, and Pakistan will face the danger of national subjugation.

Picture 1

html In the early morning of September 17, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a domineering note to the Indian Embassy in China according to Chairman Mao’s instructions: requiring the Indian army to dismantle all illegal intrusion fortifications on the border within 72 hours, otherwise the consequences will be borne at your own risk!

On the same day, the Chinese People's Liberation Army border defense troops were divided into three groups and pointed at the Sino-Indian border.

Picture 2

So why did India fight against Pakistan this time?

Why did Chairman Mao instruct the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to issue such a strongly worded diplomatic note to India and at the same time send troops to the Sino-Indian border? What is the final result of


Today let us review this period of history that became the prelude to the great friendship between China and Pakistan.

Old "shit stirrer"

India has been just a geographical term since ancient times. Before the 6th century BC, on this land, the local indigenous people sang and established 16 ancient dynasties.

But starting from the 6th century BC, Persians , Macedonians , Arabs , and Turks took turns taking over the Indian subcontinent . During the

period, the indigenous Indians only established two local dynasties, namely Peacock and Gupta.

Picture 3

Therefore, modern India’s “fragmented” social structure and its “mysterious confidence” in independence have deep-rooted historical reasons.

In 1600, the British established the India Company and began to get involved in India. After being exploited for 157 years, the decadent Mughal Empire made its final struggle, but suffered a disastrous defeat under the British "dimensionality reduction strike".

Subsequently, Britain gradually turned the entire Indian subcontinent into its own colonies.

Picture 4

After World War II, Britain's national power was greatly damaged and it was really no longer capable of ruling India. In addition, "Mahatma" Gandhi had been leading the local indigenous people to fight for independence, so the British gave a favor and allowed The local people can establish their own country.

However, the UK, as a long-standing "shit stirrer" in the international community, will not just walk away.

The British approach has always been to dig holes everywhere and then use the various conflicts created to maximize its own interests.

This set, the British played it very well in old Europe.

Until now, the UK is still fanning the flames in the international community, fearing that the world will not be in chaos.

In 1947, the United Kingdom formulated the "Mountbatten Plan", which divided British India into two countries, India with Hinduism as the main belief and Pakistan with Muslim as the main belief, based on religious belief.

Picture 5

In the past, believers of different religions lived together in a mixed state. After the two countries were founded, believers carried out large-scale migration in order to belong to their own countries, and the Indian subcontinent was in chaos.

During this period, large-scale violent conflicts and ethnic cleansing incidents between Hindus and Muslims, who were already at odds, occurred one after another. The seeds of hatred between the two countries were sown.

What is even more detestable is that in the strategically important border between India and Pakistan, the Kashmir region , the British did not follow the "Mountbatten Plan", but let the Kashmir state make its own decisions.

Picture 6

Among the entire population of Kashmir, Muslims account for as high as 77%, so they must go to Pakistan. However, a very small proportion of Hindus wanted to go to India. Until the establishment of India and Pakistan, the ownership of Kashmir was not resolved.

In this regard, the United Kingdom has laid an "almost unsolvable landmine" for India-Pakistan relations.

India's "Ambition"

After independence, although India did not have the "fate of imperialism", it unusually suffered from the "disease of imperialism".

The "pathogen" of this "disease" came from India's first Prime Minister Nehru.

Picture 7

This person has always had the "ambition" of a "Greater Indian Federation".

In his conception, the "federation" includes the entire South Asia, Central Asia including Pakistan, and even East Asia including our country.

He believes that countries in these regions are generally "weak" and therefore should be "under the protection" of the "Celestial Empire" India!

In Nehru's expansion plan, Kashmir is in a key position. If you occupy this place, you can conquer Pakistan and Afghanistan to the west, and you can invade my country and Central Asia to the north. Therefore, from the beginning of the founding of India, Nehru listed Kashmir as the first place to conquer.

