But in some cases, soldiers who dare to "disobey" orders and act according to their own judgment actually need more courage and wisdom. In 1968, something like this happened: 4 "American fighter planes" flew towards our missile battalion, but the battalion commander disobeyed ord

Unusual morning

As a soldier, obeying orders is naturally an unquestionable duty. In the face of various unpredictable situations on the battlefield, qualified soldiers are those who have the confidence to execute orders.

But in some cases, soldiers who dare to "disobey" orders and act according to their own judgment actually need more courage and wisdom.

"When generals are out there, you will not accept your orders." Combatants on the front line often get information that commanders in the rear do not understand. When orders from superiors are contrary to the information they have obtained, soldiers who dare to make rational judgments Very valuable.

In 1968, something like this happened: 4 "American fighter planes" flew toward our missile battalion, but the battalion commander disobeyed orders and refused to fire missiles seven times in a row. what on earth is it?

The story begins in the early morning of January 23, 1968. At that time, Chen Huiting, who served as the commander of the second air defense battalion of Ningming Airport in Guangxi, conducted inspections of various areas of the airport as usual.

After the inspection, Chen Huiting and his comrades came to the lounge next to the airport runway to discuss the arrangements for the army's affairs.

Suddenly, the roar of aircraft engines came from the runway outside. Everyone turned their heads and saw four J-6s rising up in response and disappearing into the clouds.

Chen Huiting felt something unusual. As the head of the airport's air defense battalion, any aircraft at this airport will submit a notification to him before taking off to prevent an "own incident" in which he is mistakenly believed to have been shot down by an enemy plane.

But this time, he did not even know about the flight of four J-6s. It can be seen that the mobilization of these fighters was extremely urgent and there was no time to notify him. Could it be that

is and ? Chen Huiting secretly guessed. Considering possible unexpected situations, he planned to go directly to the combat command room to deal with emergencies.

A difficult choice

What surprised Chen Huiting was that as soon as he walked into the command room, the attendant reported to him a piece of news that alerted him instantly: in the southeast, there were 4 unknown targets approaching Ningming Airport rapidly. Superiors have asked the Second Air Defense Battalion to enter a state of first-level combat readiness.

After receiving the order, Chen Huiting immediately went straight to the command podium to study the uninvited guest of unknown origin.

It was during the Vietnam War , and Guangxi was very close to Vietnam . In many cases, US military aircraft would stray into Chinese airspace due to disorientation, so the unknown target from the south was probably a US military aircraft carrying ammunition. .

Thinking of this, Chen Huiting was very nervous. On the one hand, he sounded the air defense alarm, and on the other hand, he asked the Second Air Defense Battalion to open all missile launchers and be ready to launch at any time.

At this time, the launch order from superiors has also been issued. As long as the enemy aircraft enters the range of fire, it will be shot down immediately. However, while Chen Huiting was methodically adjusting the parameters before launching the missile, the four J-6s that took off in the early morning came back in his mind.

In order to prevent accidental damage to friendly forces, Chen Huiting asked his superiors for instructions: Please notify the four J-6s of our army that took off from Ningming Airport in the morning to leave the Second Battalion air defense airspace, to avoid accidental damage to .

However, the reply from his superiors surprised him: there was no record of the transfer of 4 J-6s! Chen Huiting's mind was in confusion at this time: This is absolutely impossible! I clearly saw four J-6s taking off at the airport, and it was definitely not an illusion.

In other words, the superiors did not know that our military's four J-6s were still performing missions in the nearby airspace. If the "enemy aircraft" displayed on the radar this time is the J-6 we saw, then our army will inevitably cause heavy losses after launching the missile.

finally chose

. But at this time, the radar showed that the four unknown targets were getting closer and closer to the second battalion. If Chen Huiting makes a mistake in judgment and causes serious consequences of the US aircraft invasion, then he himself will bear all the responsibilities.Is

emitting or not emitting? Chen Huiting, who was usually calm and composed, had beads of sweat on his forehead. Perhaps launching is the choice of that has the least impact on individuals. After all, I only carried out the orders of my superiors, and the responsibility for misjudgment will not fall on me.

Just when Chen Huiting was in confusion, his superiors had issued launch orders seven times in succession, but his fingers were still hesitant in front of the button to issue the order.

In the end, Chen Huiting chose to believe in his own judgment: since his superiors did not know the situation of four J-6s taking off, the probability of their superiors misjudging was far greater than his own.

Of course, if the final result proves that Chen Huiting's analysis was wrong, then his behavior of violating the html command 47 times will definitely be severely punished.

After a period of silence, the superiors seemed to have given up on the idea of ​​letting the Second Battalion execute the order.

Chen Huiting tensed his nerves, waiting for his fate to be judged. In the end, he was relieved by the latest order from his superiors: all ground air defense forces were stopped and removed from combat readiness and were not allowed to fire on air targets.

At the same time, the four "enemy planes" also turned and flew in the direction of Nanning. Chen Huiting knew that his analysis was correct.

The facts are just as Chen Huiting thought. It turned out that the four J-6s that took off in the morning also encountered an own incident. Due to a radar failure, a J-6 that had just been repaired was mistaken for an enemy aircraft in flight. Therefore, the four J-6s scrambled into the air to meet the enemy. enemy.

As a result, the maintenance J-6 landed at this time, and the four enemy J-6s left the radar area of ​​our army due to searching the airspace. When they returned to our airspace again, because the higher headquarters did not have a takeoff report of the four aircraft, they mistook them for enemy aircraft and ordered the Second Air Defense Battalion to shoot them down.

Fortunately, Chen Huiting's rational analysis prevented the army from an own incident of "beating friendly forces", and his ability to dare to rely on his own information to make judgments was also appreciated by the leadership.

Liu Yudi, commander of the Seventh Air Force Army, personally came to the Second Air Defense Battalion and commended Chen Huiting. In the face of huge pressure to disobey, he can still stick to his own judgment. This is the quality of an outstanding soldier.