The war between Russia and Ukraine continues to this day, with fierce fighting lasting more than 4 months. It has to be said that the United States and the West have made indispensable contributions to the development of this war of attrition to this day. It is the continuous arm

The war between Russia and Ukraine continues to this day, with fierce fighting lasting more than 4 months. It has to be said that the United States and the West have made indispensable contributions to the development of this war of attrition to this day. It is the continuous arms assistance from the United States and the West that has enabled the Ukrainian army to continue to resist until now. Of course, the purpose of the West is self-evident, and it is to consume Russia's strength to consolidate its hegemony and achieve the goal of NATO continuing to expand eastward.

Despite the blessing of advanced weapons from the United States and the West, the strength of the Ukrainian army has always been at a disadvantage. Currently, Luhansk has been completely controlled by the Russian army. Russia has achieved victory in the battle of Donbass, and completely occupying the region is no longer a problem. Since the second phase of the mission, the Ukrainian army has performed very poorly. It has been chased by the Russian army, retreating steadily, and constantly losing territory. Zelensky expressed dissatisfaction with this.

Recently, Zelensky announced a new round of combat plans, shouting the banner of counterattack, using missiles, rocket launchers, drones, etc. to attack civilian facilities in Russia. According to news released by Russian media, Uzbek Defense Secretary Danilov publicly stated that the Uzbek army will use long-range attack weapons to attack targets in Russia. This time, drones, various missiles, rocket launcher systems, etc. will be used to carry out the attack, and the target will be important civilian facilities in Russia.

This wave of attacks is in response to the large-scale attacks carried out by the Russian army in Ukraine some time ago. Not long ago, when the Russian army captured Beidun, it used strategic aerial bombing of many places in Ukraine, and launched more than 70 pieces. These cruise missiles fell from the sky, bursting into flames and exploding continuously, destroying strategic points, ammunition depots, command posts and other military facilities in many places of the Ukrainian army, causing great losses to the Ukrainian side. Several brigades were directly destroyed. Some of them are still brigades of new recruits undergoing training.

The sudden attack by the Russian army severely damaged the morale of the Ukrainian side. Moreover, the Russian army is currently launching the third phase of its mission, and many places are being besieged by the Russian army. Zelensky naturally couldn’t sit still. The main purpose of this call is to obtain more high-end weapons from the West, especially air defense system , long-range attack weapons such as rocket launchers. After all, the Russian army has control of the air over Ukraine. If there are no long-range attack weapons to suppress the opponent, Ukraine will have no advantage no matter how the battle is fought.

Now that the Donbass region has failed, Kiev is facing serious challenges. At this time, it is either necessary to negotiate for peace and "cut off territory for peace", or to continue to resist to the end, requesting Western support for more advanced equipment, and continue to delay the war, but the consequences are probably beyond the reach of Zelensky. If the fight continues, it is possible that Kiev will be bulldozed. The outcome of this conflict, and whether Ukraine will still exist in the future, is unknown.