Picture 8

The Kashmir region overlooks Pakistan and is only one step away from the capital Islamabad . If it is occupied by India, the "Sword of Damocles" will always hang over Pakistan's head.

The "destiny" imposed by the "shit stirrup" Britain has made India and Pakistan engage in a life-and-death struggle for the Kashmir region from beginning to end.

In August 1947, as soon as the Mountbatten Plan was promulgated, 200,000 Muslims were murdered by Hindus in the Jammu region, located in the hinterland of Kashmir. After hearing the news, a large number of angry Pakistani civilian armed fighters rushed to Jammu and Jammu to support the Muslims and occupied many important places.

Picture 9

The Hindu Maharaja of Kashmir (similar to an indigenous chief) was horrified and immediately asked for help from India. If India really "wanted to sleep", he would "send a pillow".

As a result, India sent troops and defeated the local Pakistani civilian armed forces, and they retreated steadily.

After the heavy snow closed the mountains, in March 1948, the 40,000 Indian army equipped with tanks continued to attack. The Pakistani civilian armed forces with only light weapons were unable to resist it. By early April, India's leading troops were only 50 kilometers away from the Pakistani border.

At this time, Pakistan had to send 50,000 troops into Kashmir to engage in a head-on confrontation with the Indian army. The first India-Pakistan war broke out.

Picture 10

The two sides fought in darkness, the sky was dark and the earth was dark. The sound of cannons rumbled on the Kashmir Plateau, flesh and blood and stumps were flying everywhere, and the sky and the earth were the same color as blood.

Soldiers of different faiths have entered a state of fanaticism, venting their hatred and anger, and ultimately turning the battlefield into a bloody "meat grinder".

In early 1949, the two sides ceased war under the mediation of the United Nations. India occupies 3/5 of Kashmir and has a population of approximately 4 million. Pakistan occupies 2/5 of the territory and has a population of about 1 million. Kashmir was thus divided into "Indian-controlled areas" and "Pakistani-controlled areas".

The overall result is that India took a big advantage and Pakistan was filled with anger.

After the war, Pakistan began to intensify its efforts and recharge its batteries.

Picture 11

On the Indian side, Nehru, who had "successfully" taken the first step out of the "Greater Indian Federation", was full of confidence and began to set his sights on the next incredible goal.

Starting in 1951, the Indian army took advantage of our country's fierce fighting in Korea to continuously cross the illegal "Mark Mahon Line", continuously encroach on our territory, and establish a large number of invasion strongholds.

However, the older generation of leaders with Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou as the core considered the overall situation and did not care too much about India. They even evacuated the border troops 20 kilometers back from the actual control areas of both sides to avoid direct conflict with the Indian army. conflict.

Picture 12

Nehru was ignorant and regarded our country's tolerance as cowardice. Regardless of our country's repeated persuasion, he pushed even further and instigated the Indian army to intensify its occupation of our territory.

In the early 1960s, our country was in the midst of a three-year natural disaster. Moreover, both the Soviet Union and the United States were eyeing our country, and the situation was extremely severe. 90% of our country's main troops are deployed on the Sino-Soviet border and in the southeast.

Nehru believes that my country is unable to confront it on the Sino-Indian border, and India only needs to turn its invasion and occupation of our territory into a fait accompli.

Picture 13

However, he made a wrong calculation. He forgot that he was facing the two hegemons, the United States and the Soviet Union, who were both afraid of him, the grandmaster-level strategic master "Chairman Mao", and Chairman Mao's elite who specialized in conquering the world. , the pinnacle of light infantry , the People's Liberation Army of China.

On October 20, 1962, the border defense forces of our People's Liberation Army launched a full-scale counterattack against the Indian invading forces.

At the beginning of the war, the Indian army collapsed across the board, and the main task of our army changed from annihilating the enemy to capturing prisoners all over the mountains and fields.

The commander of the elite 7th Brigade of the Indian Army was captured, and the commander of the 62nd Brigade was killed. Nehru's close confidant in charge of frontline command, Commander Kaur of the 4th Army, could only escape in an ox cart.

