This has made many foreign media very worried, because they believe that China wants to start a new round of space competition, which will make the entire world situation more turbulent.

In recent years, our country's space technology has advanced by leaps and bounds, and it has continuously launched satellites and rockets into space. In the next few years, our country will have the world's only space station ; this has made many foreign media feel very worried, because they It is believed that China wants to start a new round of space competition, which will make the entire world situation more turbulent. Recently, an Indian media called "Eurasia Times" said that my country wants to start Star Wars, and the reason for saying this is due to two plans in our country.

One of the plans was proposed by the my country National Space Administration. In this plan, our country will build an asteroid monitoring and defense system to track and attack those asteroids and change their orbits; the content of the entire plan is to launch into space A spacecraft then observes and attacks a specific asteroid. This plan was proposed in the first half of the year, and now, our country has further proposed the details of this plan; this project has two parts, one is an impactor used to attack planets, and the other is used to observe the process orbiter. The impacting asteroid is a near-Earth object called 2020 PN1. As an Earth co-orbital satellite, its orbit intersects with the Earth orbit . However, although its orbit is very similar to the Earth, NASA simulated it through a calculator. It was found that it will not collide with the earth in the future, so it is not threatening.

For such a non-threatening asteroid, China has destroyed it with such great fanfare. This seems to have ulterior motives in the eyes of many foreign media. Perhaps China is testing its space strike capabilities. If this plan successfully destroys an asteroid, it means that China already has actual combat capabilities in space. It can carry out devastating attacks on those space satellites during wartime, allowing almost all modern satellite navigation and The guidance system was destroyed.

Another plan is to build a space orbiting aircraft carrier. This aircraft carrier is driven by artificial intelligence . Through a large orbital platform composed of hundreds of cube satellites, this orbiting aircraft carrier can effectively protect China in space. assets, especially when faced with enemy satellite threats, the artificial intelligence on the aircraft carrier can accurately calculate the time, thereby launching the cube satellites above to intercept and destroy the enemy. This technology is very necessary for China, because in the modern large-scale and complex space station environment, it is difficult for the human brain to calculate the correct results in a short time, like the two previous SpaceX Starlink satellites We are close to Chinese space station , but the Chinese space station has no defense capabilities and can only watch people coming.

It will be different when there is this kind of artificial intelligence-controlled orbital aircraft carrier. It can calculate the best action distance and plan in a very short time. Since moving in space is not as simple as on Earth, reaching a destination requires a lot of calculations; previously, it would take more than 900 minutes to calculate the time it would take to reach a satellite or the desired location. , calculated through artificial intelligence algorithms, it only takes 4 minutes.

In addition to calculating the best course of action in the shortest time, it can also perform on-orbit refueling and maintenance functions. For maintenance, those satellites can be maintained directly in space; as for this on-orbit refueling, It’s interesting. It may be for future aerospace fighters, so that these aerospace fighters can be refueled in space. In this case, China will really have a aerospace carrier just like in science fiction movies.

This kind of orbital aircraft carrier composed of artificial intelligence does more than that. It can also use the advanced algorithm functions of artificial intelligence to hunt satellites using deception and other methods. In the next few years, China plans to put 138 satellites into orbit. These satellites will have the ability to permanently monitor the earth, and with the support of artificial intelligence, their imaging capabilities will be even more powerful.In other words, in the future, China will form a satellite network all over the world. These satellite networks will monitor the situation on the earth around the clock and, more importantly, can also attack the satellites of other countries.

This is unacceptable to these countries, because their space technology is still in its infancy, and launching satellites into space is already a very reluctant thing; and if you want to carry out strikes in space, these The country's current technology simply cannot do it, but China has such means, which poses a great threat to them; after all, they do not want anyone to be able to launch a strike above their heads at any time, and also destroy their own satellite communications at any time. But whether our country is starting Star Wars is a matter of opinion. In the eyes of some countries, no matter what you do, they think it has ulterior motives. All our country can do is take care of itself and step up development of the country. Strength shuts them up.