July 12 this year is the 6th anniversary of the so-called "South China Sea Arbitration Case" award. The US government, which has always been keen on fanning the flames, issued a statement on that day, once again touting the "significant significance" of the award and attacking Ch

July 12 this year is the 6th anniversary of the so-called "South China Sea Arbitration Case" award. The US government, which has always been keen on fanning the flames, specifically issued a statement on that day, once again touting the "significant significance" of the award and attacking China claims sovereignty over the South China Sea . As another important participant in the incident, the Philippine authorities also issued a statement, but in order to avoid irritating the Beijing authorities, they did not mention "China".

In fact, the South China Sea arbitration case itself was an international farce staged by the Philippine government at the time and under the instruction of the White House . The so-called "award" was nothing more than a piece of waste paper. Even the former President of the Philippines, Duterte, publicly claimed that the award of the "South China Sea Arbitration Case" should be thrown into the wastebasket.

In addition to its diplomatic offensive, the United States' military operations in the South China Sea have not stopped for a moment. While posing a major threat to my country's national defense security, it also adds instability to countries surrounding the South China Sea. Many people have noticed that on July 13, the USS Benford, a guided missile destroyer belonging to the US Seventh Fleet, trespassed into my country's Xisha territorial waters under the guise of "freedom of navigation" and made a lot of hype. Waving flags and cheering for oneself, as if intruding into other countries’ territorial waters is something worth showing off.

In order to pretend that it "treats everyone equally," a spokesman for the US Navy's Seventh Fleet said that the "Benford" not only "challenged" mainland China's maritime claims, but also challenged other countries including Vietnam .

However, the Chinese navy will obviously not turn a blind eye to the naked provocation of the US military and wait for death. Immediately, the People's Liberation Army immediately organized naval and air forces to track and monitor the US ships and warn them to drive away. At the same time, the southern theater went uncharacteristically and broke the "Benford" into the territorial waters of the Xisha Islands. The photos of the Xianning ship tracking and monitoring were released to the public. Show the evil deeds of the US military.

It should be pointed out that the reason why the "Benford" dared to invade our Xisha territorial waters with great fanfare and no one else was not only due to the usual arrogance of the US Navy, but also closely related to the "backing" behind the aircraft carrier battle group.

html On July 13, the U.S. Navy issued a press release, revealing that the "Reagan" aircraft carrier strike group has entered the South China Sea. In addition to the aircraft carrier, the formation also includes the "Higgins" guided missile destroyer, the "Antietam" guided missile cruiser and Task Force 70 and other forces. During this operation, the "Reagan" aircraft carrier strike group will conduct various practical military training subjects to implement the so-called "free and open Indo-Pacific" commitment of the United States.

Just before leaving for the South China Sea, the "Reagan" aircraft carrier strike group, the "Lincoln" aircraft carrier, and the "Tripoli" amphibious assault ship held a large-scale "Valiant Shield-2022" military exercise in the waters of the Western Pacific. play. This military exercise, which only the US military participated in, regarded the People's Liberation Army as an imaginary enemy at every turn. Not only did the navy, air force, army, Marine Corps , Space Force and other services participate in the entire process, there was even a Rocket Force "Dongfeng" in the exercise area. Full-scale tactical model of the family's missiles.

As we all know, once the conflict between China and the United States escalates to the point of using the Rocket Force, it will definitely exceed the scope of general military confrontation. The Pentagon is trying every possible means to rehearse the "final battle" between China and the United States. I am afraid it is not just "just in case", but it has never really wanted to seek peaceful coexistence with China.

From flinging chaff jamming when faced with high-altitude reconnaissance by the Australian P-8A patrol aircraft, to publishing photos of US warships intruding into the territorial waters of the Xisha Islands, China has become increasingly tough in countering foreign military provocations. Only in this way can it better shoulder the responsibility of protecting the country. The important historical task of defending the country. Of course, in the face of ungrateful threats from the United States and the West, the People's Liberation Army will not only passively face the enemy, but will also waste no time in showing off its sword to show the majesty of the Chinese military in the new era.

According to the navigation warning information issued by Hainan Maritime Safety Administration , from 0:00 on July 17 to 24:00 on July 20, live-fire military training missions will be carried out in some waters of the South China Sea, and no ships are allowed to enter. A military operation that is close to actual combat is about to begin with thunderous momentum.

With the support of technical equipment, the strength of the Chinese navy and air force, which was originally regarded as a "short board", has rapidly increased, and the People's Liberation Army's control over surrounding sea areas is no longer as strong as it once was. Any provocation by U.S. warships and aircraft provides our military with an opportunity to train, become familiar with and master the U.S. military’s combat routines, and launch a fatal blow to the enemy in wartime.

Not long ago, the domestic " super aircraft carrier " equipped with electromagnetic catapult - Fujian ship was launched. In the future, with the launch of nuclear-powered and electromagnetic catapult aircraft carriers, the Chinese navy will also be able to conduct "free navigation" in Guam, Alaska and Hawaii, allowing the US military to experience the feeling of being blocked at home.