Figure 14

This battle lasted only one month. The invading Indian army was completely wiped out 3 brigades, basically annihilated 3 brigades, severely damaged 3 brigades, killed 5,000 people, and captured 4,000 people.

Our army’s evaluation of the Indian army is that it is “not as good as the third-rate troops of the Kuomintang.” Many of the Indian troops have a history of hundreds of years, and all the "elite troops" who participated in World War II were wiped out.

Since then, the powerful Chinese People's Liberation Army has become an eternal nightmare in the heart of the Indian army.

Picture 15

Nehru, who was "mysteriously confident", died of illness in 1964 amidst domestic criticism after he learned the truth that "it is easy to shake a mountain, but it is difficult to shake the People's Liberation Army". But the "ghost" of the "Greater Indian Federation" is still wandering in India.

China's Two "Can'ts"

Pakistan suffered a loss in the first India-Pakistan war, so it learned from the experience and actively sought foreign aid. In 1954, it joined the " Southeast Asia Treaty Organization " led by the United States and Britain. In 1955, it joined the "Baghdad Treaty Organization " of the Organization of Muslim Countries.

At the same time, Pakistan and my country have also strengthened exchanges.

In May 1965, the former prime minister of Kashmir and the imam of Islam Abdullah was arrested by the Indian army. This instantly ignited the anger of Muslims in the Indian-controlled areas and led to large-scale demonstrations. In August, the demonstration turned into an armed uprising.

Picture 16

The Indian army took this as an excuse to send troops to suppress, killing and wounding more than 5,000 Muslims who participated in the uprising. At the same time, after gathering six divisions of troops at the ceasefire line in Kashmir, they launched an attack on the Pakistan-controlled area. The second India-Pakistan war broke out.

Faced with a powerful enemy, Pakistan would not sit still and launch a joint land and air counterattack codenamed "Grand Slam".

The two sides fought from the early morning of September 1st to the morning of September 5th. Relying on the careful planning and preparation before the war, the Pakistani army defeated the Indian army and seized more than 500 square kilometers of land in the Indian-controlled area, making great gains. Total victory.

However, before Pakistan had time to celebrate, the Indian army launched an undeclared war in the early morning of September 6. With a strong force of 3 infantry divisions and a tank brigade, crossed the India-Pakistan border and went straight to the barrier east of Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. The city Lahore successfully opened up the second battlefield.

Figure 17

Pakistan was obviously unprepared for the large-scale invasion of the Indian army and was caught off guard. Faced with India's superior military strength, Pakistan urgently requested help from its allies.

Since the early 1960s, Pakistan has adopted a relatively friendly attitude towards our country, which is contrary to the intentions of the United States and Britain. Therefore, the United Kingdom refused to provide assistance on the grounds that the cooperation treaty did not include targeting Commonwealth countries. The United States also refused to provide assistance on the grounds that the cooperation treaty only targeted " socialist countries ".

Muslim countries that are also allies, Iran , Turkey and Indonesia , are very weak on their own, let alone provide much assistance to Pakistan.

When traditional foreign aid was hopeless, Pakistan made a request for assistance from our country.

html In early September, my country published a number of articles in the People's Daily , clearly stating its support for the people of Pakistan and Kashmir in resisting India's armed provocation.

Picture 18

html On September 6th and 7th, my country issued solemn statements and notified the Indian Ambassador to China: India is warned that it must bear all the consequences of invading Pakistan and Chinese territory.At the same time, our country meaningfully pointed out that our country expresses serious concern about India's expansionist behavior and will strengthen border security forces.

Vice Chairman Liu Shaoqi, Premier Zhou, Vice Premier Chen Yi also expressed their support for Pakistan's stance against India on many occasions.

my country’s set of combined punches has greatly improved Pakistan’s isolated status in the world. Pakistani officials and people were extremely moved. Nearly 2,000 Pakistani people, teachers, students and people from all walks of life came to the Chinese Embassy in Pakistan to express their gratitude.

Picture 19

html On September 8, the United States announced that it would freeze arms assistance to India and Pakistan at the same time.

But in fact, India relied on the Soviet Union, and the aid weapons provided by the Soviet Union continued to arrive in India. However, Pakistan's main battle equipment is almost all American. The United States has cut off the firepower, leaving Pakistan with one less aircraft and tank, and there is no way to replenish it.

As the casualties of soldiers and the losses of weapons and equipment continued to increase, by September 11, Pakistani Prime Minister Bhutto had pessimistically believed that defeat was only a matter of time.

Picture 20

At the critical moment, my country took action.

html On September 17, in accordance with Chairman Mao’s instructions, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of my country submitted an extremely strongly worded note to the Indian Ambassador to China, requiring the Indian army to dismantle all intrusion fortifications in the Sino-Sikkim border area within 72 hours and immediately stop all activities. Intrusion activities and promise not to harass again!

At that time, Sikkim was a puppet of India, so the Indian army also made constant small moves on the Sino-Sikkim border.

On the same day, the "People's Daily" published the full text of this note, and at the end of the article, according to Premier Zhou's instructions, specially added two "no" : As long as India continues to oppress the Kashmiri people, China will not stop its oppression of Kashmiris. The support of the people; as long as India continues to invade Pakistan, China will not stop supporting the Pakistani people!

Picture 21

On the same day, the border defense troops of the Chinese People's Liberation Army began to rapidly assemble in three groups in the border areas of China-Sikkim and China-India western sections.

The Indian army still has fresh memories of the disastrous defeat three years ago. Therefore, without waiting for the exchange of fire, it successively destroyed or withdrew from all 56 fortifications that invaded our border. By the 21st, these invasion fortifications had all been controlled by our army.

At the same time, our country has provided Pakistan with a large amount of weapons and ammunition, and even allocated part of the "J-6" fighter jets and "Type 59" tanks currently equipped by the army to directly provide them to the Pakistani army for emergency response.

With the strong support of our country, the Pakistani army on the front line finally repelled the Indian army's offensive with inferior strength.

Picture 22

China's attitude of absolute support for Pakistan and its military actions have made India feel like a thorn in its back. India understands that the Pakistani army, especially the armored and air force, is inherently brave, and my country's support will make the Pakistani army even more powerful and free from worries.

At the same time, on my country's border, India has been in a passive situation of "two fronts fighting". If our army makes another surprise attack like it did in 1962, India may become a geographical term again.

The United States and the Soviet Union were also shocked by our country's resolute actions. In the early morning of September 20, the United Nations passed a resolution calling for a ceasefire between India and Pakistan.

Picture 23

html On September 23, the second India-Pakistan War ended. Pakistan no longer has the fear of national subjugation.

True Friends

Since the second India-Pakistan War, the Pakistani government and people have realized that only our country will support them out of desperation in times of crisis without hesitation.

Therefore, no matter how the international situation changes in the future or how the domestic political situation fluctuates, the top leaders of the Pakistani government will unswervingly implement the basic national policy of good neighborliness and friendship with our country without hesitation or betrayal.

Therefore, our government and people also affectionately call Pakistan " Pakistan Railway ".

Picture 24

Today, the main equipment of Pakistan’s three armed forces has basically achieved “Sinicization”.

In the sky is the "Wall of Eagles" made of "J-10" fighter jets, on land is the "Wall of Sighs" made of "MBT2000" main battle tanks, and on the ocean is the "Wall of Sighs" made of "054AP" warships wall". The modern copper and iron walls of the Pakistani army have made India no longer dare to act rashly.

In various other fields, China and Pakistan have also carried out extensive and in-depth cooperation, which all reflect the high degree of mutual trust between the two countries.

The friendship between China and Pakistan will remain as solid as a rock and unbreakable in the new era!